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Hi everyone,
First a little backstory on this problem I'm encoutering. I have a Altera DE2 board on wich I want to implement my current project. In this project I need to transfer multiple 64 bit values (doubles) from the nios to the FPGA wich runs VHDL. I have read the documentation on how to create a avalon component and succeeded (I guess) in creating/implementing one. Now I want to transfer two 64 bit values to this component, do some calculating with it and send them back to the C code. To illustrate the goal I reach, here is a simple image: http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=9929&stc=1 In multiple attempts to achieve this goal I did not manage to get one single value on the VHDL side. The code and findings below are logical to me, but sadly not working as a whole. Currently I'm having big trouble understanding the whole concept of 64 bit avalon component against the nios (since the nios2 is a 32 bit processor). Could anybody tell me the following things:- how to write a 64 bit value (in this case a double) on the nios2 using iowr. (i have seen it here, but not sure if it is correct: http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21529).
- how to receive this 64 bit value in vhdl code (write request from master (nios)). in the documentation they speak of using the byteenable signal. but i can't figure out how to work with this.
- how to send a 32 bit value back to the nios2 (read request)
//where part_one and part_two are two 32 value that form a 64 value together.
//A second value would go like this
i was wondering if it is possible to write a whole double in one time using only one iowr. Cause else I would be forced to convert the double in two 32 bit arrays, wich costs calculation time. I also did some reading on how to address a 64 bit component. My findings are listed in this table below Offset on the nios memory part (8 bits) Offset on the 64 bit avalon component 0x00 1 00000000 (0 ... 31) 2 3 4 0x04 5 00000000 (32 ... 63) 6 7 8 0x08 9 00000001 (0 ... 31) ect. ect. ect. If this is correct then that would mean that I can use the byteenable and address signals to receive one 64 bit component like this:
if write = '1' then
if byteenable(0) = '1' then
data(7 downto 0) := writedata(7 downto 0);
end if;
if byteenable(1) = '1' then
data(15 downto 8) := writedata(15 downto 8);
end if;
if byteenable(2) = '1' then
data(23 downto 16) := writedata(23 downto 16);
end if;
if avs_s0_byteenable(3) = '1' then
data(31 downto 24) := writedata(31 downto 24);
end if;
if avs_s0_byteenable(4) = '1' then
data(39 downto 32) := writedata(39 downto 32);
end if;
if avs_s0_byteenable(5) = '1' then
data(47 downto 40) := writedata(47 downto 40);
end if;
if avs_s0_byteenable(6) = '1' then
data(55 downto 48) := writedata(55 downto 48);
end if;
if byteenable(7) = '1' then
data(63 downto 56) := writedata(63 downto 56);
end if;
end if;
if write = '1' then
case address is
when "00000000" => -- ADDR 0
value_one := data;
when "00000001" => -- ADDR 8
value_two := data;
when others =>
value_one := (others => '0');
value_two := (others => '0');
end case;
end if;
is this the correct way to recieve the two 64 bit values from the nios, or is there a correct/better way to do this?
3. For the last part I do have a clue on how to do this. You need to put up a VHDL code sort a like the write request code, but then for a read request. I guess the C code for reading a 32 bit value from the FPGA would be a simple as this:
int value_one = IORD(COMPONENT_BASE,0x0);
int value_two = IORD(COMPONENT_BASE,0x4);
For the VHDL it would be:
if read = '1' then
case address is
when "00000000" =>
readdata <= value_one;
when "00000001" =>
readdata <= value_two;
when others =>
readdata <= (others => '0');
end case;
end if;
again is this the correct way to do this or is there maybe a better one? Currently I can't find a solution to the whole problem, so if anyone could explain these three main parts to me, than that would be a big help. I guess this is a beginners problem since the avalon mm interface is fairly new to me. Thanks in advance.
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The nios is only ever going to generate 32bit Avalon cycles - so your 64bit transfer will always be two Avalon bus cycles.
Personally I wouldn't use IOW() - the semantics are all wrong and it is very error prone. You want to generate a C structure that matches your register definition (probably with some fields marked 'volatile') and 'arrange' for a pointer to do uncached accesses (possibly by getting the linker script to generate an absolute symbol). You might find it easier to dual-port an internal memory block (tightly coupled to the cpu) and use that for data transfer. The 'actions' could be initiated by an Avalon write, but you might find that a multi-cycle custom instruction is more appropriate.- Mark as New
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--- Quote Start --- The nios is only ever going to generate 32bit Avalon cycles - so your 64bit transfer will always be two Avalon bus cycles. Personally I wouldn't use IOW() - the semantics are all wrong and it is very error prone. You want to generate a C structure that matches your register definition (probably with some fields marked 'volatile') and 'arrange' for a pointer to do uncached accesses (possibly by getting the linker script to generate an absolute symbol). You might find it easier to dual-port an internal memory block (tightly coupled to the cpu) and use that for data transfer. The 'actions' could be initiated by an Avalon write, but you might find that a multi-cycle custom instruction is more appropriate. --- Quote End --- Hi dsl, I came across your reply on this thread when I was searching for solution I have with writing a value to an pio from Nios as I posted here (http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=48744) You mentioned "Personally I wouldn't use IOW() - the semantics are all wrong and it is very error prone.". So , what do you mean by "the semantics are all wrong" and could you please suggest on what to use to replace IOWR? Thank you
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I think he would meant using IOWR_32DIRECT instead.
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