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I have downloaded SoC EDS, but there are just the hardware-libraries for "soc_a10". I think I need "soc_cv_av".
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Which CycloneV kit are to targeting? You can check out HPS Demo/Reference designs from Rocketboards
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I have the DE10-nano rev C with 5CSEBA6U23I7NDK.
There are some working demos on the System CD, but if I try to compile an own HPS-Project, it´s not possible because of the missing Hardware-libraries.
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These maybe the HWLibs that you're looking for :
EDS Patch which contains them.
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That´s not for what I am looking for. I need some Header-files for compiling a simple code written in C.
At the System CD there are some Examples with a c- file and a Makefile. There is also a working executable for Linux, but if I try to compile the code by myself, it is not working.
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When I try to run 'make' with SoC EDS Command Shell, there is the Error due to missing files.
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If I check the path in the Makefile, I do not find the folder "soc_cv_av". My question is: where can I find these missing Header-Files?
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I think, I accidentally installed the SoC EDS pro edition instead of Standard Edition.
Thank you for helping!