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Linux on NEEK mostly working

Honored Contributor II

The last few days I've managed to get the NEEK up, seems nano-X and nanowm is working. I still have some issues; some apps not working, e.g. nxview won't display a jpeg and png image (i have added the libs). I also get persistent pixels when things move on the LCD, they dissapear after a while though. 


I have a problem with the open core mac also. I can configure networking and it is mostly working. I can ping the NEEK, but get timeouts. Connecting to the board via telnet sometimes work, listing a directory e.g. displays only some files. I sometimes get eth0 RX overrun or packet dropped in nios2-terminal. 


Any ideas?
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Hi dvosp, 


I get the same issue today, with a custom board having Linux MMU, OpenCore MAC and ETHOC driver. 

I regularly get some messages: 

net eth0: packet dropped 

net eth0: RX: overrun 


although I did get them before, with uClinux and the driver "open_eth" (and the same IP naturally). 


Have you found a solution? 



-- Fred
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