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Managed Libraries

Honored Contributor II

I am running into a bit of a problem with the Managed Libraries. I have existing common code that I am trying to build into a library. But this code uses the types defined in alt_types.h. So, since this is part of the HAL, it won't build. This seems like a serious limitation. In the Software Dev, Guide it states that we should use these types and then Altera prevents us from using them in a library. I am totally off them mark here or should I just forget using Managed Libraries?

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I think there is a little bug in the library makefiles that prevents the inclusion of alt_types.h . It is in one of the topics I sent recently on the forum. 


go into components/altera_hal/build/ 


search the line 


<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div> 

--- Quote Start ---  

CPPFLAGS += -I.. -I$(GTF_GENERATED)                   

            $(foreach dir, $(HAL_INC_DIRS), -I$(dir))[/b] 

--- Quote End ---  



and change it in 


<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div> 

--- Quote Start ---  

CPPFLAGS += -I..                   

            $(foreach dir, $(HAL_INC_DIRS), -I$(dir))[/b] 

--- Quote End ---  



...and enjoy :-) 


... in general, the standard libraries will allow you to include only the header files into altera_hal and altera_nios2. 


If you need more, you need some more hacking in the library makefiles :-) 




0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Thanks, I&#39;ll give it a try.

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Honored Contributor II

Has this been reported as a bug to Altera? Paolo.gai&#39;s post is from 15 months ago, yet we also just encountered this problem still in NIOS 6.0SP1. 


It&#39;s amusing what goes wrong. When GTF_GENERATED is undefined the buggy line introduces a "-I" with no directory argument suffix. GCC then interprets this as an include directive using its space-separated syntax, and gobbles the the next valid -I<alteralib> directive as gibberish, thus removing the valid library path that ought to have been included. 


I&#39;m always loath to modify the system files for fear of breaking on the next upgrade, so we&#39;ve worked around this problem by predefining GTF_GENERATED as ".".
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