Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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NIOS II/s - No output in console

Honored Contributor II

Hello all, 


I created a project using NIOS II/e processor and it was working fine. The only problem was that it was taking too long to do some complex calculations so then I changed the processor to NIOS II/s and enabled hardware multiplier and divider. Regenerated the system in SOPC builder, updated all blocks in Quartus 2, regenerated bsp in eclipse, and tried to run the program again. Now I don't see any output at all. The NIOS II console window remains blank. What might be the problem? 



Here's what it says in the console: 


Using cable "USB-Blaster [USB-0]", device 1, instance 0x01 

Resetting and pausing target processor: OK 

Initializing CPU cache (if present) 




Downloading 00800000 ( 0%) 

Downloading 00810000 (28%) 

Downloading 00820000 (56%) 

Downloading 00830000 (84%) 

Downloading 00838CF0 (96%) 

Downloaded 228KB in 3.9s (58.4KB/s) 



Verifying 00800000 ( 0%) 

Verifying 00810000 (28%) 

Verifying 00820000 (56%) 

Verifying 00830000 (84%) 

Verifying 00838CF0 (96%) 

Verified OK  

Starting processor at address 0x008001B4
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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Could you make the software flash a LED, or could you run it in the debugger, to see if it is running? 

Did the JTAG UART base address change when you modified your system in SOPC builder? If yes are you sure the BSP was regenerated with the updated configuration information?
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Honored Contributor II

I don't think the JTAG UART base address changed when I upgraded the cpu, but if it did, then what should be done? I am sure I have regenerated the bsp and I did that again and again to make sure everything is alright.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Just tried the debugger, and it says the following: 



.gdbinit: No such file or directory. 

Reading symbols from C:/Users/.../Documents/DE1/software/MyProj/MyProj.elf...done. 

Current language: auto 

The current source language is "auto; currently asm". 

Stopped due to shared library event
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Honored Contributor II

You can check that the base addresses in the BSP's system.h file match the ones from the SOPC builder project. Do you have the system ID component, and is system ID verification enabled in Eclipse? It should be by default, and it's a good way to check that the BSP matches the configuration currently present in the FPGA. 

As for the debugger error I've never seen en error like that, I'm sorry but I have no idea what it means...
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Yes, the base addresses are matching. System ID verification is enabled. But no output until now. 


I have also tried creating whole project from scratch again, selecting NIOS II/s from the beginning but it gives me an ELF file error and shows the following in the console: 



There are no Nios II CPUs with debug modules available which match the values 

specified. Please check that your PLD is correctly configured, downloading a 

new SOF file if necessary.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

If anyone wants to replicate my system to check the error, then these are the details: 



Development board - DE1 


In SOPC builder: 


External Clock 50 MHz 

NIOS II/s processor with Hardware multiply and divide 

On-chip memory (RAM or ROM) - 16384 bytes 


SDRAM Controller - Presets: Custom, Datawidth 16 bits, Chip select 1, Banks 4, Address width 12x8 

System ID Peripheral 

SD Card interface 

Character LCD 

Audio and Video Config, On-board peripherals, DE1 board, auto-initialize, Audio-in path: microphone, Audio-out: Enable DAC, Bit length 16, Sampling rate 32 kHz 

PIO (input) - SW[7..0] 

PIO (output) - LEDR[7..0] 



In Quartus, all pin assignments are according to the DE1 board 

LCD connections: 

LCD_data[7..0] = GPIO_0[7..0] 

LCD_E = GPIO_0[8] 

LCD_RW = GPIO_0[9] 

LCD_RS = GPIO_0[10] 


SDRAM PLL is also generated using MegaWizard Plug-in manager.  

All settings for this PLL are taken from the SDRAM tutorial included in the DE1 CD that came with the board. Found that same tutorial here: 



I hope that is all what is required. There are some minor additions/corrections as well, like assigning the SD Card pins, and selecting 'Use as regular I/O' for nCEO pins from Device and pin options. 


Please let me know if any of you succeeds in running this system.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

There are no Nios II CPUs with debug modules available which match the values 

specified. Please check that your PLD is correctly configured, downloading a 

new SOF file if necessary. 

--- Quote End ---  


It looks like the FPGA didn't load the configuration properly. As long as you have a .sof file with a Nios CPU, it should be detected in the JTAG chain, even if there is something else wrong in the design (clocks, reset...). Are you sure you uploaded the correct .sof file to the FPGA, and that no error occurred during the upload? Could you have power supply problems on the board, that could cause the FPGA to reset? Could you check the nStatus and Config_Done pins? 

Check also that you are using the correct .sof file. If you are using an IP for which you don't have a license (such as Nios II/s, Nios II/f, or some memory controllers) then Quartus will generate a file with a _time_limited.sof suffix.
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