Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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NIOS Interval Timer Problem

Honored Contributor II

Hi folks, 

I am sure this will be a quick one for any of you seasoned pros out there: 

I have just added the interval timer to my qsys systm and rebuilt the BSP, but now when I run my program it jumps straight to the ISR for the timer as it is defaulting to being the system tick. I do not want this,I just need a timer that freely runs that I can query/stop/start and reset at my discretion. 


Is it possible to disable the default as a sys tick? 


I could define my own ISR that will override the default, but that means I have to allow at least one ISR branch before I can disable it. The timer is running at 10clk increments, with a 100Mhz clock input as I need quite a high resolution. 


Can anyone advise please? 


thank you. 

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

In the BSP editor, you ought to be able to set hal.sys_clk_timer to "none". Or if you're having trouble doing that, take the easy way out and add another timer for your sys_clk_timer and tell your BSP to use that timer.

Honored Contributor II


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In the BSP editor, you ought to be able to set hal.sys_clk_timer to "none". Or if you're having trouble doing that, take the easy way out and add another timer for your sys_clk_timer and tell your BSP to use that timer. 

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Perfect. All sorted now thank you.
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