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Nios f / Custom MM Slave

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 


I know this has been asked several times on the forum but I must be missing the point as I'm still at encountering the issue. I have tested my SoPC fine with the nios e.  

The problems occur when using the nios f. I have the data and instruction caches set to 4kb's, and after a bit of reading(and testing) I know I need to bypass my data cache to successfully test my system with my custom MM slave. The address of my MM slave in Qsys is 00081_1100 - 0x0081_117f.  


In my header file avs.h, the base address matches that of system.h(and Qsys of course) 


#define avs_base 0x811_1100 


As I'm using HAL, I know there are 3 methods to bypass the cache: 


1. Bypass by using IORD and IOWR. 

2. Set bit 31 

3. Use alt_remap_uncached() 


As I have my program written, I was hoping to implement# 3 in my avs.c file by the following method: 

# include "aes.h"# include <stdio.h># include <sys/alt_cache.h> ........................# define avsrange 177 int main{ // insert alt_remap_uncached ....... }  


Would I be correct so far, and in saying this would be the most straightforward method to implement? 

I have reviewed the documentation but it's not becoming any clearer in my mind. 


Going by this document ( the function is defined as 


volatile void* alt_remap_uncached (void* ptr, alt_u32 len);  

where 'ptr' is starting address and 'len' is the memory range. 


So, would this translate, in my example, to: 


alt_remap_uncached((void*)AVS_BASE, avsrange); 


Edit: I know the last piece of code does not work. Also, I am not using the nios MMU so perhaps option 2 is workable.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

alt_remap_uncached() simply returns a new pointer with bit 31 set. Your code fragment doesn't show you are doing anything with the return value, so perhaps this is the piece you are missing? 


alt_u32 *my_block = alt_remap_uncached( AVS_BASE, avsrange ); my_block = foo;
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks, I resolved this by ANDing my custom components base address with 0x8000_0000 to set MSB to 1. Still having issues but data is no longer cached. 

I'm debugging at the moment so I think this resolved the caching issue. 

In the header file, avs.h: 


#define AVS_BASEADDR (0x811100 | 0x80000000)
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