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we are planning a project base on Arria 10 SOC FPGA, and for this device, handbook suggest to use Quartus prime pro version rather than standard version.
because we need to develp ARM firmware, both Quartus prime and SOC EDS are needed.
From Intel website, I downloaded the Quartus Prime Pro V21.4, but I can't find the corresponding version SOC EDS, the newest version on the website is 20.1.
My question is:
1. Can i install the Quartus Prime Pro V21.4 with SOC EDS V20.1? Someone told me it is better to install the Quartus and SOC EDS with the same version, is this right?
2. Where can i find the SOC EDS V21.4?
3. Or, if SOC EDS V21.4 is not available, shall i need to download Quartus Prime Pro V20.1 so that it has the same version as the newest SOC EDS?
4. Does intel has instruction document for above questions?
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noticed this is NiosII EDS forum, will move this to SOC EDS, pls ignore this topic.
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Hi Rainwang,
I will close this thread as you have requested to ignore this topic.
Aik Eu
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