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fpga configuration questions

Honored Contributor II

hi everyone, 

in the max10 configuation, there are many different mode to configure the fpga: 

dual compressed images 

single compressed image 

single uncompressed image 

single uncompressed image with memory initialization 

single compressed image with memory initialization 


is there a document which describe these modes in detail? 


in my project, i use this nios and some custom ips, one custom ip has a rom. 

which configuation mode should i choose?
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II


well I'd assume you can find answers to the configuration questions in 


which can be found in the MAX-10 section on ALTERA's webpage :-) 


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Honored Contributor II

thanks for your reply! 

i have read the pdf, but i still have some question: 

1.difference between compressed and uncompressed  

it seems like compressed image has a smaller size, so there are more space for UFM, but does it have any other affections to the fpga? will it have a slower configure speed? 


2.difference between with memory initialization and with memory initialization 

what is the memory initialization used for? in what condition should i need to use memory initialization 


the pdf tells me there are many configuration modes in max10, but it does not tell me how to choose one configuration mode which is best for my design
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Honored Contributor II

1) I doubt a compressed image will take any longer to configure the FPGA than an uncompressed image. However, the fact it's smaller won't mean you have more UFM to play with. UFM & CFM are separate FLASH areas for 'User' and 'Configuration' use. 


2) If your application uses the UFM as a ROM you're likely to want it pre-filled with something. So, you'll want to be able to initialise it. However, if you're using it as a RAM you may not. 


Which configuration mode depends on your design. I'm not sure the documentation can do anything other than state what the options are. 



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Honored Contributor II

To my understanding if you are trying to program the board again and again you could probably program the board using a .sof file. This would program the board through JTAG and would program the board faster. This would be helpful in the initial stage of debugging. But, the design would be required to be programmed again and again. Once the design is working completely you could create a .pof file to program the CFM and then the board won't be required to re-program each time it is turned off.

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