OpenCL* for CPU
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1722 Discussions

OpenCL 2019 Update 4 completely broken


Trying to install Intel OpenCL 2019 Update 4 and the installer just flashes a pop-up screen for a second and exits without any information.

Working on an HP Envy laptop with an Intel core i7 7700, and Intel graphics.

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5 Replies

Hello TheodoreO,


Which installer is in use? Is it the stand alone SDK installer.or is it being installed through Intel® System Studio 2019?

Is the machine running Windows? Is user access control disabled on this machine?

What graphics driver version are you using?






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installer:  standalone

OS: Windows 10 Pro, v1903, build 18362.295

User access control setting: default (notify me when changes to the system occur)

Graphics driver: Intel HD Graphics Driver: version

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Tried to update the driver but that fails for completely different reasons.

Got half a dozen machines here and I am unable to create a single working OpenCL development environment on any of them.

I think the trend is clear: OpenCL is DOA

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Hi TheodoreO,

Thanks for the feedback.

The screenshot is very useful. OCL CPU/CPU combo drivers come with the graphics driver. The error image is typically indicative of a driver install package not matching a platform. Typical root cause and mitigation:

Vendors repackage drivers in accordance with their own validation and support requirements. Drivers direct from Intel (available off -> Graphics Drivers) for Windows* OS may block upon install if the vendor has decided to disallow non-vendor driver installs. It is advised to defer to the vendor support website for a graphics driver first, as there may be support implications you wish to maintain for your system.

What system vendor and model do you have? Can you see any update driver on their website? Is said update a package you can try? If so, can you share your results?

Unfortunately, there are issues with older graphics drivers available for 7th gen and SDK tools. Windows* OS drivers have seen a significant refactor Eo2018 calendar year for 'DCH' related driver format upgrades.

Applications like OpenCL Tools that access low level hardware features through drivers may be affected pre and post this driver format change. To mitigate, updating to a recent driver from sometime in 2019 is highly preferred.

Let me address next steps for developer tools triage in the following post.... As it can be separate from driver issues.



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Hello TheodoreO:

The immediate closing behavior you've described is unique in my experience... But perhaps we can see about a separate approach and collateral for follow up.


Collateral for followup:

  • Can we get any install logs from the system? Can they be attached to this thread. Here are their locations. If the logs can't be shared here we can solicit them otherwise. Please let me know.

SDK/OCL tools installer logs: %TEMP%/pset_<characters>_<username> directory.

VS logs: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\<Version_of_vs>


I'll cite this for development team feedback in parallel. Logs if available are typical for requests like this if available.


Thank you,


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