Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
15011 Discussions

Blue screen errors and frequent crashes application, overheating


Subject: Technical Support Request: Intel i9 14th Gen Blue Screen Errors and 3D Application Crashes

Dear Intel Product Support,
I am writing to seek assistance with persistent issues I am experiencing with my Intel i9 14th Gen processor. Over recent weeks, I have encountered recurring blue screen errors and frequent crashes with 3D design and rendering applications.
The blue screen errors occur randomly during normal usage, and despite my efforts to troubleshoot, they persist. This has become a significant hindrance to my workflow and productivity.
Moreover, the crashes specifically affect 3D design and rendering applications such as Blender, Unreal Engine, Autodesk Maya, and Side Effects Houdini, which are integral to my work. These crashes occur consistently during usage, disrupting my projects and causing frustration.
Problems faced while using unreal engine, while opening unreal engine project, default it loads shader packs, while loading it gets crashes, pop's error dialogue box ( crashed in side the platform ) please reffer this link for image which explains more:-
And counties crashing, after few attempts opening it pc crash into blue screen errors.
Error case with Autodesk maya - while Arnold render. And while cloth simulation.
Same issue on Blender.
CUP gets over heat, while this errors And freezing for while some times befor crashes. Few time faced this problem, Loading Files takes time to load and to cooking simulation comper to low end configuration pc.
While rendering in Auto desk maya
I have attempted various troubleshooting steps, including updating drivers, checking for system updates, and running diagnostic tests, but the issues persist. Few QR scan while blue screen errors suggested weblink to Microsoft support web few captured images & links are attached please find them
Note : blue screen image are clicked at purchase center. While explaining and showing the issue, purchase order Bill is attached to mail please find pdf

Here are the links :

As these applications are widely used in the industry and crucial for my work, resolving these issues promptly is essential. I rely on the stability and performance of my system to meet project deadlines and deliver high-quality work.

I kindly request your assistance in diagnosing and resolving these issues with my Intel i9 14th Gen processor. Any guidance, recommendations, or solutions you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or diagnostic logs to assist with the troubleshooting process. I am eager to resolve these issues and regain stable performance with my system.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and assistance.

Sincerely, karthikeya chowdary,

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2 Replies

Hello Karthikeya,

Thank you for posting in our communities.

Please check your email inbox, as we have addressed our concern to you by email.

We will be waiting for your response via email.

Thank you, and have a great day ahead!

Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello Karthikeya,

I hope you are doing fine.

Were you able to check the previous post?

Kindly let us know if you still need assistance.

Best Regards,

Von M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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