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14900K undervolt on ASUS motherboards help .. PLEAE HELP .. noob here

Greetings all .. i hope i can find some answers that could help me
before anything am totally noob when it comes to doing anything to BIOS
i just came from a PC with 3090 asus strix with 12700K on an ASUS STRIX Z690 A and 32 Corsair ram 3600
things were working like dream with no issues at all .. nothing i saw or heared of at least
Decided to make the Ultimate upgrade and Boom .. things went downhill so fast
My new PC specs : 4090 suprim x with 14900k on an ASUS Z790 HERO MAXIMUS .. PSU is 1650 thermaltake GF3 .. CPU cooler CORSAIR i170 Capllex Elite
CASE Has 6 fans as intake " front and side " and 4 exhaust "" 3 on radiator and one in back "
PC runs cold most of time with no issues ..
clean installed windows 11 and started to face all kinds of issues from crashing to freezes
turns out " am not sure though "
that i have an issue from CPU doing something that keeps getting GPU crashes on some games
specially ones with DX12 or the ones that has shader cashes building before game " Hogwart legacy and THE FINALS for example "
i run stock BIOS settings and the latest BIOS that came out
tried everything to fix this
Fresh install windows and all drives
Updated everything i have on my pc
still no use ... and seems like the ONLY possible thing i can do is undervolting the CPU to see if i get anything better
tried the CINABENCH once on stock and oh boy did i get some reds with THROTTLES and stopped doing that afraid to cause more damage
i tried to install the INTEL EXTREME UTILITY but it seems not doing undervolting anymore
so the only way now is through BIOS sadly
my CPU has a frame on it with Arctic mx4 thermal paste from around 2 months ago so still new
so what i am seeking now is Opinions about all this mess happening
and if anyone has a real - step by step - guide on how to undervolt the 14900k on an ASUS motherboard Bios
" sorry am really teribble when it comes to doing those things "
and if someone has some visual recent guide that would be appreciated
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4 Replies

Hello samurai_X, 

Thank you for posting in the communities. Apologies for the delay in my response. In order to help you I just have a couple of questions. You mention you encounter freezing issues, aside from Hogwart legacy and THE FINALS, are there other games affected as well? Kindly also please send us your SSU logs so we can be more familiar with your system. You may download it at this link: When the freezing occurs, are there any error messages present?

Were you also able to see thermal throttling in Intel Extreme Tuning Utility? 

Ramyer M. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

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You need to install the latest BIOS for your motherboard from: After that, disable CEP "CPU Enhanced Performance". It should run stable afterward. Undervolting is very, very difficult. Actually, if the motherboard manufacturer has AI, they should be able to set it automatically. Undervolting with a 14900k takes a long time to find a stable setup. Everything can become unstable. 

It was unstable for me as well, but since the last BIOS update, everything has been stable. I complained to Asus Rog on Discord. They said they would look into it, and 3 days later, a new update with more stability came out. Previously, I had a VCORE Voltage of 1.6, and since the latest BIOS update with CEP deactivation, it's now only 1.4 volts maximum, and it's been much more stable since then. However, the power consumption is still excessively high. The CPU consumes nearly 200 watts in some games on 1440P. That's way too much. If they could optimize it to maybe just 120 watts, then I'd be satisfied with that.

But try installing the latest BIOS from 19.03.24 and disable CEP (Asus Multicore Enhancment) Disabled - Enforce All Limits. Everything should work fine after that

Just for your information, 7200 MHz RAM was not stable for me with XMP1, only with the XMP2 profile. Now, XMP1 works as well. The BIOS update has made a significant difference. However, it falls far short of my expectations when it comes to power consumption in gaming.

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Hello samurai_X, 

I am just looking for an update regarding the information we requested. Kindly please let me know about this information so we can identify the next steps that needs to be taken to solve this issue. I also noticed one of our community members engaged in your post, were you able to try their suggestion as well?

Ramyer M.

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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Hello samurai_X

I hope you are doing well. As we have not heard a response in the past few days, we will proceed in closing this thread. If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Ramyer M.

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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