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I7-11700K temperature


  Hello to all. I just bought MSI Trident X with - i7-11700K, 3080Ti, 32GB memory, 1TB SSD...

  When I am writing this post my CPU is at 52-55C, when I start game like Cyberpunk 2077, everything start to be a bit crazy. Temp go right away for 85-88 degrees Celsius. I am adding few pictures, all that is without playing game just turn it on.

  DOOM Eternal - all I get is 60fps doesn't matter what graphic settings are on it - low, high or ultra... BUT what I am worried about is that temp line - full red all the time. 

For now I had one time blue, flashing screen.

I updated Nvidia and Windows 10, still temps are the same. Someone from MSI told me that this is still in CPU limits, yet that is just not what I want from such a expensive desktop. 

If any one had or still got same problems or any advice pls reply?! 

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4 Replies
Super User

What kind of cooling solution are you using for the processor? This cooling solution may be improperly attached to the processor or the (usually BIOS-based) fan speed control solution is not configured properly to drive the fans (and pumps if liquid cooling) to the right duty cycles.

Hope this helps,


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Hello Scott.
This is MSI pre-build PC, so they did it all. Cooling are normal fans and this is a small case. I know that will give me a few degrees up but not like that crazy...
I managed to change fps on DOOM from 60 to 190+ in 2k with a simple option in settings (found it on YT as many players had the same problem in games); but temp problem is a pure nightmare. The CPU takes way too much energy just for that whatever the game settings are. 
I opened Task Manager to see if I can see any good info and power usage is low, very low. Game on and only that show Very High power usage
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Super User

SFF systems do have a harder time with cooling; they often cannot have (don't have room for) the mass necessary to extract the heat efficiently from the processor when it is stressed. The Intel NUCs are a good example of the extreme case that UCFF designs can represent, where space is so tight that blowers - which are very inefficient - have to be used.

Here is how I think about it: If you are seeing temperatures mostly in the 80's (Celsius), with only short-duration spikes up into the 90's, then this is perfectly fine. If, however, the temperature is spending large amounts of its time in the 90's - or worse is actually reaching Tjmax (~100C) and throttling - then there is something wrong. Now, wrong could be something simple, like the need for a configuration change in the BIOS, or it could be something serious, as I described in my previous response.

If you are seeing a problem, it is something that MSI, as designer of the system, will have to look into. Sorry to send you back, but this is how it goes.


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Thank You again for your time and answer. More info I get then better. For now maxed temp been 88C. Most of time holding 82C when gaming. It's sucks but is nothing what I can do an less spend more money and buy different CPU. I am thinking of that option. MSI will not do anything an less something really gonna happen with that temp. Now I am worried about this PC and bill for power used for it, hahaha. 

Have a nice day Scott, Thanks AGAIN! 

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