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Is it normal to have 70-80°C spikes while gaming at 60°C average?



I have an i7 9700k (cooled by Dark Rock 4(not Pro), rog strix z390f and rog strix rtx2070 oc. Case is a pure base 600 with 2x 140mm intake front, 2x 140mm exhaust top, 120mm exhaust back (I changed fan curves to performance settings). All fans are pure wing 2 high speed. Thermal compound is Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut.


While gaming at 1440p I usually have an average of 55-65°C depending on the game. But sometimes, for example in path of exile when I am in loading screen the temperature spikes up to 70-75°C on a few cores for just one or two seconds. Not all cores get that hot, for example if one is at 75 the others are a few degrees less. In GTA Online I noticed the highest spikes were up to 82°C. I also play Apex Legends, Fortnite and some other AAA games but I have never noticed spikes as high as in GTA. Time between those spikes is usually at least 5-10 minuites. I am pretty sure the temperature rise happens when I get into loading screen for a new map or something like that. But it is never for more than 2 or 3 seconds until temperature drops down to average again. Loading times are usually a bit more than that.

The temperature reading programm I use is hwinfo. I noticed that when I had AI Suit installed it always showed the temperature a little bit less. Also OCCT (I use for stability testing) shows a few degrees less. CoreTemp shows the same as hwinfo, sometimes 1 or 2 degrees less.

I also have to mention that my CPU is overclocked to 4.9ghz at 1.335vcore. Avx is at 2 and llc 6. Under load my vcore is at 1.34-1.35.

When I use stock settings the temperature behavior is the same, just a few degrees less. Not more than 5. Also my vcore is going up to 1.37 when I use stock settings.


First I thought I did a mistake while mounting the cooler or applying thermal compound but I checked two times now and there was no change. I always used dot method and it was evenly spread across the cpu. Also cooler was remounted completely two times. There wasnt even a noticable difference between the bequiet stock thermal paste and kryonaut.

So my questions are: Is this temperature behavior normal for a cpu? And even if not, is this something I should worry about? What could be the cause?

I would be very greatful for any input, also if anyone wants to look into a log file I will upload a hwinfo log in an hour.

Edit: attached the log

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5 Replies

But is it normal to have such spikes? I know Tjmax is at 100°C but if I would be at 70-80°C average while gaming some ppl would say thats not good in a long term.

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HelloJ JKale2,


Do you need more assistance with this?


Let me know if the issue persists or you need more assistance, I will be glad to help!




David V


Intel Customer Support Technician

Under Contract to Intel Corporation

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Hello JKale2,


Please contact us if you have any additional questions.




David V


Intel Customer Support Technician

Under Contract to Intel Corporation

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Temperature spikes while playing games are normal and the temperature of 70 deg is normal. No need to worry about it unless you start experiencing some weird behaviors.





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