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Temperature problem HP Zbook 15 G3 (similar to


Hi i have almost the same question as was asked about the Zbook in the question:

but mine is a little different. The temperature shown by my processor is around 100 degrees C all the time. It bounces around but you can see from the attached plot it starts high and stays there continuously. I downloaded and ran the Intel processor Diagnostic test 64 bit W.MP, and the graph below shows the CPU load, GPU load, CPU temps and GPU temps. I have to disable temperature testing during the test or it fails due to high temperatures.

The fan on the laptop runs continuously because I assume it thinks the CPU is hot. when is say continuously i mean 100% of the time even when the CPU load is 5%. To me the air temperature that the fan is exhausting is not hot at all. I checked the reported temperature of the CPU with a couple of different APPs and they all report the same continuous 100 degrees C.

Note that the reported temperature of the CPU bounces a lot before and after the CPU test, and then gets "smooth" during the test. But still really high. The GPU temperature is reasonable, and goes up during the stress test, then back down. It is 30 Deg C normally, then increased up to 47 deg C max during the test.



Brand new HP Zbook 15 G3, CPU info attached below.

What the heck?? Please help.

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4 Replies

Follow up: Here is a plot of the Intel Xeon E3-1505m v5 Temperature vs. CPU usage, logged over about 10 minutes while the CPU usage ranged between 0% and 60%.

For CPU usage between 0 and 10%, the temperature is in the range of 40 Deg C to 80 Degree C.

Any CPU usage over 13% and the temperature pegs at 95-100 Deg C.

This can't be correct?

Here is the same data plotted vs Time:

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Hello ChiefRenzo



Thank you for joining the community.



For the information you are providing in the post, we see that the processor is not doing any hard workload while using the use if the system. it seems to be a problem related to the cooling system, that in this case is provided the manufacturer HP, we recommend to contact HP support for assistance on that matter.





Leonardo C.


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Hi Leonardo,

Can you tell me why the temperature is linearly related to processor usage when the usage is between 0 and 13%, then instantly jumps up to 100 deg C when the usage goes over 13%? This doesn't make sense to me. The temperature should ramp up in a manner related to the CPU usage until it reaches some maximum. And why doesn't the temperature exceed 100 deg C? The Fan and cooling system is fully on when the processor is at 50% and the temperature is listed as 100 deg C, surely the temperature would be exceeding 100 deg C at 100% CPU?

All signs point to an incorrect temperature output from the processor in my opinion. I have seen several other posts regarding the Intel Xeon E3-1505M v5 processor and temperatures that don't make sense. I think Intel should open an investigation into the validity of the temperature outputs of these processors.

thank you,


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Hello ChiefRenzo



Thank you for the response and for the feedback, to look further on the situation we recommend to contact HP to look into the situation with the same system that you currently have.





Leonardo C.


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