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Thermal sensor issue i7-7700k?


I have a brand new build; EVERYTHING NEW. i7-7700k is running at stock speeds. I have the RAM set to XMP for DDR4-2666. Motherboard is Asus Maximus IX Hero Z270.

I have found that the i7-7700k reports a momentary (a second or less) temperature spike +25 > 35 degrees Celsius anytime a program is opened, a webpage is opened, a background app runs etc. The temperature blip cascades through the cores in random order; not the same every time. This causes my heatsink fan to constantly cycle up and down. Temperatures otherwise report as steady, normal increases. Peak temperature under Prime95 blend test is 71 degrees Celsius.

Attempted solutions:

I have re-installed my heatsink and thermal paste with no change.

I have tried to manually set my fan speed in the bios. The only setting that avoids this issue is setting the temperature / fan at a constant (and loud) 80-100%. I've tried PWM and DC mode.

I have found a few user reports elsewhere on the web, all reasoning that it's just the way it is. I don't accept that. Opening a folder or browser should not spike temps +30 degrees. Not only is the fan cycling annoying, it puts undue stress on my fan; possibly shortening its lifespan.

What's the answer, if any? RMA?

1 Solution

Hello Everyone,

We appreciate the feedback you have provided, and your patience as we investigated this behavior. The reported behavior of the 7th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-7700K Processor, showing momentary temperature changes from the idle temperature, is normal while completing a task (like opening a browser or an application or a program).

In our internal investigation, we did not observe temperature variation outside of the expected behavior and recommended specifications. For processor specifications, please refer to the Intel® Core™ i7-7700K Processor Product Specifications.

Most motherboard manufacturers offer customizable fan speed control settings that may allow for smoother transition of fan revolutions per minute (rpm). Please consult your motherboard manufacturer's manual or website for instructions on how to change default fan speed control settings.

We do not recommend running outside the processor specifications, such as by exceeding processor frequency or voltage specifications, or removing of the integrated heat spreader (sometimes called "de-lidding"). These actions will void the processor warranty.

Kindest Regards,

Ronald M.

View solution in original post

1,110 Replies
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New Contributor I

Well prety much yeap

Zeo, i asked you some question a bit earlier, answer pls

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I also have the 7700k and am experiencing temp spikes with the 7700k, i am also noticing a huge surge in cpu wattage and believe the correlate with the temp spikes discussed. -- I have attached my SSU file using the program you linked in your response to ZeoxZarix regarding his temp spikes, please add my case to the database. My build is as follows:

My build is as follows:

OS: WINDOWS 10 Home 64-bit

CPU: i7700k

RAM: 16GB DDR4-3000MHz Corsair Vengence (ran on auto, which is 2133 for whatever reason)

Motherboard: ASUS Maximus IX Hero


SSD: 500GB samsung 960 EVO (M.2 drive)

CPU cooling: cool master

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Here it's not about if the CPU pass the test or not with the diagnostic tool software, the CPU can pass as many tests as you do to it with some others diagnostic tools not just with the Intel one, as you said, when you open an application, Webpage or program the temperature increase, but it's not normal at all that when i launch Firefox there is a temperature spike from 22c to 51c on core 1, from 22c to 45c on core 2, from 21c to 46c on core 3 and from 22c to 51c on core 4, that's unacceptable, about the Ram speed, it doesn't matter if you run the ram at it's default speed or not, i have ran my System using XMP profile and without and it doesn't make any difference.

About the cooling solution.

It doesn't matter what CPU fan you use or with what method you cool your Machine, you can change as many coolers as you want and the problem will be always there, i don't have an Air cooler System i have a Waterchiller cooling system and despite my CPU still has temperature spikes.

This was while launching Firefox


Hi, I am Berfs1, a somewhat known overclocker. Seeing that you have an i7-7700K, do you mind sharing your computer hardware specifications? So far, according to what you are saying, I think it could either be the cooler, the way it is installed, or in a rare case the CPU itself. Are you sure the cooler is installed properly? If so, did you apply enough thermal compound?

0 Kudos

yeah no problem:


my specs actually are:

z170a xpower titanium MSI




h110i GT

tridentZ 3400 mhz 4x8


m2 950 pro samsung


gtx 1080 g1

i re-applied my cooler without any problem and the issues still there, i tried to put back my 6600k and that issues doesn't appear, so i guess is something with cpu.

0 Kudos

Dear Berfs1!

I'm assebling my Pc-s since 1990, so i doubt the problem source is the cooler or the paste what i use. I applied several times both my Brocken and my Macho rev B to my 7700k, and all ends with the same results. As a somewhat known overlocker it's a wierd thing you say it's a "rare case the CPU itself". Do you ever heard about intel TIMs and delid? Anyway yes, i applied properly the past and the cooler too, all with the same result. It's run up to almost 100 C when starting a Pi test.

0 Kudos

and i guess that all people here, have exactly the same issues with differents specs and skills, i doubt that all here are not able to put a cooler on a cpu!


Is pretty clear that there's something wrong with cpu (i hope is just cpu package sensor that is drunk as fuck)
0 Kudos

I meant that it's somewhat rare that it's the CPU causing the issue under a very good cooler and no unsafe overclocks.

0 Kudos

I think I know the problem. It isn't you, it has to be the CPU. I recommend trying a 6700K and see if that helps. I suspect that Intel provided a somewhat low quality TIM again...

0 Kudos

If you are ok with Skype, just skype me and I'll try to help via settings in BIOS. I think it could be a few settings there, but I don't know for sure.

0 Kudos

Im afraid you might be right...

In my opinion (and im pretty sure almost all customers) this behaviour of providing a low quality TIM solution is unacceptable. Especially on the ''Unlocked'' models. I hope intel reacts appropriately to this ''temperature spike issue''.

If Intel does not... Then i hope for Intels sake that ''Ryzen'' will not be a great succes.

Because Kavy Lake could be the last processor i bought from intel for over the next decade.

0 Kudos

I have a 7700K and i know how you feel because my CPU has the same issue and there are many other people out there with the same problem.

The spike issue it's something common on all 7700K CPU's

These are very hot chips for sure. In addition, I experienced as have many other users extreme temperature spikes on the cores. I have never seen that before in any Intel chips. I have seen uneven core temps but not spikes at random times on random cores, so anything you could do to help it thermally would be great. However this could be bios related voltage issues that will get ironed out.


I can attest to this as my i7-7700(non-k) with the default bios(uefi) settings for my ASRock B250M-HDV motherboard reached 70-80.C in under 1-5 minutes after opening up a game.

When I went into the bios and turned off turbo boost performance, thermal throttling , and set the chipset voltage from Auto to the lowest possible predefined voltage option, my temps went down from 70-80 to 50-60C while gaming for 1-3 hours. Unfortunately my CPU is still throttling despite the cooler temps, I'll need to see what's going on as I didn't have this problem for the i5-7400 at all and ran perfectly.

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New Contributor I

My K version @4.7 reaches ~70-72 in games.

This temp is not very stable and jumps 50-72 so CPU fan doesn't always work on high rpms.

Can't say that it's to hot, but still doesn't look like any cool.

Is this temp normal for continious operation?

Funny that after I press exit, temp instantly drops to 45-50.

0 Kudos

The temperature constantly jumps for most tasks, in some games there are micro frozen, the cooler makes a noise like a helicopter - Is a new nanotechnology? This is really normal?

0 Kudos

I can confirm my 7700K behaves in similar fashion. During nominal work load 'Package Temperature' spikes to 75-85c and then get back down to 40-50c. During Video Editing or Adobe Premiere temperatures remain more constant but pretty high. Despite the fact I am using a high end 280mm Radiator, temperatures remain issue with my 7700K at stock BIOS settings.

At first I thought this was due to high VCORE thus I applied -0.070 Voltage and enabled all the Energy saving features. I spend over 2 months attempting to diagnose the issue but issue remains even after I purchased a brand new Asus STRIX Z270 motherboard and applied fresh thermal paste between CPU and cooler . I think one of the problem is TIM itself or GAP between the die and heat spreaders. Heat from DIE is not being transfer to Cooler's base/cold plate properly.

Stock Intel 7700K

Asus Maximus IX HERO

Corsair Hydro H110i

0 Kudos

I don't think is the TIM/GAP whats causing the spikes, a lot of people has delided their cpu and the problem is still there, just less noticeable.

In my case, whenever i have a spike, the pc has a microfreez, hard to notice but it's there. If i'm scrolling the web, the scroll stops and go for a fraction of a second during the spike, if i'm typing or erasing something i can see it too.

I agree with Links.

0 Kudos

CPU i3-7300

RAM KHX2400C15D4/4G

MotherboardGigabyte GA-B250M-Gaming 3

Видео Intel Core i3-7300 "Kaby Lake" резкие скачки температуры - YouTube


Ответ интела по поводу i3-7300

RE: Спасибо за присланное видео.

Насколько я могу видеть, наблюдаемое на нем поведение процессора абсолютно нормально. При повышении нагрузки на процессор его температура действительно должна повышаться, при этом обороты вентилятора возрастают. При выключении нагрузки кулер некоторое время продолжает вращаться и температура быстро понижается. Это полностью соответствует принципам работы систем охлаждения. Таким образом, мы не видим каких-либо отклонений и неисправностей в работе вашего процессора, все температурные показатели в норме.

Проблема, описанная на форуме, имеет другую природу (кратковременные скачки температуры происходят спонтанно, без какой-либо нагрузки) и никак не связана с вашей ситауцией.

Если шум кулера причиняет вам дискомфорт, рекомендуем заменить его на более тихую модель.

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New Contributor I

Ну тут явно видно, что им наср*ть.

Просто стандартный отмазон.

Принципам соответсвтует.... двинул мышку, сразу 60 градусов? Разогрелся с 30 до 60 за полсекунды.

И остыл обратно за вторые полсекунды.


Щас вот любая задача прогревает до 60.

Что игра в игру 10 летней давности, что просмотр видосов.

Интересно, сколько проц так проживет?

Я уже даже думаю, что тему пора закрывать.

Помощи нам ждать не придется, а сами мы тут особо больше ничего не сообразим.

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Удивляет то, что исходя из ответа письма мне конкретно говорят - что такая проблема как резкие скачки температуры свойственна только на i7-7700k, а в моей модели якобы заскоков нет, если бы не было, я бы и не писал сюда и в поддержку. Просто узнал что не все процессоры данной линейки Kaby Lake имееют этот заскок, и на прошлой неделе в этом убедился лично. Когда покупали знакомому точно такой же цп как и у меня. Когда поставили, сразу увидили плавный рост температуры, перекидывали мой цп ему, его мне. Мой цп так же давал резкие скачки на его материнской плате чипсет "Z270", а его проц на моей плате "B250" показывал так же плавный рост температуры. Так что тут дело не в чипсетах, и не в скальпированиях, а скорее всего в датчике температуры, и ещё скорее всего это бракованные партии. Я же брал BOX и он попался неудачным, знакомому взяли OEM и все ОК.

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