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15616 Discussions

Thermal sensor issue i7-7700k?


I have a brand new build; EVERYTHING NEW. i7-7700k is running at stock speeds. I have the RAM set to XMP for DDR4-2666. Motherboard is Asus Maximus IX Hero Z270.

I have found that the i7-7700k reports a momentary (a second or less) temperature spike +25 > 35 degrees Celsius anytime a program is opened, a webpage is opened, a background app runs etc. The temperature blip cascades through the cores in random order; not the same every time. This causes my heatsink fan to constantly cycle up and down. Temperatures otherwise report as steady, normal increases. Peak temperature under Prime95 blend test is 71 degrees Celsius.

Attempted solutions:

I have re-installed my heatsink and thermal paste with no change.

I have tried to manually set my fan speed in the bios. The only setting that avoids this issue is setting the temperature / fan at a constant (and loud) 80-100%. I've tried PWM and DC mode.

I have found a few user reports elsewhere on the web, all reasoning that it's just the way it is. I don't accept that. Opening a folder or browser should not spike temps +30 degrees. Not only is the fan cycling annoying, it puts undue stress on my fan; possibly shortening its lifespan.

What's the answer, if any? RMA?

1 Solution

Hello Everyone,

We appreciate the feedback you have provided, and your patience as we investigated this behavior. The reported behavior of the 7th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-7700K Processor, showing momentary temperature changes from the idle temperature, is normal while completing a task (like opening a browser or an application or a program).

In our internal investigation, we did not observe temperature variation outside of the expected behavior and recommended specifications. For processor specifications, please refer to the Intel® Core™ i7-7700K Processor Product Specifications.

Most motherboard manufacturers offer customizable fan speed control settings that may allow for smoother transition of fan revolutions per minute (rpm). Please consult your motherboard manufacturer's manual or website for instructions on how to change default fan speed control settings.

We do not recommend running outside the processor specifications, such as by exceeding processor frequency or voltage specifications, or removing of the integrated heat spreader (sometimes called "de-lidding"). These actions will void the processor warranty.

Kindest Regards,

Ronald M.

View solution in original post

1,110 Replies

@Links Yes he used it, it's called Grizzly Conductonaut which is liquid metal thermal paste.

I want to delid too, all because Intel is not capable to put the right thermal paste in these high-end CPUs and especially those meant for overclocking (It's a shame).

@Vkkthxbro Here's my stats, tested with OCCT :

@ 4.2GHz => 1.145V


@ 4.3GHz => 1.15V


@ 4.4GHz => 1.15V


@ 4.5GHz => 1.15V


@ 4.6GHz => 1.195V


@ 4.7GHz => 1.24V


@ 4.8GHz => 1.295V


@ 4,9GHz => Unstable @ 1,36V and too hot beyond (exceeds 85 °).
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New Contributor I

Oh, thnks for the explanation.

I thought that liq.met. was called liquid something ultra/pro.

How long will the conductonaut last?

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Are those stats based on ur chip or general data ? also why u dont use realbench or prime95 but u use occt guys ?

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Vkkthxbro This is on Vcore (i7 7700K)

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Liquid Ultra/Pro is just from another brand (Coollaboratory).

I have delided my 7700k 10 days ago, and went 13c down, it's not much compared to others, but i dont care, just wanted to see if the spikes where any lower, and indeed they are 10 degrees lower, from 80 to 70 aprox (20c room temp).

Anyways, i'm not near happy with it, in summer time the spikes will probably get to 90 easily, making the fans go stupidly crazy (far more than now)

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this is something that Intel needs to solve... either there is a batch issue or a issue with the entire line...

either way they should be accepting processors from customers complaining and testing them internally..

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New Contributor I

As in was told already, deliding is not a cure :(

Fan will still react to a 60c spike as good as they would to a 80c spike.

I'm totally with you in this unhappy boat.

Not beacuse temps are high, but they are very unstable.

Watching U-tube, nothing in the background, not even moving the mouse is causing temp to jump every second between 28 and 40.

Not complaining about games. The load is much greater in games and a lot of heat is generated.

I'm still thinking about an AIO cooler. Setting it to controll fans speed by water temp will definitely save me from fans rampings.

But as far as I know, water temp changes so slightly, that I'm not sure, will I be able to set a good curve.

+AIO are pretty loud compared to air coolers. And expensive too...


I think you can calm yourself down.

Nobody will tell you anything. As long, as our CPU won't explode, they are "fine".

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People, i need help, i'm trying to lower my max vcore without setting it to manual. Using adaptive doesn't seem to do anything .

On auto, vcore will reach 1.26/1.28 in a spike. I'm on stock settings right now so the spike can get to 80c, if i set manual vcore to 1.18 the spikes lower to 76 or so (it's not much, but it's something)

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Подскажите пожалуйста, правильно ли я понимаю? Intel никак не будет решать проблему с качками температуры? Стоит компьютер в простое и скачет температура постоянно 40-60 градусов... И стоят водянка для охлаждения.

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New Contributor I

Дарова, нет никак. Они сказали мол проц может работать вплоть до 100 градусов, поэтому если твои прыжки в рамках этой температуры ты нефиг мол ныть. У меня тож прыгает, я там страницу назад описАл кривую для вентилятора, чтобы не прыгали его обороты. А так особо ничего не помогает.

Даже если нагрузка равномерная, все-равно не стабильная температу получается. Играешь или смотришь видос любой и скачет +/- 4-6 градусов.

Бывает даже мышкой дёрнешь и прыгает. Народ вон слюной брызжет, что скальпирование помогает....но я чет очкую + никто толком не говорит, как долго потом мазня эта живет и придется ли менять.

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Очень сильно надеюсь, что щас народ побежит покупать в основном amd, чтобы intel одумалась наконец и начала думать головой, а не другим местом...

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New Contributor I

Боюсь, что то небольшое кол-во народа, что обращают внимание на температуры и напряжения в своё ПК, не будет достаточно, чтобы на что-то повлиять.

Интел как раз и думает головой. Выпустим процессор, который через 2-3 года деградирует от непостоянной температуры и перегрева - пользователь быстрее купит новый. Как в приципе все, что сейчас в мире делается - работа в течении срока гарантии.

Да и вот например я, купил уже все. Мамка 400 евро, проц 350.

Что ж мне теперь это продать за полцены и покупать амд?

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New Contributor III

If you look back through this thread there are very few people with temps going high enough to risk shortening the life on the chip. The spikes seem to be normal behavior and part of the architecture and design of these chips. Temps while higher than previous generations are still under the 100c range these processors were designed to run up to.

I do see the concern over fans ramping up and down. This is more an issue with how the motherboard is controlling the fan in response to these spikes. I figure in time the motherboard manufactures will come out with an update to help lower the constant fan ramping with stock settings. The other concern I could see would be more heat being pumped into the case/room, but this should hopefully be minimal compared to previous generations. The last thing I will bring up that could be a concern is the added cost of a beefier heatsink being needed.

All in all some of these issues can be irritating, but like I said I haven't seen many users experiencing temps high enough to degrade the chip and of the few I have seen there were other factors at play that were causing the issue. I am not saying intel did a great job here, but I am hoping they will learn their lesson going forward and either start soldering the chips again or at least developing a new compound of TIM that does an overall better job.

I mean overall we are doing good in this thread. I have heard a report of someone bringing back a 7700k for overheating when they were trying to run it without a heatsink (It doesn't come with one in the box so they didn't think it needed one). So at least we do not have any of those users here.

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I've been talking with some people in here and they are all convinced that the issue has something to do with the chipset z270, they say there are no spike issues in any other chip. Is there any testing in this matter? I dont have another motherboard to try this.

Intel should make some testing in regards of:

If spike issue is found:

1) change CPUs in the same plataform to check if 100% of them have it.

2) change motherboards and brands in the same plataform to check if the same CPU behives the same on all of them.

3) change chipset model motherboards to check if happens on all of them.

Anyways, someone knows if the issue persist across other chipset models? If it's truly a z270 problem, it gets more easy to find a solution.

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thats not true. i had a z170 board originally and the spikes/temps were worse.

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Damn, thanks for the info!

May be it has something to do with the Z series? what about h270, b250, etc? May be those are the motherboards free of spikes. I want to believe (*insert x-files music*)

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Xavit написал(а):

Damn, thanks for the info!

May be it has something to do with the Z series? what about h270, b250, etc? May be those are the motherboards free of spikes. I want to believe (*insert x-files music*)

No. Its not. I have Asus Z170 Pro Gaming in past. Now I have Asus Z270E. Spikes are same. So its pure processor issue.

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New Contributor III

I can confirm it isn't the z270 chipset. These same spikes happen on the z170 chipset and even more they also happen on the 6xxx line as well.

The sky/kaby chips all seem to have these "spikes" and I still stand by the opinion this is just part of the architecture with these chips.

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Well, the last way to blame motherboards is to think it has something to do with the Z series and their OC capabilities. I'll try to find if there's any case of spikes in h270 and B250 chips.

Thanks for the info guys.

Lastly, i have yet to confirm if this happens in ALL 7700k (after all, it's supposed to be a feature). If after this it is certain that mobos are not to blame and the issue is noticed only in some processors and not all, i'll start searching for one CPU without the problem and stick with it till the end of times.

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I have the same problems.

2 weeks ago i bought a i7 7700k with a Asus maximux xi code motherboard. I use a Corsair h100iv2 cooler

I didn't overclock the system, everything is still stock. ( i will overclock, but first i need to get the temps better)

If i open a webbrowser and I check out each core the temps are realy weird. Core 1 for example gets 46 degrees while core4 is much warmer, 64 degrees

But also the core clocks are different. Some run at 4522mhz while others run at 803mhz

When the temps spikes, my system is getting realy loud.

When i run Prime95 with realtemp, the cores are running at 4522mhz the temps are 74 degrees with watercooling

But this is the weird part. When te system is cooling down it looks like when its half way, the temps are rising again, instead of dropping down.

And when i look at the clock speed, you see each core is jumping up and down differently

Now intel tells people to stop overclock the i7 7700k but on there own website they talk about and i quote "Configure your ideal gaming rig" The intel Z270 chipset paired with an Intel core i7 7700k Processor are fast and powerful out of the box-and still let you custom tune for ever higher performance.

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I changed my thermal paste. I have a Corsair H100iv2 and i replaced the thermal paste with Arctic silver 5

Changed bios settings into tpu II and it changed automaticly into 4.8ghz

With realtemp and prime95 it wont go past 80 degrees. With Aida64 it hits 87 degrees

But i still think the VCore is a bit high.

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