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does your i5 9600k have 100c startup temp????????

1,653 次查看

my i5 9th gen paired with msi Z390 tomahawk is hitting 100 centigrade right from the start up ,

i tried many fixes but the heat isn't reducing

please helppp mee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 回复数
1,212 次查看

You have a problem. Either there is a motherboard, power supply, bios, processor, or cooling system problem.


If your cooling system is installed properly, and you have adequate ventilation, you should not be seeing temps like these.


Are you at the correct version of the MSI bios?


Ok, at this point, have you tried another power supply?


Now, that is three down. A different motherboard would be more difficult to get and test.


Where did you purchase the processor? Can you return it for a replacement?




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If you have a sufficient cooling unit properly attached to the processor, this should not be happening. You need to look at whether the cooling unit is of sufficient wattage and is working properly.


Many of these cooling units are plugged into fan headers on the motherboard and are controlled by fan speed controllers on the motherboard. These fan speed controllers need to be programmed to properly accelerate the cooling as temperatures rise (this is typically done in the BIOS Setup environment).


You also need to look at the connection of this unit to the processor. If there is not sufficient good quality TIM (Thermal Interface Material, heatsink paste/grease/goop; good example being Arctic5) properly applied on the processor's heat spreader, then it is not going to dissipate the processor's heat. If it is not properly attached to the board and evenly pressing on the processor lid, then it is not going to dissipate the processor's heat.


I hesitate to mention it (because it is exceedingly rare), but there is also the possibility of a bad processor. This possibility should be your last consideration after looking at all of the above issues.


Less rare are damaged processors. A common example is processors that have been damaged by improper insertion into the socket or improper application of the hold-down mechanism. I have seen examples where the processor package ends up with a bent corner that, in addition to the possibility of improper signalling, prevents the cooling solution from properly sitting on the processor. I have also seen cases where the capacitors, etc. soldered to the bottom of the processor have been ripped off completely.


Hope this helps,


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