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i7 5930k fails ipdt imc memory size test


Hi All

I'm trying to track down an intermittent problem with my new build - basically at first start-up it occasionally powers on briefly then seems to reboot - this is sometimes the only problem but every so often after the reboot it freezes at the bios splash screen or rarely bsod's (it's been a while I can't remember exactly what the issue was now - possibly a whea error), A hard power off and restart and everything is okay. Once it's running everything seems fine (I've had one bsod - also a whea I think - when running just after starting Samsung Magician - only time it's done that so I don't think it's relevant).

I'm leaning toward the idea that it is a power problem, either the power supply or my mains.

But first off I'm running tests to check the other hardware.

The system is an air cooled i7-5930k in an MSI X99A SLI Krait Edition motherboard with 32GB HyperX Fury DDR4 2666 ram (4x8), MSI GTX980ti 6G Golden graphics card, Samsung SM950 Pro M2 SSD (system drive), WD Black 4tb HD, Windows 10 Pro 64, AC68 wireless and LG BH16NS40 Optical drive all powered by a Superflower Leadex Platinum 1000W, Processor is not overclocked, ram is automatically by HyperX up to the stated speed of 2666.

So memtest86 worked fine (3 passes) and so I found IPDT and tried that - every test passes except the IMC Memory size test (I've turned off that test and the rest of the IMC tests also pass).

So it seems to me that the processor is probably fine as everything else seems to get the memory size correct - am I right to ignore this or is it indicative of a problem.

If anyone has any thoughts on the problem I'm trying to solve as well that would be great to hear.

I managed to track down the problem by reinstalling windows and trying a cold restart (mains off, power button pressed to discharge caps, power back on) every step of the way and it turns out the freezing problem is the PCE-AC68 - either windows is trying to start it before it's ready or the driver is not handling the request properly - sent questions to both Microsoft and Asus so see if I get anywhere.


ASUS solved the problem by having me run an older driver, I'm now running - no indication of whether this will be fixed in later releases (or where the problem actually lies - could still be a Win 10 issue). 

Still interested in the IMC Memory Size test failure so if anyone has any light to throw on that please do.

Message was edited by: Paul James

Message was edited by: Paul James

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4 Replies

Hi Glynxxpittle,



Integrated Memory Controller



The purpose of Integrated Memory Controller (IMC) Test Library is to test Integrated Memory Controller functionality which is included in Intel® Core i7 and i5 Processor, Intel® Xeon Processor 5500 series and Intel® Xeon Processors based on Intel® Micro architecture (Nehalem). This library targets the memory controller speed, memory size, and it performs memory stress test



The Base Clock Test verifies the accuracy of the base clock used to calculate the Integrated Memory Controller (IMC) link speed and the Quick Path Interconnect (QPI) link speed for Intel® Core i7 and i5 Processor, Intel® Xeon Processor 5500 series and Intel® Xeon Processors based on Intel® Micro architecture (Nehalem). The test compares the detected value to the expected default base clock of 133MHz.



The Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool Windows® - User Guide



Check this thread; it is about IPDT – IMC test





Please let me know if it helps.







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I have the same processor and the same test fails with the latest bios update. I am using MSI X99A SLI Plus motherboard and the latest bios for this board causes the IMC test to fail but it passes with the older bios v1.90. In the msi notes for the new bios it says they have added Brodwell-EP cpu support, I am suspecting some conflict between Haswell-E and Brodwell-EP microcode inside bios.


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Thanks for the info, that makes me feel better about it - as noted above the original problem seemed to be the ASUS driver.

It could be that I'm running overclocked RAM, but as it's HyperX which overclocks automatically to 2666 I've yet to sit down and work out how to stop it doing that to test again - now the freezing problem is solved there is no other problem I am aware of so I'm guessing the IMC error is not an issue.

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Thanks for the information, great to know that your issue was solved Glynxxpittle.







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