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on-chip Quick Sync video processor diagnostic program?


I'm using a desktop which has a corei3-4170 cpu and HD4400 graphics.  The OS is windows 10 20H2, and the graphics driver is up-to-date.

With 2 separate video editors (Corel video studio, and Cyberlink power director 18) the use of the on-chip video cpu aka Intel Quick Sync fails.  Video studio calls it 'hardware acceleration', and Power director calls it 'fast video rendering technology', but both terms implement Intel Quick Sync directly when rendering a video composition..

Rendering using Quick Sync fails in both programs:  the error messages are phrased differently, but the process fails quickly when started; whereas rendering using just the normal cpu works in both programs. Because 2 separate video editors are having a problem using Quick sync, maybe the on-chip video cpu that performs the quick sync function has a failure. 

Is there a diagnostic program available that would determine whether the quick sync video cpu is working properly, or not??

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19 Replies

Hello Davidk101,


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.


To better assist you please provide the following log from your system and provide the information requested down below, also you can see our recommendation in regards to your last question.




•          Go to Start > Run or Windows Key + R.

•          On the Run prompt, type "dxdiag" then click OK.

•          On the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window, click on Save All Information.

•          Browse to a folder, type in a filename then click Save.


*Use the option under the reply window to attach the report to the thread (Drag and drop here or browse files to attach).

 -Do you have the latest version of both video editors (Corel video studio, and Cyberlink power director 18)?

-Have you tried reinstalling both video editors?

- Were you ever able to use these editors in conjunction with the Intel® Quick Sync Video technology without receiving any errors? If yes, was there any recent change related to the point when the issue started?

- Do you remember if this issue happened after a new OS update or driver update?

*In regards to your question, we don’t have a specific tool that can check if the Intel® Quick Sync Video technology is working as it’s supposed to; however, you can use the tool down below to check if the overall functioning capabilities of the processor are working as they are supposed to.

Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool



I look forward to hearing from you.




Victor G.

Intel Technical Support Technician  

0 Kudos

Hi Victor,

Thanks for replying so fast.

I have a number of attachments that go with my responses.

1.  Dx diag - run today 11 feb21, attached

2.  latest version of video editors - yes.  Taking these individually.

a.  power director 18 - ultimate version, 18.0.2725.0.

This is the latest PD18 version, pd19 was released a few months ago, have not upgraded.

I've had PD18 for 8 months, and run a number of projects through the render/produce process without issues.  This was the 1st time I'd chosen FVRT because the project was getting somewhat long - 15minutes.  When running a render (produce in the language of the program) on a project, selecting fast video render technology immediately enables Intel quick sync;  screenshot attached.  Choosing to start this, I get an immediate error message: screenshot attached.

In previous editing projects I'd not chosen FVRT option for a render and each one ran smoothly, result Ok and played in the VLC player.

b.  Corel video studio 2021, ultimate

This is the latest just released version.

The project file for rendering is small for test, 3 clips: an image, a video clip, and an image to end:  composition screenshot attached.

Selecting Share to render the project file with hardware acceleration ON (Intel Quick Sync) fails: screenshot attached.

Selecting share to render the project without hardware acceleration (Intel quick Sync OFF, greyed out) is successful: screenshot attached.

3.  Re PD18 and use of Intel Quick Sync successfully - no.  see comments above.

4.  Re Corel video studio (CVS) - yes

a.  I'm a long time user of CVS:  for a number of years I tutored a class in using it and ran every version from 11 thru 2020 on a windows 7 laptop, and my windows7 desktop (the system now in review), successfully.  My normal configuration of the program in all versions has been to use hardware acceleration ON, and I did not notice any issues on either computer.

Upgrading the desktop to windows 10 was a nightmare over 6 months, and I could not get the previously working versions of CVS that were 1st installed under windows 7 to function correctly on a migrated window10 platform.  A clean windows10 platform was not a consideration because it broke too much of my computing environment (printer, NAS etc), whereas on a migrated computer everything but CVS worked.  After months of failures I gave it up and waited for the new version of CVS (2021) before I tried again, and when 2021 was released recently this time there none of the prior issues, altho there were some:  this one is particular.  Whilst waiting I acquired Power director18 and I used it to continue with my editing projects.

4.  re-install of each package - PD18, no (it worked, and the render issue has a good workaround:  de-select FVRT), see commentary below.  CVS2021 - yes, several times, but no change in this issue.

5.  OS and driver update influences:  none observed.

6.  Commentary: In the video editor user boards, the commentary on hardware acceleration or FVRT - a means of expediting video operations such as rendering, but not exclusively - seems to be generally that if a problem occurs, turn the acceleration OFF, or occasionally ON.  Assuming a software timing or other combination of factors may cause the issue under review.

It was only when recently that render issues were resolved by turning Intel Quick Sync OFF in either program that I began to wonder whether the video cpu (that is supposed to be on every Intel cpu die since 2011) and is the focus of the Quick Sync functionality in each program might be malfunctioning:  thus the request for a diagnostic to verify that.

7.  the processor diagnostic you refer to:  does that include the video cpu in the tests done? I haven't downloaded it yet.  How long does the diagnostic run for?



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Hello Davidk101,


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.


To answer your question yes, the diagnostic will complete a stress test with the CPU’s integrated graphics; however, before trying that out please take into consideration the following recommendations and let us know if the issue persists:


- Th first thing you need to bear in mind in order for the Intel® Quick Sync Video technology to work properly your BIOS must be up to date, and according to the report provided the last time it was updated was back on April 4th, 2015 and since then there has been a couple of new releases; however, the one we would recommend you to try is the latest one in this case according to the motherboard’s website it would be the BIOS version F8b released on March 3rd, 2016.


Important note: Please bear in mind that in order to update the BIOS you will need to either look for instructions on the manufacturer’s website or get in touch with their support directly, and for any of those you can use the links down below.


Gigabyte support


Motherboard’s website


- The second thing you need to bear in mind in order for the Intel® Quick Sync Video technology to work properly is to have your operating system up to date all the time, in this case as you have already discussed with us and as your report shows the computer is now running the 19042 windows build released back in October 2020 so you are up to date in regards to that, just make sure you don’t have any pending updates in the windows updates section.


-The third thing you need to make sure you have is the latest graphics driver, in this case, you do have one installed but is version previously released back on August 18th, 2020 and since then we now have a new release which is the version released on February 5th, 2021; therefore, please try to update the driver and then test the system out.




Latest driver


- Last but not least you need to install a compatible software that uses the Quick Sync feature to get the feature working for your processor, from the listed below section for Quick Sync Video Enabled Application you can choose one and test the system out with it.


Click: Intel Quick Sync


*Links to third-party sites and references to third-party trademarks are provided for convenience and illustrative purposes only. Unless explicitly stated, Intel® is not responsible for the contents of such links, and no third-party endorsement of Intel or any of its products is implied. 


I look forward to hearing from you.




Victor G.

Intel Technical Support Technician 


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Hi Victor,

Back again.  Before addressing your advisories, where in the communities page is the login button?  I keep searching my post and having to do it that way.


Bios updates.

Very very nervous about this - if anything goes wrong, the machine is unusable.  So I've stuck with the one the m/b came with.  By observation of others, any changes are minor.

Graphics driver update to 4/11/2020

There was only one 64bit driver at your link, so I downloaded the win64_15.40.5171.exe file and installed it. Done.  Commentary: the install loops over and over without any notice that multiple re-starts will be necessary.  Just at the end, click the restart button.  And after the re-boot, that install panel appears again and again  . . I bailed after 2 cycles this time.  According to the device manager details, the driver is working and gave the above data, which is somewhat different from the version and date data you gave in your email.  Would you clarify that please - the driver file name numbers on your support site always seem to be a mismatch with the file name and number that windows reports.

Test video cpu with compatible software

And I note that one of the apps listed is Cyberlink power director.  And one of the reasons for this whole topic is that PD did not work with FVRT/Quick sync enabled.

Nevertheless, after the driver update, I opened PD18 and went thru the FVRT optimisation process - panel finished with no errors reported, just closed and opened the project file.  I created the same project file I used with video Studio, and produced it with FVRT enabled.  This operation failed again.  Produced it with FVRT disabled or unselected, produce finished without error and the rendered mpg file played in VLC as expected.

Which seems to result in a dead-end:  your advice is that the cpu video processor is tested with a compatible software (one of several listed), one of which PD18 I have. The reason I posted this topic in the first place was that PD18 was not rendering with Quick sync in PD, and after the graphics driver update that is still the case.



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Hello Davidk101,


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.

To answer your question about the login button in the communities site there is no login button as far as we know off, what you can do is just used the main site and either look for your post via the search bar or look yourself with the filter located in the left side of the search bar by using the users option, after that, you can select your profile.

Based on your message can you please clarify that when you say that “I opened PD18 and went thru the FVRT optimization process - panel finished with no errors reported, just closed and opened the project file.” you mean that after the driver update you didn’t receive any more errors while using the FVRT/Quick sync feature but with the other software (Corel video studio) you did get the same error.

It is worth mentioning that BIOS updates are something really common nowadays and if you do them with the instructions from the manufacturer you shouldn’t have any problems; however, please bear in mind that if you don’t test the system with the latest BIOS it will be harder for us to determine what would be the best approach for this situation, since, the computer must be updated in every one of the aspects discussed in the previous message because the Intel® Quick Sync Video technology requires it to function properly.

In regards to the driver loop that is actually a normal behavior, sometimes the system doesn’t quite allow the installation that’s why we recommend eliminating all possible traces of previous drivers before attempting to install the latest one; however, unforeseen issues might happen like the one you mentioned, and in regards to the driver version you should be able to see the version of the driver and in case you don’t that would mean that the operating system didn’t allow the installation to be completed, and if that’s the case you can try it again without been connected to the internet and with the step by step instructions provided in the previous message, you can use the following link for the driver we would recommend using the win64 .zip file this time.


I look forward to hearing from you.




Victor G.

Intel Technical Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hi Victor,

1.  To clarify my comment about PD optimising . .

After the hd4400 driver update, when I opened PD18 next, the program presented me with a panel suggesting I optimise the hardware acceleration settings - presumably because it had detected the driver upgrade.  I chose yes, and the progress bar ran to the end, and then the panel finished, disappeared.  I attach a screenshot of the settings for this item, and the last time it was updated was just prior to my remark to you.

And after the optimising was completed, I opened a test project and produced it - with no change in the result with FVRT selected - immediate failure message.


2.  Driver upgrades.

Several items of note here.

a.  the link in your last message was to a spanish (?) version of the page.  But noting your remarks about the zip file, I went to the page link you originally supplied and downloaded the zipfile

b.  Saved the zip file, extracted, read the install instructions. Created a restore point and disconnected the internet cable, and then executed the igxpin.exe file.  The install went as before, but this time there was no looping - presumably because the internet was not available.  I waited some time before re-connecting the internet cable without loops, and no loops evident after the re-connection either.

c.  the driver upgrade program said 'finished'.  There were no errors. The device manager display adapter driver properties display said, 4/11/2020 - as before.  dxdiag display said the same thing.


So, I don't know why the program named 15.40.5171 should display after installing as, but it does.  I noted this before when doing driver upgrade - what the program name is, is not what the operating system sees it as.  And that is something I've noted several times on other boards:  no one knows why, but the conflicting details make it hard for diagnosis.  Intel needs to address that and make the successfully installed version consistent with the naming conventions the company has adopted.


3.  Success with rendering using Quick sync?  No.

Over the last few days I've upgraded the graphics driver twice, and done test renders using quick sync in Pd18 and Video Studio several times, before and after driver upgrade and a re-install of CVS.  The results are consistent between programs:  with QS on, render fails, with it off render succeeds.


Since it seems there is no way to independently test the video cpu on chip, I can only conclude one of these applies:

a.  a chip failure limited to that video cpu.  Possible but unlikely since the computing results from the main cpu itself with a variety of applications including 2 video editors are normal.

b.  a programming interface error in using the video cpu - much more likely.

I don't know how long Cyberlink has been using the video cpu for acceleration (I only bought PD18 last year) but Corel made an effort to improve it's hardware acceleration performance using QS in 2019.  Despite that, the re-currenct reports of issues which are fixed with acceleration OFF continue at much the same rate as before 2019.  All of this strongly suggests to me that program timing - it must be right when just using the main cpu, and it fails when "subcontracting to the video cpu" - is an essential element in this.

At this stage I have several work practices to address this "acceleration" fail issue in either editor:  1) create projects that are small enough - say 10-14 minutes each - that acceleration would make no practicable difference in the result; and 2) live with it.  Something working, however long it takes, is much more preferred to something that doesn't work at all.

0 Kudos

I got a message inviting me to comment on "did this solve my problem". 

My basic question was about a means of diagnosing the 'on-chip' video cpu:  the answer to that seems to be 'no'.  An independent app appears to be needed, and one of those cited by Intel was in fact one that failed.  There have been a few sidebar issues, and since there are several items outstanding (queries from me to thee) in my last reply, it's hard to make a definitive statement on this.

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Hello Davidk101,


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.


We appreciate the information you have provided, please allow us to do further research on our end in regard to your situation, we will update the thread as soon as possible.




Victor G.

Intel Technical Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello Davidk101,


We appreciate all the information provided from your end and in this case, we would like to replicate this issue in our lab, since we already have your specifications we only need the steps to work on it; therefore, in order to replicate as accurately as possible can you please provide us with a step by step guide on both programs up until the point where you get the error message if you prefer to send us a video that would be helpful as well, whatever you feel more comfortable with.


I look forward to hearing from you.




Victor G.

Intel Technical Support Technician  

0 Kudos

Hi Victor,

Thanks again for the response.

I suppose I should begin with a little background.  Years ago, I worked for a security firm manufacturing equipment using data encryption DES chips.  The US bureau of standards published a maintenance test sequence for that chip such that a program, by loading various input, key and output data and commanding responses, could test every bit in every register of the chip to confirm that it was functional.  That program was the final production test of the equipment using a DES chip.

To the present situation. The current situation of using a dedicated processor for a specific function seemed very like that DES case of years ago, and since there seemed to be some doubt that video cpu on the Intel processor I am using is functional - 2 separate video editor programs using it both failed, and both worked when not using it - some independent means of testing that was indicated. Thus my request here for a test program. I am not giving the editors a pass yet, since there is history of editors failing in this area, but some proof that the video chip both use for acceleration is fully functional is necessary before loading a gun at the software.

The actual projects that failed in each editor are fairly long, so I created a 3-file project for each editor (the same 3 files, in the same time sequence).  I attach each of those files: 2 image clips.

I wanted to include the project files and a .mod video clip (from a JVC camcorder) but every effort to attach got bounced out by the response system here.  So, I uploaded them to a public Onedrive folder here:

If you have access to the editors, the project files and component clips all in the same folder should load successfully.

With hardware acceleration enabled, both fail. I also attach a screenshot of the fail messages for the editors.  With hardware acceleration disabled, both pass: render succeeds.

Screenshots:  video studio (3): the hardware acceleration setting, the project composition and the render fail message.  Power director (2): the project composition, and the render/produce error message.

I await your results with interest.


0 Kudos

Hello Davidk101,


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.


We appreciate all the information you have shared, and we will be updating this thread with the results of our lab as soon as possible.




Victor G.

Intel Technical Support Technician  

0 Kudos

Hello Davidk101,


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.

We would like to verify some information with you. While we were doing the lab on our end we come across the options that you were using in both programs; however, both options appeared to be greyed out in the case of Corel video studio, and in the Cyberlink Power Director 18 it didn’t allow us to choose it; therefore, we would like to know if there are any extra steps we need to complete in order to enable this options.


I look forward to hearing from you.




Victor G.

Intel Technical Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hi Victor,

Overview:  in both programs (CVS and PD) the preference settings allow the user to turn hardware acceleration on or off in 2 places: one is a general setting, and the other is a setting for the render of the specific project being processed. 

For CVS2021.  In the case of CVS, in the main title bar under settings preferences/performance, there are 3 options allowed for that:  Intel Nvidia and AMD (AMD new, provided in CVS2021, the other 2 available for several years.).  Choose the one required, but it's a single choice only.  For example you may have an Nvidia display adapter with either processor type, but you cannot have the processor and the cpu choice.  or disable all choices (untick the option).

When rendering a project, in the share page options for that function, there is another facility to choose hardware acceleration:  again choose one, or untick the option.  In the case of CVS, unticking the option here also changes the main general preference settings for hardware acceleration.

2 screenshots of these VS setting facilities attached.


For PD18.  Again, a hardware acceleration setting is available in the general settings page/hardware acceleration.  There is no choice of cpu or display adapter in PD, but the optimise button in this section when selected presumably determines just what is available and sets that.

When rendering (in PD terms, "produce"), there is another choice of hardware acceleration - and on the produce page it as called FVRT.  When the produce page is opened, this function is set ON, but it can be turned off (untick the FVRT radio button) for the specific project.  Unlike CVS, in PD turning FVRT OFF on the produce page does not change the general settings for hardware acceleration.

2 screenshots of the PD settings attached.


Results on my machine.

As you will have seen, the m/b and cpu on my PC are a few years old.  Until this year, CVS was the only brand of video editor I used (versions up to VS2020), and generally the OS on the PC was windows 7.  I previously have run VS with hardware acceleration on, with no reported render failure messages, although there are many in the VS user forum who reported issues with acceleration ON and a problem fixed with acceleration OFF, so the particular combination of software cpu and acceleration seemed fluky and got a lot of negative review for Corel.  And thus my prior comments about 'history' with use of acceleration.

When I upgraded the hardware to windows 10, I installed both PD18 and VS2021 on the same hardware that previously ran windows 7, and both applications reported render failure messages when trying to render a project with acceleration on.  Turning the hardware acceleration options OFF in both applications enabled the render operations in both apps to proceed successfully.  This situation has persisted thru win10 1909, 2004 and 2010 releases).

And for the moment at least (until we establish just which part of the acceleration operation - hardware or the software/interfaces/timing) I'm using both applications without acceleration on.

The situation is, in summary:

- the hardware m/b ran acceleration when rendering with VS over several versions (X10 thru 2020) for some time without apparent issues (there were no error messages) under windows 7

- under windows 10 on that same m/b, both VS2021 and PD18 report error messages when rendering with hardware acceleration ON,

- under windows 10 on that same m/b, both VS2021 and PD18 render successfully when hardware acceleration is OFF.

So, I'm trying to establish just what component  of the acceleration process (on-chip video cpu, and the software driving it) used in the acceleration process under windows 10 is not working correctly.  Starting I hope with the video on-chip cpu  for the intel core i3 cpu I am using in the PC.

0 Kudos

Hello Davidk101,


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.


We appreciate the information you've shared, and we will be sharing the outcome of our lab on this thread as soon as possible.




Victor G.

Intel Technical Support Technician  

0 Kudos

Hello Davidk101,


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.

To continue with our research, we would like to know if you have tried to test if this issue persists with older drivers from our end? we understand that you probably don’t remember what driver was installed when you were back in Windows 7 but we would like to know if any of these have been tested.







In case you want to test them you can use the clean installations instructions.


I look forward to hearing from you.




Victor G.

Intel Technical Support Technician  

0 Kudos

Hi Victor,

I appreciate the effort and feedback you are giving to finding a cause for this apparent failure of hardware acceleration in 2 editor programs.

Re your latest queries about the graphics display driver in the desktop with core i3 cpu.  For much of 2020 I really was not in a position to test graphics drivers for either software.  The details:

Up to late 2019, I ran windows 7 sp1 as patched by MS regularly on this machine, and the only video editor I had installed was video studio.  Because I tutored a u3A class in that program, I had 4 versions installed: X9, X10, 2018, 2019.  As I previously stated I normally ran VS with the hardware accel on, but I cannot recall any specific instance of the graphic driver version being involved or implicated in a problem.  Because Corel looked like it would discontinue support for VS on windows 7 during 2020, in Dec 2019 I began what turned out to be a frustrating attempt to upgrade to windows 10.  If i did a recommended in place upgrade, every program and device I used excepting VS worked.  All versions of VS failed in a specific function - opening the share page.  rendering not involved - just opening the page hung the PC up, required a task manager re-start to get whole device usable again.  I spent weeks regressing every driver (including the graphics driver, but without a solution to the share page issue rendering was impossible) on the system trying to find a cause, unsuccessfully.  Doing a clean install should have fixed that, but it meant re-installing every piece of software I had:  the one time I tried this, after the driver regression effort failed, essential but old devices (the printer, network storage) failed to work.  And the old distribution disks I had for them were not functional under win10.  The result was a cleft stick:  these devices worked under the migrated approach, but a clean install broke them.  Eventually I decided that I would go with the migrated approach, and try to figure out why VS was not working.  After 4 months, that hadn't worked.  I came to believe it was a registry thing; every prior version of VS had first been installed under windows 7, and something persisting in the registry caused the share page problem.  I tried uninstalling the win7 re-distributables and a number of other things, but nothing worked - meaning the program would install, with the win10 redistributables, then the share page failed  when using it.  By June I had given it up: decided to wait for VS2021 (the next version and only one which would not have been previously  installed under win7);  on 26 june I removed every VS version installed and components it used, and then migrated to win10-1909.  A registry scan in that condition showed there were 884 items in the registry that had the string "VideoStudio" in the name or data somewhere (and thus my contention that something in the registry caused the VS problem in a migrated win10 installation).

Pending the release of a testable VS2021 (beta) late in 2020, also in June I bought and installed Power director 18 ultimate, and thereafter I learnt to use it for projects I had delayed doing for too long.  By Nov VS had a beta version of 2021 out for test, and it did work correctly: has done ever since thru 8 test and the public releases.

And now we are at the point where I can test both editors hardware acceleration settings together on the same hardware: when on - rendering fails; when off, rendering works.

There can be one of several causes on acceleration failure using the on board video chip by 2 programs in the same hardware:

- the video cpu has failed:  both programs trying to use it will get error messages.

- the video cpu is functional on independent test:  the common element with application use then is the driver for the video cpu, and failure messages mean both programs are not using the driver api's for it correctly, or the driver itself has a problem using the video cpu.

And on the issue of an independent test program: seems like there isn't one.  If so, maybe the production test process isn't as good as it might be.

From the query you pose, I am assuming you would like to establish just which version of the driver did work with hardware acceleration, and that would be with VS only - did not have PD18 until 8 months ago.  I really don't want to go back to prior conditions - after the last frustrating year, that is just 'old'.

Where does this leave us??

0 Kudos

Hello Davidk101,


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.

At this point, what we are going to try to complete on our end with the information you have provided so far will be to replicate the issue with newer hardware( processor/graphics) to see if the issue is more related to a hardware limitation related to that component capabilities. We’ll be in touch as soon as possible.



Victor G.

Intel Technical Support Technician  

0 Kudos

Hello Davidk101,


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.


Based on our research and replication of the issue process, we need to inform you that that regrettably, the driver development on the HD Graphics 4400 has slowed down considerably in favor of new products and thus it is unlikely this issue is going to receive further attention from Intel at this point.

We recommend checking with both software developers to see if there is any workaround or software update that may improve compatibility with older graphics controllers such as HD Graphics 4400.




Victor G.

Intel Technical Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hi Victor,

Thanks you for the reply, and the interest you have shown in this.

From the circumstances reported, I understand that you did find something in the driver, but because the related chipset is old, Intel won't fix it. A disappointing result.

I will report it to corel and cyberlink.

Thank you again.


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