Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
14964 Discussions

today i was playing just cause 2 and suddenly i faced some shatter lags i opened task manager and i found that my 2 logical processors aren't working and clock speed was 0.78 GHZ my processor is intel core i5 4210U graphics card is intel HD 4400


cpu clock speed decreases and 2 logical processors stops working at some time processor intel core i5 4210U

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1 Reply
Hello vt10 Thank you for posting in the Intel Community. I recommend confirming if the Intel® Hyper-Threading feature is enabled on the system BIOS, make sure that you have the system BIOS up to date (we recommend taking this actions with the guidance of the Original Equipment Manufacturer). You can also make sure that your operating system is set up to work in high performance (if your system is a laptop please set high performance for both plug and on battery settings), this setting can be found on: 1- Windows setting. 2- System. 3- Power and sleep. 4- Additional power settings Hope this helps. Regards, Leonardo C. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation
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