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ALTASMI_PARALLEL sector erase problem

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 

I'm using ALTASMI_PARALLEL IP (QuartusII 13.0sp1) to program an EPCS16 from a CycloneIVGX (EP4CGX22CF19C8), but the sector_erase command returns an illegal_erase error. 

If I repeat the sector_erase command as soon as the first sector_erase comand ends, the second sector_erase command completes properly. 


All the sectors are unprotected, in fact the status register is 0x00. 


Acquisition clock is 50MHz, ASMI clock is 6.25MHz. 


Following the waveform (SignalTap) of the first sequence (sector_erase - read_status - sector_erase) and second sequence (sector_erase - sector_erase)
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II


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Hi all, 

......I'm using ALTASMI_PARALLEL IP (QuartusII 13.0sp1) to program an EPCS16 from a CycloneIVGX (EP4CGX22CF19C8), but the sector_erase command returns an illegal_erase error..... 


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Some more info: 

it happends for very first write operation also, see attached picture 


Just an update, as you can see from Altera Knowledgement Data Base (


it seems the ALTASMI_PARALLEL IP it is unable to execute Write and Erase operation correctly after ReadID or ReadStatus operation. 


Altera claims the problem is solved on QuartusII 13.1. 


By the way, I try with QuartusII 64-Bit 13.1.1 Build 166 11/26/2013 SJ Full Version (Windows 7 64-Bit OS) and the problem persists.
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Honored Contributor II

Did you manage to solve this?

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Honored Contributor II


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Did you manage to solve this? 

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The problem is not solved, I'm using the workaround: a dummy read after ReadSID and ReadStatus operation.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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The problem is not solved, I'm using the workaround: a dummy read after ReadSID and ReadStatus operation. 

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My problem was my bad.  


It seems it is required for the project to have the 'inputs tri stated for active configuration pins in user mode' box unchecked in device pins and options.  


Probably unrelated to your problem. However I could not figure out for the life of me why I was getting illegal erase and write assertions.
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