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Altera Quartus Tool

Honored Contributor II

hi, im trying to get myself familiar with altera quartus but there is a few info that i dont understand. 


on the compilation report on this fitter summary, im not quite sure what is the total pins means. i realise on one of my project file, it use up 513/622 (82%) i wonder it is so much and what does it means.  


also , on the timing analyzer summary(classic) what does worst-case tsu, worst-case tco, worst case th means?
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


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hi, im trying to get myself familiar with altera quartus but there is a few info that i dont understand. 


on the compilation report on this fitter summary, im not quite sure what is the total pins means. i realise on one of my project file, it use up 513/622 (82%) i wonder it is so much and what does it means.  


also , on the timing analyzer summary(classic) what does worst-case tsu, worst-case tco, worst case th means? 

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the total number of Pins is the number of Pins used by your design. Maybe you have large busses in your design.  


tSU = <pin to register delay> + <micro setup delay> - <clock to destination register delay> 


tCO = <clock to source register delay> + <micro clock to output delay> + <register to pin delay> 


tH = <clock to destination register delay> + <micro hold delay of destination register> - <pin to register delay> 


For more detailed info look intot the Quartus Help or on the Altera Web site. 


Kind Regards 


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