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Basics Of NIOS Development

Honored Contributor II

The NIOS SOPC tutorials are massive for school projects where someone is trying to get up to speed on just basic development.  


At the Oregon Institute of Technology four of us developed some tutorials for low-level work.  


The basics of education: it's never perfect, but it always needs to get better. Attached are two tutorials.  

Tutorial 1 shows how to implement memory and get some LEDs blinking. Just a start.  


Tutorial 2 shows how to implement flash, get the DRAM working, and get some LEDs to blink.  


This is a great place for little things that took forever to figure out, but really only took a bit of understanding and about 5 minutes to fix. 


The major problems I ran into while doing this development: 


The little tips and tricks we have learned, could save someone else several hours. I see it all of the time for software developers, lets see the same thing with hardware development. 


If something is wrong with these tutorials, make the change, throw your name on it as well, and put it up.  



These projects were made for academic instructional purposes at OIT. The bulk of development was with Quartus Web Editions. Credited contributors: R. Carestia, E. Blackwell, A. Flory, L. Stacey, P. Soldan.  


First author for Tutorial 1, Blackwell. 

First author for Tutorial 2, Flory.  



Facility: Oregon Institute of Technology 


Department: Computer Systems Engineering Technology
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