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Cyclone II FPGA Starter Development Kit

Honored Contributor II

Hi guys, I just received a Cyclone II FPGA Starter Development Kit and wanted start work with VHDL codes in it, but I'm having a really big headache to get started... 

My problem is that, looking at the user guide,I installed the programs, Quartus II and the Cyclone's stuff, till there OK... Then I jumped to the device and to try run the examples that the user guide brings, that's where the mess begins... I can't install the USB-Blaster driver to iniciate the process and my pc doesn't recognizes it... What I should do? I really need help in here... Thanks since now...
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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

What kit is it? Some of them have a USB-Blaster built-in.

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Honored Contributor II

Hey, tnks friend, yes, this one have a USB-Blaster built-in, but for some reason, my pc doesn't recognize it when I plug in with the usb cable... I just can't do nothing, no even run the exemples... Is that it with defect?

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Honored Contributor II

i think you should identify your usb-blaster.

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Honored Contributor II

Did anyone make any progress with this USB-Blaster Issue? I went through the steps to install the USB-Blaster driver, everything seemed to work out correctly. But then I tried to get the PC to connect with the development board, no dice. ????

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Honored Contributor II


this may help you. after following step, if you go to programmer under tools you should choose USB-Blaster. and other important point is that you can only use USB Blaster with only usb socket of your pc which you use while identifying usb blaster
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Honored Contributor II

Hey dude, I reported the problem here and got a solution at lest to the recognition of the board on the pc. That's the deal, I plugged the board and it wasn't recognized, so I went to the device manager on Win7 and installed by hand the driver, till there ok, the Quartus II programmer ran ok. Then turned off the board and shutdown the pc, on the other day I turned everything on and nothing worked again... So I reinstalled the Quartus II and the other sofwares after the driver was already installed. But remember, you have to be sure to select the USB-blaster on Quartus II programmer, or it won't work, if it's not there, go on add hardware (I don't remember exactly how is it there, but it's something like that) on programmer and try by there. After that, it is working, I can manipulate the display and leds normally, I just didn't learned exactly how to design on the board... But, baby steps, I get there yet! Well, I don't know why or how this happend, but it did, so I hope it'll help you.

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Honored Contributor II

OK, I dug through that PDF listed above, and it solved the problem. Thanks for all the help.

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