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Device Migration Tables?

Honored Contributor II

Are there any spreadsheets or tools I can use to give me a pin file that supports migration between various devices?

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

As long as you compile your design for device migration, there won't be a problem connecting your I/O pins to power or ground. Those pins will be set as reserved inputs by Quartus II. If you don't use migration in Quartus II you have to be careful with the way you set your unused I/O pins. If you set all of your unused I/O as "outputs driving ground" but connect some of them to VCC on your board to support migration, then you'll damage the device. It's best to let Quartus II set the pins automatically for migration to avoid this type of contention.

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Honored Contributor II

When you enable device migration some of the IO pins become power and ground in the larger density devices. This isn't a big deal when the unused input is a reserved input and is attached to ground. I always thought it was a problem for Vccint attached to a reserved input since in Stratix II for example the VCCint is 1.2 volts. I thought this was in the linear region of the input transistors. I had elaborate board options to avaoid this problem. 


My Altera FAE set me straight. Altera had planned for this so the switching threshold of the IO does not overlap the VCCint when connected to a reserved input. 


I thought I would put this in the thread since I have seen this come up on other forums.
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