Programmable Devices
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Error (114016): Out of memory in module quartus_fit.exe

Honored Contributor II

i compile my project today,quartus 13.0sp1 32bit show me a error:"Error (114016): Out of memory in module quartus_fit.exe (399 megabytes used)" 

the device i used is EP3C16Q240C8 

my computer cofiguration is WIN7 professional 32bit,the RAM is 3.43GB available 

it is strange,because i have compile this project about a month ago which is OK 

during this month ,the project and my computer do not have any change 

i am confused,does someone can give me some advise?
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi Jay, 


You getting this error message is because the available memory is insufficient to continue running or to perform the specified operation. You can temporarily close other Window programs to make enough memory available to runt he Quartus Prime software and do not run other programs int he background. You may be able to free up more memory by exiting from Windows and then restarting Windows and the Quartus Prime software, and by increasing the size of the Windows swap file on your hard disk. You can also add more memory (RAM) to your computer 


Best Regards, 


(This message was posted on behalf of Intel Corporation)
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Honored Contributor II

Hi Jay, 

"170048 selected device has 128 RAM location(s) of type M9K. However, the current design needs more than 126 to successfully fit" 

1.The Error message is due to insufficient memory in EP3C16Q240C8.  

2. EP3C16 device support only (56 M9K block and total of 516,096 i.e =56*1024*9(m9k block x depth × width including sign bit) 516096 bits. 

3. So can't use more that 516096 bits. 

For more information check 


Yes the quartus_fit.exe error is related to the PC memory management issues. 

Close the background task and run.  


Best Regards, 

Anand Raj Shankar 

(This message was posted on behalf of Intel Corporation)
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Honored Contributor II



Please be advised that this is not a Quartus tool fitter issue, rather an issue with the system memory (RAM). FPGA tools are smart enough to know the size of the FPGA the design is being targeted to and also how many resources are available. Moreover, the fitter would never throw an "out-of-memory" error about the EPCQ Flash as it does not know the size of the flash. It is duty of the board designer/vendor to find out the compatible ISP flash sizes for a particular CPLD/FPGA and use it.  


That said, if the fitter did run of out resources, it would have spat an error like " Can't fit design into FPGA ..." and would also give a description of the total resources available and resources consumed by the design.  


This error is due to the Quartus tool running out of memory RAM while trying to fit the design into FPGA. PNR and fitter tools require a lot of system resources aka processing power and memory to compile and fit designs of varying complexity into CPLDs/FPGAs.  


You did mention that the system has 3.4GB of RAM, is this the total amount of system RAM after GPU usage (4GB-128/256MB) or is it the amount of free RAM that is shown in the System resources page (Task Manager)? In either case, that's a lot less RAM that is required for EDA tools to run properly under Windows OS. Windows doesn't manage system RAM as good as Linux and systems with less than 8GB RAM run into EDA tool memory issues and crashes.  


I would suggest, you check the number of background tasks that are running and close any unnecessary ones before starting the EDA tool. The best bet would be to upgrade the RAM to atleast 8GB for Quartus to run and fit in small to medium sized FPGAs/CPLDs. For larger FPGAs and designs, you will need a minimum of 16GB system RAM.  


It may have run earlier , but something else may have changed in the SW (OS, other programs, etc) that are eating up more system resources. So that's why the tools has insufficient memory and crashes.
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Honored Contributor II

32bit windows is limited to 2GB per process max, even if you have 4gb system ram.  

I suggest closing anything that isnt Quartus, plus maybe a reboot, and seeing if that helps. 



--- Quote Start ---  


1. Error message is due to insufficient memory in EP3C16Q240C8. Not related to Desktop configuration. 


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If this was the case you would get "ERROR: cannot fit design into device"
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