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Error (169175): Pin # with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output?

Honored Contributor II


I'm using a Terasic DE10-lite board with a 10M50DAF484C7G MAX 10. I'm trying to use some LVDS differential outputs but I get this error: 


Error (169175): Pin "GPIO" with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output buffer which is not available on location W13.Error (169175): Pin "GPIO" with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output buffer which is not available on location AB13. Error (169175): Pin "GPIO" with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output buffer which is not available on location Y11. Error (169175): Pin "GPIO" with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output buffer which is not available on location Y8. Error (169175): Pin "GPIO" with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output buffer which is not available on location Y6. Error (169175): Pin "GPIO" with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output buffer which is not available on location Y4. Error (169175): Pin "GPIO(n)" with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output buffer which is not available on location W12. Error (169175): Pin "GPIO(n)" with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output buffer which is not available on location AB12. Error (169175): Pin "GPIO(n)" with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output buffer which is not available on location W11. Error (169175): Pin "GPIO(n)" with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output buffer which is not available on location Y7. Error (169175): Pin "GPIO(n)" with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output buffer which is not available on location Y5. Error (169175): Pin "GPIO(n)" with LVDS I/O standard needs a differential output buffer which is not available on location Y3.  


I'm sure I have chosen the correct pins, which support the LVDS standard (in fact they belong to the groups shown here ( for this reason I can not explain why this error. 

As can be seen from the attached image, the pins I have chosen are indicated with the icons "DIFF_n" and "DIFF_p". 

How can I fix it? 

Thanks in advance! 


(link ( to large images)
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II



From your error message, seem like you are assigning the LVDS I/O standard in both positive (p) and negative (n) pin.  

As we understand LVDS is a differential signaling system, meaning that it transmits information as the difference between the voltages on a pair of wires.  

You will only need to assign the LVDS I/O standard for positive (p) pin, Quartus software will auto generate the negative (n) pin which had inverted automatically to pair with the p pin. 


Best Regards, 


(This message was posted on behalf of Intel Corporation)
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Honored Contributor II

Hi irishling, thanks for the reply. 

I've tried what you suggest but I continue to receive the same errors. I tried configuring the pins in 3 different ways as you see from this pictures (, but no one has worked. What can you suggest me?
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I tried configuring the pins in 3 different ways as you see from this pictures. 

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Unfortunately we don't see anything from these pictures because the resolution is too low. It's a typical problem when posting *.jpg images in the forum, you should always verify that they are readable. 


I see in the pinout table that the said pins are DIFFIO_RX rather than DIFFIO_TX_RX pin pairs. Means you can assign an LVDS input or an emulated LVDS_E_3R standard to it, but not a LVDS output standard. Review the MAX10 pin connection guide line document for details.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi irishling, thanks for the reply. 

I've tried what you suggest but I continue to receive the same errors. I tried configuring the pins in 3 different ways as you see from this pictures (, but no one has worked. What can you suggest me? 

--- Quote End ---  



Hi, the attached picture is not clear for viewing. For LVDS output, you need to ensure you are assigning the LVDS output yo DIFFIO_TX_RX but not the DIFFIO_RX. For example: pin_W13 is the DIFFIO_RX_B35p which is not supported for the LVDS ouput. I believe the error message should be eliminated once you change the pin location to the DIFFIO_TX_RX such as Pin_P11 (DIFFIO_TX_RX_B20p). 

You may get the Dedicated Tx/Rx Channel pin definition from its pin out file: 


Best Regards, 


(This message was posted on behalf of Intel Corporation)
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