Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
21263 Discussions

Hi guys I am writing code for shifting rows section in an AES algorithm stuck getting errors.


I am trying to create a matrix from a vector using for loops then mapping a matrix to move them to there required positions. but i keep getting the error Error (10028): Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "matrix1[15][4]" at sf.vhd(48)

This keeps occurring for all aspects of the array i have included a full script of the code. Thanks in advance. Ciaran.

library IEEE;




entity sf is

  Generic ( DATA_LENGTH : integer := 128 );

  Port ( data_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0);

      finish : out STD_LOGIC;


      data_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0);

      start : in STD_LOGIC;


      clock : in STD_LOGIC;

      reset : in STD_LOGIC);

end sf;


architecture RTL of sf is



  ----------- TYPES -----------



  TYPE matrix_index IS array (15 downto 0) OF std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);



  ---------- SIGNALS ----------



  SIGNAL matrix1, matrix2 : matrix_index;




  -- Initialize and Reset process

  reset_n_init_process : process(reset)


    if(rising_edge(reset)) then

      for i in 15 downto 0 loop

        matrix1(15-i) <= (others => '0');

        matrix2(15-i) <= (others => '0');

      end loop;

    end if;

  end process reset_n_init_process;


  -- map the 128 bit input to matrix1 so we can shift it.


  vector_to_matrix1: PROCESS(start)


    if(rising_edge(start) and clock = '1') then

      FOR i IN 15 downto 0 LOOP

      matrix1(15-i) <= data_in(8*i+7 downto 8*i);

      END LOOP;

    end if;

  END PROCESS vector_to_matrix1;


  -- matrix2 is actually matrix1 shifted as shown in the above example.


  -- combinatorial logic


  -- first column

  matrix2(0) <= matrix1(0);

  matrix2(1) <= matrix1(5);

  matrix2(2) <= matrix1(10);

  matrix2(3) <= matrix1(15);

  -- second column

  matrix2(4) <= matrix1(4);

  matrix2(5) <= matrix1(9);

  matrix2(6) <= matrix1(14);

  matrix2(7) <= matrix1(3);

  -- third column

  matrix2(8) <= matrix1(8);

  matrix2(9) <= matrix1(13);

  matrix2(10) <= matrix1(2);

  matrix2(11) <= matrix1(7);

  -- forth column

  matrix2(12) <= matrix1(12);

  matrix2(13) <= matrix1(1);

  matrix2(14) <= matrix1(6);

  matrix2(15) <= matrix1(11);


  --map matrix2 back to 128 bit vector

  matrix2_to_vector: PROCESS(matrix2)


    if(clock = '1') then

      FOR i IN 15 downto 0 LOOP

      data_out(8*i+7 DOWNTO 8*i) <= matrix2(15-i);

      END LOOP;

      finish <= '1';

    end if;

  END PROCESS matrix2_to_vector;


end RTL;

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor III

I think the problem is you have your reset and loading of matrix1 in two separate processes, causing multiple drivers into matrix1. The code should probably look like this:


process (reset, clock)


 if(reset) then

      for i in 15 downto 0 loop

        matrix1(15-i) <= (others => '0');

        matrix2(15-i) <= (others => '0');

      end loop;

  elsif (start and rising_edge(clock)) then

      FOR i IN 15 downto 0 LOOP

      matrix1(15-i) <= data_in((8*i)+(7 downto (8*i)));

      END LOOP;

else matrix1 <= matrix1;

    end if;

end process;



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