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Me and my simple questions: Can I do this in FPGA?

Honored Contributor II

Hi dear Altera friends. Sorry for the simple questions, i'm a beginner. My FPGA is DE1-SoC University, i'm learning how to use it. 


My question today is the following one: 


Until now, with the help of the student material of Altera, I have learn how to implement simple circuits, ALU and registers. Now, Is it possible to implement in hardware complicated equations? Like 1 divided by a a big number, or square roots, I mean, to work with real numbers like 0.0031416 and so on?  


I know how to do this either in C and Assembler, but I don't know if this is possible to do in FPGA and VHDL. 


A senior friend told me, this is not possible to do in VHDL, he said I have to make of use ARM chip in my FPGA and program it fon C, since FPGA and VHDL alone is not able to perform such of calculations. 


What can you say about this? 



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37 Replies
Honored Contributor II

i read there are conversation about number manipulations, what are you trying to design? digital image processing or ?

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Honored Contributor II


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I wanted to consult one more thing to you guys, the Soft Core Nios II, would it be more easy to use this CPU for my purpose by programming a custom logic? In that case I'd use C language ,right? so in the end will be more easy?  


rromano001 yes, i will start by programming as you said, regarding your questions 


but now how large is image :  


There is not actual image, I want to use a list of numbers, every number (binary) indicate a pixel intensity, I'm reducing everything to the clustering of a list of numbers, which can be 1000 numbers for example to be grouped in 3 clusters by calculating its membership value and centroids. 

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Hi, sorry but we are speaking different language, we cannot help if you don't provide information of what you wish to learn on or build. Please grasp we don't own magic bowl to see what is in your mind or project seems so secret. 


So this is a linear image for ex from a linear ccd or bidimentional raster image? 

What is your cluster? Or better how it behave to numbers in the memory image? 

Why two index are on uik target of processing and same appear on internal indexes of coefficients????? 

Are you proficient in mathematical term? So express in an usable form, this equation with no detail is just wasted resources bandwidth and time of all us. 



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This is manage by loading only 1 number to a PE to do the calculation of the equation above. It will produce the first Uki and Vk (centroid), by communicating with the other clones PE it will update Vk and will calculate Uki again, and so on. 

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As before this don't resolve where reside input memory array and output memory array so again no knowledge to us how number got fit to PE [aka Processing Element] and so if some of them need buffering to prevent be overwritten in case of same memory area. No difference if on hardwired processor or in some FPGA or discrete logic, the channel caveat are forever the same! 

Assuming your finally declared image size of 1KPx then this small amount of memory can simply be allocated on two separated internal M9K based fast memory block and avoid caching and SDRAM arbitration logic... 

If you want hlep please start comminicate. 

Equation and index itself say just nothing and nothing is a system with too many variable so it remain not solvable due to his mathematical rules. 


From your actual I can infer first pixel generate others??? SO it is again impossible at least 4 different number appear in equation... 



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So, the difficult part here is to make the PE to perform Subtraction, Adding, Multiplication and Division of fractional numbers. 

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this is quite simple, not trivial but not a problem at all. 

Remember this was done in a mechanical way so I why you continue assert it is not feasible in a modern fast FPGA logic??? 

see here on long time ago history to learn about how they got assembled: 


so all it was feasible on old machinery is no more feasible now? 

Boole and numbers theory are in the long and long long far past. 



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and how uki xi vk vl interact between them? As is in the equation. 

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So you continue disregard my question how are index related to input and output memory, are them separated memory [dfferent array in term of C or other computer languages programming] or same string of memory cells? 



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and from where are coming inputs and where are going outputs?  

I think I will use the memory of the development board to load a table with the 1000 numbers to be distributed to each PE, and output goes to the neighbor PE to the update, and when it finish to do clustering, it will load the results in memory I guess. 

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PE stand for Processing Elements or Px Pixel element? 

Neighbour stand for first element so PE after computing one "cluster of three element store back result to first elements? This need form of parallel addressable FIFO in term of at almost processing number element plus two to preserve moving parallel. 


ANd now caveat of your system: 

Memory is shared so one access to read and one to write, first processing time has latence of at least the number of processing element reading, after processing end result has to be written back and this burden again memory channel... 

This need plan reading and writing memory in burst and fill in the cache . 


Talking in term of dual core ARM is on board then you can prepare two task, one working on first "cluster" and second working on third cluster so : 

need read first memory cells in number equal to processing elements and store on buffer, buffer has to be large number of processing plus two (every PE need 3 element from your writing): 


set write index to 0 

set read index to zero too 

2 time: 

{ .comment again this cannot be done in parallel due to RAM access 

shift cellbuffer right one cell .comment this can be paralleled on store operation 

read array[read index] and store to last cell .comment this can be paralleled shift operation 

increment read index .comment this can be paralleled with great care 

. comment element index is now at PEn 


2 time: 

{ .comment again this cannot be done in parallel due to RAM access 

shift cellbuffer right one cell .comment this can be paralleled on store operation 

read array[readindex] and store to last cell .comment this can be paralleled shift operation 

increment readindex .comment this can be paralleled with great care 

.comment all PEn+2 element get on memory 

pass cellbuffer to task1, task2 in parallel 

store result 1 to memory[writeindex] 

increment writeindex .comment this can be paralleled on store operation 

store result 2 to memory[writeindex] 

increment writeindex .comment this can be paralleled on store operation 

if last element not reached then 

continue to loop 

else done 



At this we can plan two term of reducing starvation of processors due to memory channel congestion... 

Starvation was really a great concern on CRAY computers but on modern device with fast communication and ram access still can plague actual system too. 

Starvation touch new parallel system and new techniques can be explored, just old mode of batch processing doing one thing at time STILL leave processor cluster starve a lot . 

read more memory elements from array using DMA during computation (this in case no need of main memory acces is required, you have two memory so you can separate FPGA from ARM and do it in <super>parallel fashion. 


evaluate when balance of advance reading reduce performance in term of bandwidth saturation... 

Again your is I assume an exercise and 1K unit is so small don't need optimization than in special cases... 

Cells buffer can be special memory with parallel shift logic and possibly pipeline of new feed and shift on number of PE stage shift.... 

Everything can be built but remember: 

Only problem we can solve by manual computation can be solved by automata. 

We can apply some trick and clever logic we learnt and we think as new but this cannot help solve the unsolvable too. 

Communication is first ability. 

You can appear clever at first or just communicating you have no intention to do it. 

Happy new year.
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Honored Contributor II


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The fixed point package is part of the vhdl 2008 language spec. But quartus does not fully support 2008 yet - but David Bishop wrote a '93 compatible version of the fixed_pkg that compiles well with quartus (at least it worked just fine about 6 years ago and I dont see why it would stop working now - I infered rams and multipliers with it just fine). You can download it from here: 

This package doesnt really do anything other than integer arithmetic - it is just holds the numbers in an easier to understand (and modify) format. There is nothing you can do with this package you cannot do with integers (but it takes a little more careful though). The logic created is identical (as fixed point is simply integer arithmatic with an offset). 



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Tricky regarding the VHDL 2008 library, is it confirmed that is not supported by Quartus Prime? I googled it and It says Quartus Prime works with VHDL-2008 support, would you clarify? Do I have to use a the proceed for loading the package? 


Sorry for my poor english, I'm new in both, English and VHDL :P
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Honored Contributor II

Sorry for misunderstanding, I'm new in VHDL and my English is not my first language. Right now I'm only focused into program in VHDL something that perform the equation (I call it PE (Processing Element), I'm starting by addition of fixed point binary numbers. 


Regarding the VHDL-2008 library, is it confirmed that Quartus can't support it? I read that Quartus Prime has suport for VHDL-2008.
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Honored Contributor II

Quartus has had "support" for VHDL 2008 for about 6 years. But it only supports specific features. It doesnt support the fixed point package that is part of the VHDL 2008 spec. 

If you want to use the fixed point library - you need to include it in your project as if it were another design file - and use the '93 version from the website 


This version is almost identical to the 2008 version, except it doesnt support package generics.
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Honored Contributor II


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Quartus has had "support" for VHDL 2008 for about 6 years. But it only supports specific features. It doesnt support the fixed point package that is part of the VHDL 2008 spec. 

If you want to use the fixed point library - you need to include it in your project as if it were another design file - and use the '93 version from the website 


This version is almost identical to the 2008 version, except it doesnt support package generics. 

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Indeed, I have made an "Adder" using the fixed point package, also I have created another file for testbench in which I load a pair of random numbers to be added. would you please tell how can I see the results of that addition? Is there a kind of waveform screen?
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Honored Contributor II

# ** Error: C:/Users/..../Downloads/altera/fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(22): Library ieee_proposed not found.# ** Error: C:/Users/..../Downloads/altera/fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(23): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "IEEE_PROPOSED".# # ** Error: C:/Users/..../Downloads/altera/fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(25): VHDL Compiler exiting 


Model Sim doesn't like the VHDL 2008? Quartus II seems to compile, but when I try to use modelsim for simulating it gives me this error. 


Tricky I've seen some of your answers regarding this question in the web. 


I have done a file for adding binary unsigned fixed point numbers, and also a testbench loading two numbers to be added. Would you please say how to see the results of this addition ?
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Honored Contributor II

--Programando SUMADOR como un Registro-- 

library ieee; 


use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

use ieee.numeric_std.all; 

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; 

use ieee.fixed_pkg.all; 



entity SUMADOR is 



-- Input ports 

numero1 : in ufixed (2 downto -7); 

numero2 : in ufixed (2 downto -7); 

resultado : out ufixed (2 downto -8); 

clk : in std_logic 






architecture arc_sum of SUMADOR is 



process (clk) begin 

if (clk'event and clk='1') then -- when clock rise up-- 


resultado <= numero1 + numero2; 

end if; 

end process; 


end arc_sum;
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

# ** Error: C:/Users/..../Downloads/altera/fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(22): Library ieee_proposed not found. 

# ** Error: C:/Users/..../Downloads/altera/fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(23): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "IEEE_PROPOSED". 


# ** Error: C:/Users/..../Downloads/altera/fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(25): VHDL Compiler exiting 


Model Sim doesn't like the VHDL 2008? Quartus II seems to compile, but when I try to use modelsim for simulating it gives me this error. 


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This is because you didnt create the ieee_proposed library in modelsim. Quartus is quite relaxed when it comes to libraries unless you specify them - it just searches all design units for the correct packages. 

as you might have guessed, ieee_proposed was just a placeholder name for the code before it was officially released, and still holds for the '93 compatible code. You can modify it if you wish to be ieee or work. But modelsim already has the fixed_point libraries (in 2008 format) in the ieee library. 


as for your code, resultado needs to be declared: 


resultado : out ufixed (3 downto -7); 


Otherwise you miss the carry bit (numbers never get smaller when added).
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Honored Contributor II


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This is because you didnt create the ieee_proposed library in modelsim. Quartus is quite relaxed when it comes to libraries unless you specify them - it just searches all design units for the correct packages. 

as you might have guessed, ieee_proposed was just a placeholder name for the code before it was officially released, and still holds for the '93 compatible code. You can modify it if you wish to be ieee or work. But modelsim already has the fixed_point libraries (in 2008 format) in the ieee library. 


as for your code, resultado needs to be declared: 


resultado : out ufixed (3 downto -7); 


Otherwise you miss the carry bit (numbers never get smaller when added). 

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Tricky thanks for fast response. I edited the downloaded files to not use IEEE_PROPOSED but just leave IEEE. Quartus Prime compiles without error, but Modelsim give several lines of this error 


# ** Error: C:........Downloads/altera/fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(1420): (vcom-1295) Function "to_ufixed" has already been defined in this region. 

# ** =====> Prior declaration of "to_ufixed" is at C:/Users/José/Downloads/altera/fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(1047). 


Similar to what happen to this user: 


What do you recommend to do? 


Also, I'd like to ask: If Quartus Prime is compiling good, it means the project is doing good? 

How can I see the result of the addition I'm doing?? is it trough modelsim?
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Honored Contributor II

It complains because it already has fixed_pkg in the ieee library - and you are trying to redefine it. Modelsim is VHDL 2008 compliant. You dont need to add your files to the project in modelsim. If you really have to add it - do not add it to the ieee library. 

The error you are getting implies you have the file already compiled into a library from another location. 


As for quartus - if it compiles, it means your design got through synthesis and the fitter. Whether the design is any good is for you to decide. 


To see if your code works, you either need to simulate it or run it on a board.
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Honored Contributor II


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Tricky thanks for fast response. I edited the downloaded files to not use IEEE_PROPOSED but just leave IEEE. Quartus Prime compiles without error, but Modelsim give several lines of this error 

# ** Error: C:........Downloads/altera/fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(1420): (vcom-1295) Function "to_ufixed" has already been defined in this region.# ** =====> Prior declaration of "to_ufixed" is at C:/Users/José/Downloads/altera/fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(1047). 


Similar to what happen to this user: 


What do you recommend to do? 


Also, I'd like to ask: If Quartus Prime is compiling good, it means the project is doing good? 

How can I see the result of the addition I'm doing?? is it trough modelsim? 

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Hi, I fear you are a beginner, if so please don't worry about and it can be simple to solve every problem arise but do a step by step learning of how to do things. We return forever beginner when we learn something new, I am beginner too. 

I suggest in the odd case you have no idea of how to use your board to test these exmples: 


I found this site useful for learning about, please tell me what you think about. 


The board has a very old device on it, you can adapt to another just changing pin assignment, IE you can buy jumper bread board, JTAG ByteBlaster, components and a cheap MAX 2 570 from internet (or better a BeMicro MAX 10 for just 30 US$ where all is on board ready to support your project) 


I remember you own a DE1SOC board, this is a very complex @ first time try, is the only one you have at hand? Are you at school right? If not don't care but take your time and before struggle try learn simple clean code. 

Your board has button and switch from where you can insert number in binary, has some display where you can read number in hexadecimal, use HEX not decimal so you don't have to convert base for result. 

Let me perform online my daily job, so I suggest you a home work, try grasp basic from pyroedu and read a number from 4 switches then decode and display on one digit, then when you post here the code we can start a more complex job like adding numbers, at end of exercise I suppose you get hint on how to display data. 

If this is too basic sorry, I got wrong idea of your knowledge but don't try fly too high if you just are learning the basic of fly. 

Beginner status is not a problem, I am beginner on QSYS, I am not beginner on VHDL nor FPGA/CPLD, I am beginner on MAX10 and I don't know caveat of this new device due it require time. 

VHDL is not so simple and require a huge application, forever "FORGET" programming and remember this is an HDL language all line you wrote are executed in parallel, they are logic gates register and latch not a computer program, the first statement is executed at same time of last one! 


Before try learn from strange examples learn from solid code, don't use negative index on arrays, they are confusing about size. 

If you agree that we can open a new thread and start do exercises on your board. I own too a DE1-soc, I know it not in deep it is complex and I don't use some part I don't need for design. 

When you are ready and decide which way to follow I can help but remember I came here just on free time.
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Honored Contributor II


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Tricky thanks for fast response. I edited the downloaded files to not use IEEE_PROPOSED but just leave IEEE. Quartus Prime compiles without error, but Modelsim give several lines of this error 


What do you recommend to do? 


Also, I'd like to ask: If Quartus Prime is compiling good, it means the project is doing good? 

How can I see the result of the addition I'm doing?? is it trough modelsim? 

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try this simple book 


If quartus compile good is not sign things work, logic can be wrong or timing or other infinite thing more subtle than from a c language perspective. Hardware generated image can fail
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Honored Contributor II

Hey tricky, I understand to you that I have several options, the most recommended would be first, try to make the Quartus Prime project to work with the same libraries that Modelsim is using, avoiding to work with the outdated file IEEE_PROPOSED. I did that by removing the downloaded files from proyect, and using the one in the files installed by Quartus Prime. 


Quartus prime compiles good. But when I try to launch simulation from Quartus, Modelsim launch the same error than in previous post. 


Then I tried loading only the file with the Adder (SUMADOR) and the Testbench. The file Adder compiles good, but for the testbench, Modelsim complinforms this error. 



** Error: C:/altera_lite/15.1/elementos/SUMADOR_TEST.vhd(41): (vcom-1360) Array type of "numero1" does not have an index constraint. 


** Error: C:/altera_lite/15.1/elementos/SUMADOR_TEST.vhd(42): (vcom-1360) Array type of "numero2" does not have an index constraint. 




resultado : out ufixed (3 downto -7); Quartus wont compile for some reason, I have to put (3 downto -8) or higher to make it compile. 



Finally, I was wondering if is Ok to ask this sort of questions in this forum. I understand you all are great users of Altera, and my questions looks too basic for you . If it so, please let me know, and I'll go some other forum more basic and I'll come back when I get more knowledge.
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Honored Contributor II


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Hi, I fear you are a beginner, if so please don't worry about and it can be simple to solve every problem arise but do a step by step learning of how to do things. We return forever beginner when we learn something new, I am beginner too. 

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rromano001 thanks for detailed information. I have read that book freerange VHDL indeed is my desk book rightnow. The website you showed looks really nice and organized, I'll keep an eye on it. 


Also I understand what you said about experimenting with FPGA by performing some usefull examples and practice, I agreed on this, and this will be my first task after finishing my project. Problem is that I have this project to do for my course, and I have seen it doesn't require the experience that you mentioned, I have checked introductories books like rapid prototyping of digital systems, design recipes of digital systems, the Altera video lectures, and they all are good books, but they are always ahead to design a some frecuency divider or a Microprocessor from scratch, but when is about arithmetic of integers, fractional, floating and fixed points, I can't find much and the most important "updated" information. 


You are right, I am a beginner in this, but not that much in programming low level language, by managing registers and memory stack I could implement a divition, square roots whatever using only Assembly Language, but that is not convenient to do. That's where I've found there is a fixed point library where one can easily define fixed point numbers and program arithmetic very easily, which is I really want to do, for this i'm considering any solution, even considering if Verilog would be better, or if Altera has its own library for this, etc. 


My only board available is DE1, but I think simulator would be more than enough for what I need, since i won't make use of the softcore and the other IP included in the development board.
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Honored Contributor II


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rromano001 thanks for detailed information. I have read that book freerange VHDL indeed is my desk book rightnow. The website you showed looks really nice and organized, I'll keep an eye on it. 


My only board available is DE1, but I think simulator would be more than enough for what I need, since i won't make use of the softcore and the other IP included in the development board. 

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IN first good job, and thank for a correct measure of your level, ok for assembly programming but as I said before and about what you find on avery course remember something is in common to both VHDL (logic gates and register design) and programming language too. 

Don't assume VHDL as a programming language, it is also a programming language on its definition but you are using HDL part and are two really different thing of same language. When you use as programming ok you are using a computer, when HDL you are generating an image to some silicon. NEVER FORGET THIS!!! 

How much time you have to do job and just curious where is your location? 


Ok now you need some hint on how to manage fractional integer, start on our decimal system 129.35 is a fractional number, if you multiply by 1000 or large power of base your number get integer and fractional part is at left of weight of multiplier, so 129 where integer part and 35 fractional get transformed in 129350 where 350 is the fractional part. If this was previously clean don't worry and tell us. 


All numeric base as I suppose you learnt all number are can be represented as a series of base raised to weight multiplied by digit value, so 129.85 base 10 can be expressed as 10^2 * 1 + 10^1 * 2 + 10^0 * 9 + 10^-1 * 3 + 10^-2 * 5 if you multiply a number by the base you shift all number to left and enter a zero from right, 

if you divide number by base you shift number to right passing last digit to fractional or just dropping if integer numbers . 

On previous century a man invented the complement to base to do subtraction from addition, this was in the mechanical calculator era, this man idea of number property prepared our base 2 notation: one digit is devoted to sign and negative number where represented in this convenient manner due don't need know if they are positive or negative and just one operation was necessary, if you choose leftmost as sign operation can be performed on integer number regardless of sign. 


This way division and multiplication of complement number require an extra care to preserve sign information. 


What change of what we know if we change base? Just nothing that series it represent and values, if you need to represent decimal number in binary form you just need enough figure to fit number, just base value change from 10^weight to 2^weight so you just need more digit (BIT -> binary digit) right? 


Now if you decide have simple number we can do an example with 8 bit value, on integer unsigned you get value from 0 to 255 in signed from -128 to +127 and what if you reserve some bit to fractional? 


Just right part nibble is fractional largest number can represent are: 

Unsigned : +15 and 15/16 

signed; -8 to +7and 15/16 to -8, 

smallest number can be +- 1/16 -> 0.0625 


0111 1101 for example has: 

integer part 111 -> 7, 

fractional is 1 * 2^-1 + 1 * 2^-2 + 0 * 2^-3 + 1 * 2^-4 => .5 + .25 + .0625 or in fractional 1/2 + 1/4 + 0/8 + 1/16 or 13/16 resolution of numbers are .0625  


In general resolution of fractional is base ^ - n whre n is te number of fractional digit.  

In case need finest resolution you just need add more bit to fractional to increase denominator of fraction and more bit to integer part to manage the largest number. 


Ok now how these number are to be treated? Simple they are just integer so ordinary addition subtraction can do the job. When you need output value you have to scale it. 


If you need help and started grasping something in VHDL IMHO stay away from Verilog, it is dangerous, it seems C but IT ISN'T at all. 


Try with a simple thing, get inspiration from Pyroedu LED and write your first exercise,  

- try drive board led in front of switches with a code, it can be very trivial but this familiarize you with assignment operator <=, then you can read switch as bus of 4 bit 

- drive some segment of Display from switches 

- learn how to write a module (equivalent to function and procedures of programming languages) 

- Write a module to display input values to hexadecimal figures on display 

- assemble this module in a project to display binary number from switches in both binary on LED and HEX on display, extend display module to more than one digit. 


I think this point you have more confidence with tool and a test bench for input from switches and display to hexadecimal number. 


If you prepare a simple combinational adder module then you can insert between switch input and display module and have two number from switches added together. 

If you do these simple step I am quite sure you understand more on your job. 

Till here you have used just combinatorial level, so grasp in full and experiment on board, possibly use SOF file, it is faster and don't wear programming flash, just it disappear on power cycle and board return to previous state. 

I am not your professor but I am still troubled with mine pupils try do thing from unknown, take your foot on stand and follow the right way. 

When you post result of driving display we can do some other on sequential about loading register from external. 


About your sentence on last line, on board there where none IP nor Softcore embedded, you need load your instead of the programmed one. I suppose you intended the HARD core ARM instead of soft core. 

Edited some part on Jan 7 where text was difficult to read.
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Honored Contributor II

Hi, long silence, is some progress on? 

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