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Nios Errors: "First Defined Here" and "Multiple Definitions" for a single line

Honored Contributor II

Hi Guys, 


Long stopry short i'm pulling my hair out about a wierd errors and done all sorts of trials to find out what it is. 


what i'm doing 

I have two functions, 1 i made myself (get_de2_115_mac_addr) and a second i have copied from another project (FindLastFlashSectorOffset). 

I have them working if i leave them in a single file inich_init.c

What i want to do is move them to a seperate file sss_de2_115.c



shown in the attached image. 

By moving these functions into a seperate .c file i get the two errors for each function . 

"first defined here : sss_de2_115.c line 34" and 

"multiple definition of 'get_de2_115_mac_addr' : sss_de2_115.c line 34" 


The error pair for each function refer to the same f'n line! This is the only place they are mentioned or defined. I have tried doing it with or without a function protoype at the start of the file SSS_DE2_115.c. Still get the error. 



Inich_init# includes SSS_De2_115, but the latter doesn't# include the former. SSS_DE2_115 does include some of the same headers as iniche_init but these are to prevent file type compile errors etc. To my knowledge these are system headers and shouldn't create a circular reference (i hope). 


any help would be much appreciated. Code is attached as text files.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Why do you# include another .c file in iniche_init.c? It shouldn't be included but simply added to your project.

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Honored Contributor II

Thanks Daixiwen, I needed to include because the functions in SSS_DE2_115.c are being called from inich_innit. 


I have solved this issue by making a header file and putting the function definitions, global variables and# includes into it. Both the .c files now include this header and the header includes neither; this has worked. 


Thank you again for the reply Daixiwen
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Honored Contributor II

Yes that's usually how you use header files and# include's in a C project ;)

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