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Programming max II with an xsvf player

Honored Contributor II


I'm trying to program a max II with an embedded programmer, so i choose to port an xsvf player on my µc (i choose to use "XSVF Executor"). 

My problem is that i'm not sure i would program differently the CPLD and is UFM (user flash memory). 

I want to use XSVF Executor because is lighter than jam player. 

If someone could help me, it would be great! 


Best Regards, 


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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II



I've been working on several versions of USB/JTAG programmers (literally 8 variations) one of which is an embedded xsvf player. 


I'm surprised no-one has answered your question since the xsvf player is 'similar' to the jam byte file in that, it is a compact list of instructions and data combined into one file. - as I'm sure you already know. So, if you can program the UFM and configure the device using QuartusII programming software, then when you genenrate an SVF file from it, it should also contain the instructions/data to do that as well. Since SVF is meant to be 'independant of programming algorithm'. 


As for programming the user flash memory? See page 12 of the maxII handbook: 


Now, I have never programmed the UFM in a maxII myself, using xsvf, or Jam palyer for that matter, but...I am confident it can be done. The only 'issue' I can see is finding out how to configure the UFM in your quartus project, which you are probably familiar with anyway (as I said, enver done it). 


Apologies if this seems overly simplistic or patronising but it *should* jsut be a case of: 

1. create your project, compile to generate your *.pof file (or Jam) 

2. Load this file into quartusII programmer software 

3. File - Create JAM, SVF or ICS file... 

4. Select 'serial vector format' from the format drop down menu. 

5. Check 'verify' if you wish, but it will really slow dowon your xsvf player, since it must read back a lot of information and compare it to what is in the xsvf file. 

6. Get your SVF file you created, which sohuld be in your project DIR, use Xilinx's SVf2Xsvf utility to make you xsvf. 

7. Run it. 


Now, again, I could be wrong, but I don't see a reason why it wouldn't include the programming of the UFM in the created SVF file (and therefore, the xsvf file). It would contain all the unique instructions for the maxII's JTAG register to do it. 


Sorry for the late reply, lol, let us know if it worked! 


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Honored Contributor II

Hello Scott,  

I finally choose to port the jam player, in fact it's not possible to generate a specified SVF file in quartus II which permit to proggram only CFM or UFM, we have not the choice (this option is fully supported by .jam format)  


Thanks for your reply, ;-) 


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Honored Contributor II



I am using FTDI 4232H IC and I want to use a non MPSSE port to bit bang the JTAG to program Altera's FPGA. Can you tell me from your experience if it is possible and share any code. I shall be obliged. 


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Honored Contributor II

Hello all! 

I don'nt want make new topic. Therefore my question is here:) 

So, erase and reprogram cycles are 100 max (look at Table 5–3 MAX II Device Handbook). 

Is it true? Only 100 max?! Or is it minimum? 

Who used max II: what is real number of reconfiguring? 


Thans all!
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Honored Contributor II

yes, the part is only rated for 100 erase/program cycles

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