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20755 Discussions

Simulation in Quartus 10

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 


I was used to simulate my project with the simulation tool in earlier version of quartus but now, this tool is no longer available with the version 10.0 and I have to use ModelSim. 


My questions are :  

Is there an easy way like "vector waveform file" to initiate the simulation or do I have to do all the stuff with command lines?  


Do you know a good tutorial to learn how to use ModelSim? 


Thank you
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15 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The easiest way to do this is in a testbench. You can write the testbench in your favourite HDL language and create waveforms to your heart's content, using direct assignments, waveform functions or reading from files. The Testbench is not going to be synthesised, so you can do loads of stuff you normally cant do. 


What language do you normally create designs in?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Write a tesbench. 

You've to set the Settings.. | simulation in order to compile the testbench. 


An example, combinatorial, testbench is the for a priority encoder following (remove line numbers): 


1 `timescale 1ns/1ps // define simulation time units 

2 module prenc83_tb(); // module with no inputs or outputs 

3 reg [7:0] Atb; // reg net type. To be assigned in the initial block 

4 wire [2:0] Ytb; 

5 wire idle; 

6 prenc83 d1(.A(Atb),.Y(Ytb)); // UUT named d1 

7 initial // Just once at the beginning of the simulation 

8 begin 

9 Atb = 8'h01; // Eight bits hexadecimal value 

10 # 100; // 100 time units delay -> 100 ns 

11 Atb = 8'h02;# 100; 

12 Atb = 8'h04;# 100; 

13 Atb = 8'h08;# 100; 

14 Atb = 8'h10;# 100; 

15 Atb = 8'h20;# 100; 

16 Atb = 8'h40;# 100; 

17 Atb = 8'h80;# 100; 

18 Atb = 8'h44;# 100; 

19 Atb = 8'hF0;# 100; 

20 Atb = 8'h00;# 100; 

21 Atb = 8'hCF;# 100; 

22 $stop; // System call that stops the simulation 

23 end 

24 endmodule 



For a sequential project you need a clock. 

It can be defined, in the testbench, as: 

// Generates the clock waveform 

parameter PERIOD=20; 



CLKtb=0;# (PERIOD/2.0); // Delays by PERIOD/2 time units 

CLKtb=1;# (PERIOD/2.0); 

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

does Modelsim support Quartus's design entry files (bdf, bsf) or do I need to convert everything to VHDL\Verilog?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

You need to convert them. 


The Quartus simulator never really supported them either - it only simulated a post place and route netlist.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

You need to convert them. 


The Quartus simulator never really supported them either - it only simulated a post place and route netlist. 

--- Quote End ---  



for me, as a simple user, it's the same thing. I guess that Modelsim does not support post fitter netlist? 

I really enjoy using graphic interface, and I don't think my company will purchase HDL designer...
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

if you still have 9.1sp2 or earlier installed you can create an HDL test bench from your .vwf 


as mentioned you can also create an HDL file for the .bdf. your Megafunctions should all have a source file in an HDL. be sure to create them all in the same HDL, as both versions of ModelSim-Altera only support a single HDL. when you create an HDL file from a .bdf, the .bsf are bypassed and the the source HDL for the .bsf is instantiated directly 


i would also take a look at Altera's NativeLink feature that automates running ModelSim for you
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi all and thanks for your answers, 


I've created a testbench file from a vwf file. Then I've added it to my project with quartus 10.0. Now when I click on "Run EDA Simulation tool -> EDA RTL Simulation", ModelSim is launched but all ouputs stay in UnknownSate. Any Idea?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Can you post the testbench and the HDL for your design? 


Probably the node names in testbench and HDL are not the same.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

right, and also post a list of how you have your NativeLink fields filled out

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I found my problem ! 


I had converted the BDF files into VHD files, but I haven't change them in "Assignment->Settings->Files", so the compilation continued to use the BDF files. 


Thank you all for your help. 


Just one more thing, there are a lot of stuff at the beginning of the Testbench file. Is that compulsary? 


My testbench file is in the 3 post below, the forum doesn't allow me to post messages above 10000 caracters...
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

--------------------------------------------------------- -- First part of the testbench file -- --------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; LIBRARY STD; USE STD.textio.ALL; PACKAGE test_project_vhd_tb_types IS -- input port types -- output port names CONSTANT output_test_name : STRING (1 TO 11) := "output_test"; CONSTANT sync_out_name : STRING (1 TO 8) := "sync_out"; -- n(outputs) CONSTANT o_num : INTEGER := 2; -- mismatches vector type TYPE mmvec IS ARRAY (0 to (o_num - 1)) OF INTEGER; -- exp o/ first change track vector type TYPE trackvec IS ARRAY (1 to o_num) OF BIT; -- sampler type SUBTYPE sample_type IS STD_LOGIC; -- utility functions FUNCTION std_logic_to_char (a: STD_LOGIC) RETURN CHARACTER; FUNCTION std_logic_vector_to_string (a: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) RETURN STRING; PROCEDURE write (l:INOUT LINE; value:IN STD_LOGIC; justified: IN SIDE:= RIGHT; field:IN WIDTH:=0); PROCEDURE write (l:INOUT LINE; value:IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; justified: IN SIDE:= RIGHT; field:IN WIDTH:=0); PROCEDURE throw_error(output_port_name: IN STRING; expected_value : IN STD_LOGIC; real_value : IN STD_LOGIC); PROCEDURE throw_error(output_port_name: IN STRING; expected_value : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; real_value : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR); END test_project_vhd_tb_types; PACKAGE BODY test_project_vhd_tb_types IS FUNCTION std_logic_to_char (a: STD_LOGIC) RETURN CHARACTER IS BEGIN CASE a IS WHEN 'U' => RETURN 'U'; WHEN 'X' => RETURN 'X'; WHEN '0' => RETURN '0'; WHEN '1' => RETURN '1'; WHEN 'Z' => RETURN 'Z'; WHEN 'W' => RETURN 'W'; WHEN 'L' => RETURN 'L'; WHEN 'H' => RETURN 'H'; WHEN '-' => RETURN 'D'; END CASE; END; FUNCTION std_logic_vector_to_string (a: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) RETURN STRING IS VARIABLE result : STRING(1 TO a'LENGTH); VARIABLE j : NATURAL := 1; BEGIN FOR i IN a'RANGE LOOP result(j) := std_logic_to_char(a(i)); j := j + 1; END LOOP; RETURN result; END; PROCEDURE write (l:INOUT LINE; value:IN STD_LOGIC; justified: IN SIDE:=RIGHT; field:IN WIDTH:=0) IS BEGIN write(L,std_logic_to_char(VALUE),JUSTIFIED,field); END; PROCEDURE write (l:INOUT LINE; value:IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; justified: IN SIDE:= RIGHT; field:IN WIDTH:=0) IS BEGIN write(L,std_logic_vector_to_string(VALUE),JUSTIFIED,field); END; PROCEDURE throw_error(output_port_name: IN STRING; expected_value : IN STD_LOGIC; real_value : IN STD_LOGIC) IS VARIABLE txt : LINE; BEGIN write(txt,string'("ERROR! Vector Mismatch for output port ")); write(txt,output_port_name); write(txt,string'(" :: @time = ")); write(txt,NOW); writeline(output,txt); write(txt,string'(" Expected value = ")); write(txt,expected_value); writeline(output,txt); write(txt,string'(" Real value = ")); write(txt,real_value); writeline(output,txt); END; PROCEDURE throw_error(output_port_name: IN STRING; expected_value : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; real_value : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) IS VARIABLE txt : LINE; BEGIN write(txt,string'("ERROR! Vector Mismatch for output port ")); write(txt,output_port_name); write(txt,string'(" :: @time = ")); write(txt,NOW); writeline(output,txt); write(txt,string'(" Expected value = ")); write(txt,expected_value); writeline(output,txt); write(txt,string'(" Real value = ")); write(txt,real_value); writeline(output,txt); END; END test_project_vhd_tb_types; LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE WORK.test_project_vhd_tb_types.ALL; ENTITY test_project_vhd_sample_tst IS PORT ( master_clock : IN STD_LOGIC; N : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); sync_in : IN STD_LOGIC; sampler : OUT sample_type ); END test_project_vhd_sample_tst; ARCHITECTURE sample_arch OF test_project_vhd_sample_tst IS SIGNAL tbo_int_sample_clk : sample_type := '-'; SIGNAL current_time : TIME := 0 ps; BEGIN t_prcs_sample : PROCESS ( master_clock , N , sync_in ) BEGIN IF (NOW > 0 ps) THEN IF (NOW > 0 ps) AND (NOW /= current_time) THEN IF (tbo_int_sample_clk = '-') THEN tbo_int_sample_clk <= '0'; ELSE tbo_int_sample_clk <= NOT tbo_int_sample_clk ; END IF; END IF; current_time <= NOW; END IF; END PROCESS t_prcs_sample; sampler <= tbo_int_sample_clk; END sample_arch;

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

------------------------------------------------------------------- -- First Part of the testbench file page2 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; LIBRARY STD; USE STD.textio.ALL; USE WORK.test_project_vhd_tb_types.ALL; ENTITY test_project_vhd_check_tst IS GENERIC ( debug_tbench : BIT := '0' ); PORT ( output_test : IN STD_LOGIC; sync_out : IN STD_LOGIC; sampler : IN sample_type ); END test_project_vhd_check_tst; ARCHITECTURE ovec_arch OF test_project_vhd_check_tst IS SIGNAL output_test_expected,output_test_expected_prev,output_test_prev : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL sync_out_expected,sync_out_expected_prev,sync_out_prev : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL trigger : BIT := '0'; SIGNAL trigger_e : BIT := '0'; SIGNAL trigger_r : BIT := '0'; SIGNAL trigger_i : BIT := '0'; SIGNAL num_mismatches : mmvec := (OTHERS => 0); BEGIN -- Update history buffers expected /o t_prcs_update_o_expected_hist : PROCESS (trigger) BEGIN output_test_expected_prev <= output_test_expected; sync_out_expected_prev <= sync_out_expected; END PROCESS t_prcs_update_o_expected_hist; -- Update history buffers real /o t_prcs_update_o_real_hist : PROCESS (trigger) BEGIN output_test_prev <= output_test; sync_out_prev <= sync_out; END PROCESS t_prcs_update_o_real_hist; -- expected sync_out t_prcs_sync_out: PROCESS BEGIN sync_out_expected <= 'X'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_sync_out; -- expected output_test t_prcs_output_test: PROCESS BEGIN output_test_expected <= 'X'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_output_test; -- Set trigger on real/expected o/ pattern changes t_prcs_trigger_e : PROCESS(output_test_expected,sync_out_expected) BEGIN trigger_e <= NOT trigger_e; END PROCESS t_prcs_trigger_e; t_prcs_trigger_r : PROCESS(output_test,sync_out) BEGIN trigger_r <= NOT trigger_r; END PROCESS t_prcs_trigger_r; t_prcs_selfcheck : PROCESS VARIABLE i : INTEGER := 1; VARIABLE txt : LINE; VARIABLE last_output_test_exp : STD_LOGIC := 'U'; VARIABLE last_sync_out_exp : STD_LOGIC := 'U'; VARIABLE on_first_change : trackvec := "11"; BEGIN WAIT UNTIL (sampler'LAST_VALUE = '1'OR sampler'LAST_VALUE = '0') AND sampler'EVENT; IF (debug_tbench = '1') THEN write(txt,string'("Scanning pattern ")); write(txt,i); writeline(output,txt); write(txt,string'("| expected "));write(txt,output_test_name);write(txt,string'(" = "));write(txt,output_test_expected_prev); write(txt,string'("| expected "));write(txt,sync_out_name);write(txt,string'(" = "));write(txt,sync_out_expected_prev); writeline(output,txt); write(txt,string'("| real "));write(txt,output_test_name);write(txt,string'(" = "));write(txt,output_test_prev); write(txt,string'("| real "));write(txt,sync_out_name);write(txt,string'(" = "));write(txt,sync_out_prev); writeline(output,txt); i := i + 1; END IF; IF ( output_test_expected_prev /= 'X' ) AND (output_test_expected_prev /= 'U' ) AND (output_test_prev /= output_test_expected_prev) AND ( (output_test_expected_prev /= last_output_test_exp) OR (on_first_change(1) = '1') ) THEN throw_error("output_test",output_test_expected_prev,output_test_prev); num_mismatches(0) <= num_mismatches(0) + 1; on_first_change(1) := '0'; last_output_test_exp := output_test_expected_prev; END IF; IF ( sync_out_expected_prev /= 'X' ) AND (sync_out_expected_prev /= 'U' ) AND (sync_out_prev /= sync_out_expected_prev) AND ( (sync_out_expected_prev /= last_sync_out_exp) OR (on_first_change(2) = '1') ) THEN throw_error("sync_out",sync_out_expected_prev,sync_out_prev); num_mismatches(1) <= num_mismatches(1) + 1; on_first_change(2) := '0'; last_sync_out_exp := sync_out_expected_prev; END IF; trigger_i <= NOT trigger_i; END PROCESS t_prcs_selfcheck; t_prcs_trigger_res : PROCESS(trigger_e,trigger_i,trigger_r) BEGIN trigger <= trigger_i XOR trigger_e XOR trigger_r; END PROCESS t_prcs_trigger_res; t_prcs_endsim : PROCESS VARIABLE txt : LINE; VARIABLE total_mismatches : INTEGER := 0; BEGIN WAIT FOR 1000000 ps; total_mismatches := num_mismatches(0) + num_mismatches(1); IF (total_mismatches = 0) THEN write(txt,string'("Simulation passed !")); writeline(output,txt); ELSE write(txt,total_mismatches); write(txt,string'(" mismatched vectors : Simulation failed !")); writeline(output,txt); END IF; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_endsim; END ovec_arch;

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

--------------------------------------------------------- -- Second part of the testbench file -- --------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; LIBRARY STD; USE STD.textio.ALL; USE WORK.test_project_vhd_tb_types.ALL; ENTITY test_project_vhd_vec_tst IS END test_project_vhd_vec_tst; ARCHITECTURE test_project_arch OF test_project_vhd_vec_tst IS -- constants -- signals SIGNAL master_clock : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL N : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL output_test : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL sync_in : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL sync_out : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL sampler : sample_type; COMPONENT test_project PORT ( master_clock : IN STD_LOGIC; N : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); output_test : OUT STD_LOGIC; sync_in : IN STD_LOGIC; sync_out : OUT STD_LOGIC ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT test_project_vhd_check_tst PORT ( output_test : IN STD_LOGIC; sync_out : IN STD_LOGIC; sampler : IN sample_type ); END COMPONENT; COMPONENT test_project_vhd_sample_tst PORT ( master_clock : IN STD_LOGIC; N : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0); sync_in : IN STD_LOGIC; sampler : OUT sample_type ); END COMPONENT; BEGIN i1 : test_project PORT MAP ( -- list connections between master ports and signals master_clock => master_clock, N => N, output_test => output_test, sync_in => sync_in, sync_out => sync_out ); -- master_clock t_prcs_master_clock: PROCESS BEGIN LOOP master_clock <= '0'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; master_clock <= '1'; WAIT FOR 5000 ps; IF (NOW >= 1000000 ps) THEN WAIT; END IF; END LOOP; END PROCESS t_prcs_master_clock; -- N t_prcs_N_31: PROCESS BEGIN N(31) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_31; -- N t_prcs_N_30: PROCESS BEGIN N(30) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_30; -- N t_prcs_N_29: PROCESS BEGIN N(29) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_29; -- N t_prcs_N_28: PROCESS BEGIN N(28) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_28; -- N t_prcs_N_27: PROCESS BEGIN N(27) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_27; -- N t_prcs_N_26: PROCESS BEGIN N(26) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_26; -- N t_prcs_N_25: PROCESS BEGIN N(25) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_25; -- N t_prcs_N_24: PROCESS BEGIN N(24) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_24; -- N t_prcs_N_23: PROCESS BEGIN N(23) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_23; -- N t_prcs_N_22: PROCESS BEGIN N(22) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_22; -- N t_prcs_N_21: PROCESS BEGIN N(21) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_21; -- N t_prcs_N_20: PROCESS BEGIN N(20) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_20; -- N t_prcs_N_19: PROCESS BEGIN N(19) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_19; -- N t_prcs_N_18: PROCESS BEGIN N(18) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_18; -- N t_prcs_N_17: PROCESS BEGIN N(17) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_17; -- N t_prcs_N_16: PROCESS BEGIN N(16) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_16; -- N t_prcs_N_15: PROCESS BEGIN N(15) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_15; -- N t_prcs_N_14: PROCESS BEGIN N(14) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_14; -- N t_prcs_N_13: PROCESS BEGIN N(13) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_13; -- N t_prcs_N_12: PROCESS BEGIN N(12) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_12; -- N t_prcs_N_11: PROCESS BEGIN N(11) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_11; -- N t_prcs_N_10: PROCESS BEGIN N(10) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_10; -- N t_prcs_N_9: PROCESS BEGIN N(9) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_9; -- N t_prcs_N_8: PROCESS BEGIN N(8) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_8; -- N t_prcs_N_7: PROCESS BEGIN N(7) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_7; -- N t_prcs_N_6: PROCESS BEGIN N(6) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_6; -- N t_prcs_N_5: PROCESS BEGIN N(5) <= '1'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_5; -- N t_prcs_N_4: PROCESS BEGIN N(4) <= '1'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_4; -- N t_prcs_N_3: PROCESS BEGIN N(3) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_3; -- N t_prcs_N_2: PROCESS BEGIN N(2) <= '1'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_2; -- N t_prcs_N_1: PROCESS BEGIN N(1) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_1; -- N t_prcs_N_0: PROCESS BEGIN N(0) <= '0'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_N_0; -- sync_in t_prcs_sync_in: PROCESS BEGIN sync_in <= '1'; WAIT FOR 7000 ps; FOR i IN 1 TO 9 LOOP sync_in <= '0'; WAIT FOR 50000 ps; sync_in <= '1'; WAIT FOR 50000 ps; END LOOP; sync_in <= '0'; WAIT FOR 50000 ps; sync_in <= '1'; WAIT; END PROCESS t_prcs_sync_in; tb_sample : test_project_vhd_sample_tst PORT MAP ( master_clock => master_clock, N => N, sync_in => sync_in, sampler => sampler ); tb_out : test_project_vhd_check_tst PORT MAP ( output_test => output_test, sync_out => sync_out, sampler => sampler ); END test_project_arch;

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

That stuff at the beginning of the text file is defining a load of procedures that write different types out to a file. Any generated code tends to have a load of stuff that probably be hidden away in a package if you wrote it yourself.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



How did you convert the simulation file from a .wvf file to a testbench HDL file?
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