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20725 Discussions

conversion of std_logic (NOT std_logic_vector) to integer

Honored Contributor II

Dear All,  


could someone advice, how to convert single bit information into integer so I could use it as index to an array? 


Conversion of std_logic_vector/unsigned/signed vectors is easy 


is there any way how to do following using only numeric_std library? 


ASamplexDY(to_integer(IsISamplexS)) <= DxDY; 


where IsISamplexS is type std_logic 



Of course the line above does not work as there is no function to_integer which would take std_logic. If I try to convert first to unsigned, it does not work either because it is not vector. 


One can do trick like this: 


AVERAGERS : process (ClkxC, ResetxRNA) is 

variable vMessxD : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --! bleh 

begin -- process AVERAGERS 

if ResetxRNA = '0' then --! asynchronous reset (active low) 

ASamplexDY <= (others => (others => '0')); 

elsif rising_edge(ClkxC) then --! rising clock edge 

vMessxD := '0' & IsISamplexS; 

-- we are inside the processing of the I sample: 

if SwitchSignxS = '0' then 

ASamplexDY(to_integer(unsigned(vMessxD))) <= DxDY; 


ASamplexDY(to_integer(unsigned(vMessxD))) <= ASamplexDY(to_integer(unsigned(vMessxD))) + OpositeSignDataxM; 

end if; 

end if; 

end process AVERAGERS; 



but it looks ugly and stupid. 





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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

there are a couple of methods. 


Convert it to unsigned by implicitly making it an array: 


ASamplexDY(to_integer( unsigned'("" & IsISamplexS) )) <= DxDY; 


here, the ( "" & IsISamplexS ) makes it an array of length 1, and the unsigned' qualifies it as an unsigned because it could be signed or unsigned. 


Secondly, write a conversion function yourself: 


function to_integer( s : std_logic ) return natural is begin if s = '1' then return 1; else return 0; end if; end function; ASamplexDY(to_integer( IsISamplexS )) <= DxDY;
Honored Contributor II

cool. thanks. 


exactly what I needed. true I did not think of writing a function ...
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I just thought Id show off a little bit, just to show you the things you can do with VHDL. There is nothing forcing you to using integers for arrays. You can actually use any enumerated type. eg: 


type sl_array_t is array( std_logic range <> ) of integer; signal my_array : sl_array('0' to '1'); signal sel : std_logic; output <= my_array(sel);  


This way, if sel ever becomes anything other than '0' or '1' during simulation, you will get an array index out of bounds exception. Quartus should synthesise this, Ive tested arrays using the character type as the arary index before, and it infered me a ram.
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Honored Contributor II

A quite workable solution is to use a  

std_logic_vector(0 downto 0)  

as intermediate. 

This saves you the annoying "if (bit_x='1') then ...; else ...; endif;" 




variable i: integer; 

variable a_bit : std_logic; 

variable a_bitx : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); 

variable s: line; 


-- integer to bit: 

i := 1; 

a_bitx <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i,1); 

a_bit <= a_bitx(0); 

-- long alternative: if i=1 then a_bit <= '1'; else a_bit <='0'; endif; 


-- and bit to e.g. text: 

write(s, to_integer(unsigned(a_bitx))); 

-- long alternative: if a_bit = '1' then write(s, string'("1")); else write(s, string'("0")); endif; 


NOTE: Often, in a testbench, the std_logic a_bit is not needed anymore if you use a_bitx(0) instead
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