Programmable Devices
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how to use the USB transfer data to FPGA

Honored Contributor II

I'm using the DK-START-3C25N development kit, and using the USB to transfer data to the FPGA chip . but not succeed! 

by tracking the pins, I find the data come from the USB line, go to the CPLD chip(EPM3128), then the JTAG, then how can the data go to the FPGA chip??? 

if you know ,could you please tell me ? emergency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Data goes to the FPGA via JTAG. 


Are you talking about configuration data or do you want to transfer user mode data?
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Honored Contributor II

I also don't know which do you mean. 

the USB connector maybe represent USB-Blaster. 

you can not use it as data-bus. 

but just sending throw the data ( not communicating all the time). 


you can use it as JTAG. 

one simple example is just write a code in NiosII. 

such as ... 


unsigned char myData[] = {0x00, 0xff, 0x22 .........  





download the code via JTAG. 

your memory has whole data when NiosII program starts. 


if you want to store the data. 

why don't you store data in the Flash memory. 


any questions?
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