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20803 Discussions

to find out the number of "1"

Honored Contributor II



i need to find out the number of "1" in a input (a), 

now ,i thik i could add every bit of input (a) to get the resut, 

just like : assign b=a[0]+a[0]+a[1]+a[2]+a[3]+a[4]; -----code(1) 

so , if a==5'd10==5'b01010 then b=2 , it's right 

but ,now, the width of a is 2023 ,it is too large. 

so , for me ,it is a big trouble for me to write like code(1) ,it will cost too much time. 

so i wright like this: 


module jj(data_in,weight_out); 

parameter IN_WIDTH=10;  


input [IN_WIDTH-1:0 ] data_in; 

output [11:0] weight_out; 

reg [11:0] a; 

always @ (*) begin  

integer i; 




assign weight_out=a; 



but , this logic is not right.and a combinational loop occurs. 


any convenient and right method? 

thank you!
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II


I don't know Verilog 


In VHDL, you can use "variable" for counters 

you can use "function" or "procedure" to find out the number of '1'. This function will be something like 

for(i=0;i<IN_WIDTH;i=i+1) a<=a+data_in; end
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Honored Contributor II

A nice way to do this is by writing a recursive function. 

You first extend the vector with '0's so that the number of bits is a nice binary boundary, in the case you give 2048. You then call the recursive function which calls itself for the two halves. This continues until we have just 2 bits left. 

This will generate a nice tier of adders with the shortest delay and if you code it carefully minimal logic resources. 

Unfortunately I don't know Verilog (yet, but I ordered my first book on it). 

In VHDL it would look (somewhat) like this: 

function number_of_bits( src : std_logic_vector) return natural is begin if (src'high = 0 ) then -- we're down to a single bit if (src(0) = '0') then return 0 ; else return 1 ; end if ;else-- we can split return number_of_bits( upper_half(src) ) + number_of_bits( lower_half(src) ) ; end if end function number_of_bits ;  

Opposed to what a C-program or so would do, the HDL compiler will unroll the recursive loop into a nice tier of consecutive adders, in this case 11 layers and 2047 in total.
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