Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2088 Discussions

Help! Need a feature put back into the Windows 10/11 Intel RST software.


I use systems with Intel RST in an industrial environment.

We need to be able to detect an alert on drive failure.

The old Intel RST software or driver would put alerts in the Windows Event logs and we'd pick that up and forward it.

Then version 17 came out (specifically 17.5.9). This had the ability to send emails when a drive failure occurred.  This was even easier and was wonderful.

Now version 18 is out and it's basically broken for our needs. No ability to send emails and the only thing it puts in the Event Log is a message that says "Reset to device, \Device\RaidPort0, was issued".

This is almost but not quite useless.


Can I put in a feature request to have both the Event Log entries and the Email feature?

We need one or the other, but the Email feature was easiest and I feel that events like this should always be in the System Event Log.


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1 Reply

Hello SystemsNerd,  


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities. I understand you are having issues with your systems.

In this case, Intel is considering implementing this feature on future releases, however, we cannot confirm that will be the next updates.

You can check more details at the following link:

I will submit your request to the team in charge so they can have your request into consideration.

Please keep in mind that this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel.  


Deivid A.  

Intel Customer Support Technician  

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