Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2159 Discussions

Intel RST Verification & Repair

New Contributor II



Is there another program that can be used, other than the Intel Rapid Storage Technology Verification feature, to check an Intel RST RAID 5 array for errors?

I had a recent drive failure in a three drive Intel RAID 5 and I successfully rebuilt the array with a replacement drive. However, if I run the Intel RST verification, the program detects and repairs errors after each reboot. If I run the program twice with out rebooting, it appears that the errors that were detected and repaired stay repaired with out any new errors. That indicates to me that the reboot is causing some errors in the array and the Intel RST is unable to completely resolve the issue. The Intel RST verification feature has never indicated any blocks with media errors, so I presume that the errors that are detected and repaired are minor type errors. Prior to my drive failure, I didn't notice a problem with verification errors being found and repair. It was very rare to detect errors. Now, I can detect errors after each reboot.

So, I was wondering if there is another RAID utility that can be used check my array.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


PS - My system is a DX58SO with i7-930 and 6GB memory running Win 7 Pro x64

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1 Reply

Not from our side. You may be able to find 3rd party software.

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