Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2154 Discussions

List of possible events for IRST (Intel Rapid Storage Technology) v14.8



we are currently trying to implement a notification funtion in our software to recognize when IRST throws a warning or an error. As IRST always writes those events into the Windows Event Log, we hook into the event handler searching for "IAStorDataMgrSvc". For the implementation we have some questions:

  1. Is there a list of poosible events, that can be thrown?


    Unfortunately the only difference we could notice is the log's text like "Volume Raid1: Degraded." and of course the error level.
  2. Are the messages based on the system's language?
  3. Is a CLI (Command Line Interface) planned for v14.8?
  4. Is the a way to get information about the removed/broken disk like serial number, size, health state, etc. in C# or some kind of command line?

Kine regards,


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3 Replies
Super User

I can answer the fourth question. You can obtain information about the drives through WMI or by direct interrogation of the physical drives themselves. For the latter, examples of the code necessary are available in a number of places. One example is within the QST SDK, which I developed a number of years ago (before retiring from Intel). It shows how to obtain information about and extract information (including S.M.A.R.T. data) from the physical drives being managed by Intel RST. The SDK is downloadable from here: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/Intel_Quiet_System_Technology_Software_Development_Kit?wapkw=qst%20sdk Intel® Quiet System Technology (Intel® QST) Software Development Kit | Intel® Developer Zone.

The remainder of these questions need to be answered by the Storage Driver group at Intel. It is not something that folks on the Communities site will be able to help you with (this is a user-to-user support community, after all). If you want answers to these questions, you need to directly contact Intel Customer Support and make a formal request for the development group to answer these questions.


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Thanks Scott for the information, Mjoedvinir answering your questions,
  1. After installing IRST it is not possible to see the event log, it is an expected behavior.
  2. Yes, this is the list of language support.
ARA: Arabic (Saudi Arabia)


CHS: Chinese (Simplified)


CHT: Chinese (Traditional)


CSY: Czech


DAN: Danish


NLD: Dutch


ENU: English (United States)


FIN: Finnish


FRA: French (International)


DEU: German


ELL: Greek


HEB: Hebrew


HUN: Hungarian


ITA: Italian


JPN: Japanese


KOR: Korean


NOR: Norwegian


PLK: Polish


PTB: Portuguese (Brazil)


PTG: Portuguese (Standard)


RUS: Russian


ESP: Spanish


SVE: Swedish


THA: Thai


TRK: Turkish



Language support


https://downloadmirror.intel.com/22036/eng/readme.txt https://downloadmirror.intel.com/22036/eng/readme.txt



As Scott suggested you could ask more information about IRST here,


https://software.intel.com/en-us/forum https://software.intel.com/en-us/forum







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Hi Mjoedvitnir,



I was wondering if the information provided helps you.







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