Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID

Onboard Raid 1 Faalt?


Beste Mensen.

Ik heb in iets oudere pc een areca Raid 5 over PCI zitten wat zeer tevreden zijn dienst doet.

Nu een nieuwe desktop gemaakt met de Asus Tuff X299 Mark 1 waar in de bios raid voor wat het raid inhoud geactiveerd.

> Eerst in de bios via Ctr+i de Raid 1 samengesteld werkt op zich perfect, ook laten initialiseren. De gebruikte hhd zijn identiek 2TB WD gold.

Alle data van andere hard naar deze locatie kopiëren leid steeds tot het vastlopen van de verkenner. Bij het overzetten van kleine bereiken met enkele mappen, waarin +/- 1000 bestanden zitten verloopt vlekkeloos en zeer snel.

Als ik het hele bereik waarin zo'n 7 à 8000 bestanden in zitten wil overplaatsen crasht het keer op keer. is de cach te klein om dit te verwerken?? Op m'n andere systeem met de areca pci controller kan ik gewoon heel der volumes over zetten zonder problemen.

> Ik heb de erea terug gewist via de bios en her aangemaakt via de utility van intel rapid storage tool de configuratie ging weer vlekkeloos toch, met identieke problemen.

> De Processor intel I7-7800X was voor 30% overclockt, steeds omlaag gebracht naar 25% > 20% > 15% > Standaard normaal zonder overclocken, allemaal met zelfde resultaat. het importeren van grote bereiken blijft in verkenner vast lopen ( hiermee bedoel ik de % & resterende van overdracht ).

> Het voelt gewoon niet lekker verder is het maar een mirror (raid 1) wat geen complexiteit meebrengt als raid 5.

> Er zit ook een WD gold op van 4TB als standaard disc bedoeld voor backups waar ik tijdelijk dezelfde inport van data heb uitgevoerd dus die +/- 800 bestanden en hun mappen wat in 1 teug volbracht werd zonder enig probleem ook met de overclock van 30%.

> Ik weet het niet meer, of is de onboard raid gewoon niet waardig genoeg en moet ik voor een raid 1 naar een pci raid kaart op zoek gaan.

Best People.

I have a pc in slightly older areca Raid 5 on PCI are very satisfied.

Now a new desktop made with the Asus Tuff X299 Mark 1 where in the bios raid for what the raid content activated.

> First in the bios through Ctr + i the Raid 1 composed works on are perfect, also let it initialize. Used the hhd are identical 2 TB WD gold.

All data from the other hard copy Guide to this location ever crashes the Explorer. When transferring small reach with some folders, in which +/-1000 files are is flawless and very quickly.

If I the entire range in which such a transfer would be 7 to 8000 files in crashes it time and again. is the cach too small to handle this??? On my other system with the areca pci controller can I just very der volumes about putting without problems.

> I have the erea recover erased through the bios and re created using the utility from intel rapid storage tool the configuration went flawlessly anyway, with identical problems.

The Processor > intel I7-7800X was always brought down to overclockt, for 30% 25% 20% 15% > > > Standard normally without overclocking, all with same result. importing large reach remains in Explorer crash (by this I mean the% & remaining of transfer).

> It just doesn't feel good a mirror (raid 1) what brings no complexity as raid 5.

> There is also a default of 4 TB WD gold on disc for backups where I temporarily have performed the same in port of data so that +/-800 files and their directories what was accomplished in 1 gulp without any problem also with the overclock of 30%.

> I do not know more, or is the onboard raid just not worthy enough and do I have a raid 1 to a pci raid card.

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4 Replies

Hello BrokenHead,



Thank you for contacting the Intel community.



I'm sorry BrokenHead I don't quite understand what exactly the issue is. Are you trying to move a RAID 5 from another computer to the new one or you are trying to move files from the RAID 5 to the RAID 1.



I'm sorry and I will appreciate if you could explain a little more what exactly the issue is and I will be more than happy to help you.




Best regards,




Ivan U.


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My excuse, I have thrown the text by a translator, and know that you are the best sentence by sentence does. at a whole text flows almost always wrong, at this I was again too quickly.

  • I have a new asus motherboard purchased Tuff X299 Mark 1. This one has the intel rapid storage build.
  • In relation to existing files over from an older storage. Copy and paste works for a limited number of folders with +/-700 to 1000 files. At a large quantity with 12000 files. crashes the displacement. Not the windows control, in particular? The Explorer?.

  • There are known problems with write cache buffer on the raid 1? The cached mode on write-back, or best on writing or off. Have they marrying all tested problem remains persistent strike.

  • In the mean time, I've come out with hands in the hair, Or still working, I have undone the via Bios raid, The disk 7 times with + &-let override for sampling. With the difference not in the bios but directly via the intel rapid storage tool.

  • Currently, the write cache buffer enabled and the cache mode to off. Now the question is still I would enable the write-back according to my thinking, but wait on your advice, it is possible that the buffer for large quantities is too light. and you better switch to a pci card raid adapter.



I like to hear your opinion on this subject.

Best regards.


0 Kudos

Hello BrokenHead,



I understand that your system crashes when you transfer information from one HDD or RAID to another. Would you please post a picture of the error you get if it is possible to better assist you?



Also to have a better view of the issue I will appreciate if you could attach the https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/technologies/000006351.html System Reports for Intel® Rapid Storage Technology and the https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293/Intel-System-Support-Utility ISSU (Intel® System Support Utility).



Download Intel® System Support Utility
  1. Download the utility
  2. Run the exe and select 'Scan'
  3. Save and include as an attachment in the Intel Community Forum








0 Kudos

Hello BrokenHead,



I'm following on this post to ask you if your issue has been resolved or if you need further assistance.








Ivan U.
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