Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2100 Discussions

Rebuild to new drive not found?



I had a drive receive a SMART event in my RAID 1 array. The array got labeled "rebuild" in the bios screen and told me the OS would repair it.

However, this rebuild is taking forever, and is still at 0% after an hour. All I want to do is get to the data and copy it to another drive as fast as possible.

Can I either:

A) turn off the RAID entirely and manually copy the data off in Windows, or

B) swap in a new, larger drive for the failing one? The problem with this is I don't see the "Rebuild to new drive" option anywhere! I can't do anything but delete drives in the BIOS ctrl-i menu, and in the Windows RST app all I seem to be able to do is set drives as "spare". I see no progress in the rebuilding and I would rather just throw this failing drive out rather than try to rebuild to it anyway.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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3 Replies

Hello, toastjam.



Thank you very much for contacting the Intel® Communities Team.



I understand you are facing some issues with the data migration of your RAID 1. Allow me to help you regarding this issue you are facing.



In this case, for me to properly troubleshoot this issue I will need to have an RST report. Please follow the instructions on the following link and attach to me the result of the report: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000006351/technologies.html https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000006351/technologies.html



I would like to have as well the model of your Motherboard and your processor.




Antony S.
0 Kudos

I managed to solve my problem by removing the failing drive, then deleting the RAID array in the bios menu (ignoring the warnings about data being deleted, because I tested the workflow first with other drives to ensure nothing actually gets deleted). Then in Windows I was able to import the drive as some sort of dynamic foreign drive, at which point I was able to copy the data off successfully.

But still would be interested in knowing why this fabled "rebuild to new drive" option never showed up for me? I had available drives attached which were more than large enough. And is it typical for a failed RAID 1 drive to lock you out of your data for days at a time while it "rebuilds"? Shouldn't it just be able to clone the data straight over to a spare drive at maximum throughput?

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Hello, toastjam.



Thank you very much for your reply.



Thank you very much for sharing this information with the community and it is really good to hear that your system is running properly now.



In addition, what could happen was that there was a limitation identified by the software, could be with the other disks or a data problem in the RAID. For the RST to rebuild automatically the system it should have at least one disk marked as spare. If you marked one disk as spare when the issue was happening the rebuilding process should start.




Antony S.
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