Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2109 Discussions

Trim RAID0 in RST / RAID1 in RSTe?



We have a server with a Supermicro X9SCM-F mainboard, which uses the C204 chipset. This server currently has two mechanical drives in RAID1 but were switching to two Intel 530 120GB SSD's (hopefully also in RAID1). Everything I can find states that the RST drivers supports Trim in RAID0 & that the RSTe drivers supports Trim in RAID1 (bios versions permitting). The current drivers for this server are the RST drivers.

My questions are this:

  1. Can the RST drivers (bios permitting, I've yet to reboot to find out what bios it's running) do trim in RAID0 & RAID1, or just RAID0?
  2. Can the RSTe drivers be installed on this board in place of the RST drivers if # 1 is a no? From what I can tell, it seems like they are interchangeable but I'm not 100% sure.
  3. Once I set this up, how do I know TRIM is actually working before it's too late? Will the Intel SSD toolbox actually detect something other than an unknown RAID array & allow the SSD optimizer to run?
  4. This is more a curiosity question, but what are the differences between RST & RSTe?

Thanks for any help you guys can give!

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1 Reply

Hello Mnye, according to the information provided at downloadcenter.intel.com, the Intel® Solid-State Drive Toolbox (Intel® SSD Toolbox) 11.0 or greater states that Trim on RAID 0 is not supported on Windows 8* or Windows Server 2012 https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=18455 https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=18455

Bear in mind that Intel® SSD Toolbox was designed to be used with Intel® SSD products only, other manufacturers usually have their own software tools.

Additional information about Trim could be found at this link. http://www.anandtech.com/show/6161/intel-brings-trim-to-raid0-ssd-arrays-on-7series-motherboards-we-test-it http://www.anandtech.com/show/6161/intel-brings-trim-to-raid0-ssd-arrays-on-7series-motherboards-we-test-it

Something very important is that the C204 is a Server chipset so; the software that will recognize all of the features is Intel RSTe, since it was designed to work on this type of chipsets.

I suggest you contacting Supermicro for more information about this.


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