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when setup the IO Margin tool for test,can't sussesceful to test,
I go to check it by ipccli,can find the Jtag & get the system info ,
but can't hold the cpu to control its (already attch log for review )
CPUs x2 Granite Rapids Server SP ES2-Q4GN
IO Margin tool version :1.3.37
system debugginf tool :2440
check the BIOS setup followed it enable /disable
IPC_Error Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 1
----> 1 ipc.halt()
File C:\IntelSWTools\system_debugger\2446-nda\tools\python310\lib\site-packages\ipccli\ipc_env\ipc_baseaccess.py:1290, in baseaccess.halt(self)
1287 raise ValueError("There are no GPC cores available to halt")
1288 run_control_was_disabled = not gpc.isruncontrolenabled()
-> 1290 operation = runsrvc.HaltAll()
1291 operation.Flush()
1293 # If run control was disabled and the halt attempt succeeded, then
1294 # update the supported breaks on devices
File C:\IntelSWTools\system_debugger\2446-nda\tools\python310\lib\site-packages\py2ipc\Service_RunControl.py:191, in Service_RunControl.HaltAll(self)
189 from .Service_OperationReceipt import Operation
190 op = ipctypes.IPC_Handle()
--> 191 self._HaltAll( ctypes.byref(op) )
192 return Operation( op.value, hasvalue=False )
File C:\IntelSWTools\system_debugger\2446-nda\tools\python310\lib\site-packages\py2ipc\IPCTypes.py:83, in IPC_ErrorCheck(result)
81 if result: # IPC_Error_Codes.No_Error:
82 from .IPCErrorCodes import IPC_Error
---> 83 raise IPC_Error(result)
84 # this tells ctypes to continue processing as normal
85 return result
IPC_Error: Not_Supported == 0x80000003
. Unable to perform operation because there are no GPC threads in this domain
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Hello Grady1,
Greetings from Intel !!
Thank you for sharing your concerns to Intel Servers Community. Please note that The information related to this tool can be found in the Intel Resource and documentation center (RDC). However it will require a privileged access. If you /Your Organization already has an active CNDA with Intel, then please refer to below article to get an premier access to Intel RDC:
Link for Intel RDC:
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Hello Grady1,
Greetings !!
This is just a follow up regarding the reported issue in our end. Please let us know if the our previous suggestions were helpful and if you have any other query or require any further assistance.
Subhashish Chatterjee
Intel Customer Support Technician
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Hello Grady1,
Greetings !!
This is second follow up regarding the issue reported in our end. We would like to know if you had the opportunity to review our previous posts and if there is anything else we may assist you with.
Looking forward to hear from you.
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Hello Grady1,
Greetings !!
This is the third follow-up regarding the reported issue. We're committed to ensuring a swift resolution and would greatly appreciate any updates or additional information you can provide.
If we don't hear back from you soon, we'll assume the issue has been resolved and will proceed to close the case.
Please feel free to respond to this email at your earliest convenience.
Best regards,
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hi Subhashish,
I already found the RDC for document (767303_Intel_IO_Margin_Tool_for_BHS_on_Windows_UG_Rev_1_4_ ) ,but can't resolve the issues . do u have the others away to try it ?
can you share the about issues decument Number for me to study it ?

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