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4811 ディスカッション

Intel entry storage system ss4000-e Disk Change Notification is blocked



My NAS is blocked in notification page just after the login and the button continue don't works correctely because when i press it the same page is load.

i press scan but it is the same think.

Do you have an idea for access to the other pages ?

Thank you so much for your time

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5 返答(返信)


The notice indicates you have a failed disk, or have replace a disk. Do you or did you? I see you've got one odd size disk in there. What do the disk LEDs on the front of the SS4200-E iindicate? Have you simply restarted the Storage Manger application and see what happens? Can you access your data by mapping a drive to the storage unit?





i replaced a disk but all light are green and i can access to my data by mapping drive, it is why i don't understand what happen.

i solved the problem to reconfigure the raid, after that the page was the starting page and all is correct now.

i don't now why before the continue button are failed.

Tank you for your time.



Hi, my problem is that I cannot get past the scan page. I have the disk change notification , but no disks have been changed and the status screen indicates that the disks are okay. Also, all the disks have green leds. I did remove disk 4 and replace and it started to rebuild. I see on the support page that possibly a firmware mis-match or one of the drives could show good but be offline? Your response will be greatly appreciated. thanks


hi all, I have the same error that Primo was having. It suddenly started appearing when I logged on to the admin screen. I have 4 x 500GB disks in there that have been running fine for 18 months with a reboot every 2 months.

I have tried everything:

- taking out a disk, waiting for the array to rebuild, same thing.

- taking out all disks but one, tried to reinitialize the entire array, still get the same screen.

the screen will allow me to click NEXT but will just return to itself again.

This is very frustrating. Any comments? Any firmware to upgrade? Is this a known bug?

Primo how did you solve it?


Hi samuel,

My problem was solved by this way i described before.

I put out all HDD and i restart my NAS, after few minutes i put in all HDD (ALL DATA will deleted),

i was connected by the default IP address and i had the first page where you can choice what kinf od raid you want.

I could save ma DATA by network drive before all were erased.

It's the only solution i found, I hope i have helped you.

I have a question :

Do you have a problem to login although all is good ? The system doesn't want my password i think there are a problem with the certificate

but i don't solved it! Anybody have a solution ?

