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5037 Discussions

Issues with brand-new INTEL S3420GPLX Server Board



Dear Experts,


I've just bought the INTEL S3420GPLX Server Board to build my private server.

1) I want to setup RAID on my HDDs.


What should I choose and why:


a) Intel Matrix


b) Intel Embedded Server RAID Technology II


c) Windows RAID (in Disk Management)

I'm also interested in:

- differences between a) and b),


- if any of them hardware RAID.

2) I have GPLX version of my motherboard. On Intel website, in product specification, there is information that it should have

Intel RMM3 included, but BIOS tells me that this module is not present. I CAN ping IP address (assigned in BIOS) of NIC1,

but I'm unable to connect to https:///. Port scanner shows, that only ports that are available are 22 and 6xx (don't remember it exactly).



- Why I am unable to access RMM3?


- Where can I find mmconfig.exe?

3) What the hell exactly is BMC and how can I access to all of it options?

4) I am very confused about BIOS settings: in Product Technical Product Specification, on page 42, there is mentioned

that board S3420GPV (so lower model than mine) has options to control PWM FAN speeds manually. In my board's BIOS there are

no options about hardware monitoring like temperatures and FAN speeds. I'm really sad about this, because after firmware update (full

update: BMC, SDR, FDR and BIOS) my FANs are running at full speed - this is deffinitely too loud for me.

- I HAVE NON-INTEL CHASSIS (it is too expensive for me, especially that this server will be used for private purposes),


- I was trying to modify GP17.sdr file (which I included in attachment: other.sdr.txt) but it didn't work,


- I've put jumper on Chassis Intrusion - no change,


- All my FANs are high quality REVOLTEC products, with PWM,


- I've tried to set BIOS options to OLIT, 300m or less, Acoustic.


- I've searched entire Intel Community forum and pages found by Google - no change,


- SEL shows nothing interesting.

I'm really resigned now, I don't know what should I do next.


Please help! I would finally star enjoining my server!

Thank You!


25 Replies

OK, I solved point 2 and 3. Please tell me something about 1 and 4.

0 Kudos

To answer your questions:

1. Generally speaking Intel Matrix RAID supports RAID 5 without the need of adding RAID activation key, but if supports Windows only. I heard some recent Linux distributes can support Matrix RAID, but it's not officially support by Intel. On the other side, RAID 5 support on ESRT2 is optional (you'll need to add AXXRAKSW5 for RAID 5 support), but it has full support on tested Linux OS. Both are software RAID. So if you're running Linux, or you don't need native RAID 5 support I'd suggest ESRT2. If you want RAID 5 on Windows, Matrix RAID is good for you. Of course if you'll add AXXRAKSW5 you're going for ESRT2.

2. S3420GPLX does support RMM3, but that's an optional component sold separately. By adding RMM3 you should have a dedicate NIC3 that you can access thru http.

3. BMC stands for Baseboard Management Controller. It's a standalone controller which monitors sensors, controlling FANs/LEDs, provides out-of-band remote control (power on/off), etc. You can refer to the Technical product specification, section 3.6 for more functions of BMC. Ideally you can use any IPMI tool to access it. Intel provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) utility to access BMC.

4. The S3420GPV doesn't have BMC, so all fans are controlled by BIOS. Than's why you have those option in BIOS. On S3420GPLX, fans are all controlled by BMC. Now since you're using a non-intel chassis, all fans are set to run at 100% PWM. I've seen someone in this community did modify the SDR file successfully, like /message/93150# 93150 93150. But remember you're doing this on your own, and you'll need to do thermal test based on your modification to ensure all components work within specification.

0 Kudos

Dear Edward,

Thank You very much for those informations.

1) a) So if I would like to setup only RAID1 on Windows Server 2003/2008R2, it does not matter if I use Matrix or ESRT2, but ESRT2 is preferable?

b) I understand, that ESRT2 is newer /and better for server usage/ technology, am I right?

c) And ESRT2 is even better than Windows RAID?

2) Yes... I firstly did not see the word slot in MB configuration

4) OK, now it's clear about S3420GPV. So the only way to configure fan speeds on S3420GPLX is to modify the G17.sdr file from the newest firmware upgrade? From where that guy from the post you sent me got the file HC_BMC.sdr?

I've tried to do this a lot of times, but every time I load (by using .\WinPEUtils_x64\FRUSDR\frusdr -cfg MASTER.CFG from the newest firmware a modified SDR file, the board acts like this: Fans goes down, I get message on the screen that System reset is required to apply changes and after a while fans returns to full speed. I've tried to restart OS, turn off server, turn off AC power, tried to do this from EFI, nothing helped, every time the same scenario.

ANOTHER QUESTION: Is it normal, that integrated graphics card (MATROX G200e) is so slow? I mean, even Windows windows draws slowly and are moving not smoothly

I count on your help, Edward! I'm very happy that customer is able to contact the Company expert directly!



0 Kudos

If the fans start low, then go high, there may be entries in the System Event Log (SEL) that help identify the cause. Have you looked at that log yet?

0 Kudos

Dear Dan_O,

of course I have, there is nothing interesting there

0 Kudos

Hi Selig,

1) a) Yes both can do RAID 1 on Windows. Personally I would prefer ESRT2.

b) Yes ESRT2 is designed for server usage. It uses management utility (RAID Web Console 2, or RWC2) that provides functions like email notification, remote management, etc. and same RWC2 is used on software and hardware Intel RAID solutions, across different OSes (Windows, Linnux, Solaris, etc.)

c) ESRT2 should be easier for you than Windows RAID. It's on firmware level, so it's transparent to OS, and unlike Windows RAID, you don't have to worry about things like modifying boot.ini to identify the correct drive to boot from, if one of the hard drive fails.

4) Yes you'll need to modify the GP_17.sdr file. On that post, the filename is HC_BMC.sdr because that's a S5520HC board. When you modify this file, look for SDR tag "OTHER", assuming you choose "Other chassis" when running FRUSDR update. Notice that there are 3 fan control domains, and you may want to modify fan control values in all 3 domains.

Yes the integrated graphics is slow, but I wouldn't expect much considering it has only 8MB of usable video memory. You might see some improvements using the upcoming driver update, but I can't say for sure at this moment.

Glad to be able to help.



0 Kudos

Hi Edward,

and unlike Windows RAID, you don't have to worry about things like modifying boot.ini to identify the correct drive to boot from, if one of the hard drive fails.

On Windows it is not possible to make RAID1 on system drive, because drive must be a dynamic disk, but Windows is unable to boot from dynamic disk, even Windows 2008. But I don't care about this, I would probably use ESRT2, because I have a lot of very important data, so I must be sure about reliability.

Notice that there are 3 fan control domains, and you may want to modify fan control values in all 3 domains.

I know, I've changed and nicely formated entire OTHER section (which I attached in this post). But every time I update it, I've got the same fan issue which I mentioned in above post. I don't know what to do next

but I wouldn't expect much considering it has only 8MB of usable video memory.

8? EVEREST says 32.

And two more questions:

1) If I use ESRT2, can I use GPT disk style?

2) I would like to install cooler on CPU. The motherboard has a badge (see attachment) and the cooler has a backplate (see attachment). Is it normal that the backplate will resist only on the badge, not on the motherboard?

Thank You for help!


0 Kudos

I'll take a look at your SDR file, but I can't promise anything at this moment.

About video memory, below are the words taken from TPS, section 3.7.1:

"The 32MB memory reported by display driver is the attached memory. Attached memory can be 32MB or greater but only 8MB is accessible for display functions."

To answer your other questions:

1. You can use GPT disk with ESRT2, as data volume only. At this moment booting from a GPT disk on ESRT2 is not supported. If you need large data volume, create a small virtual disk, say 100GB, make it MBR disk and install OS. Then create a 2nd virtual disk and make it a GPT disk to store your data.

2. Yes the heatsink should attach to the plate, not the motherboard. But you may want to ensure your heatsink is designed for a LGA1156 socket.

0 Kudos


I've got another serious issue, memory problem.

I have 6x KVR1066D3Q8R7S/4GI (24GB). Each module 4GB, ECC, Registered, 1066MHz. The memory is form Intel's tested memory list.

The motherboard should support 32GB max.

-> When I insert all modules (or if I fill one entire channel [three slots]) the motherboard won't start, I hear 3 long beeps from speaker and system is halted.

-> When I put 4 modules, 2 for each channel, the system will start, I can see entire 16GB, but but the memory speed is downgraded to 800MHz (Intel Memory Configuration Tool says, that it happens when quad rank memory is inserted to second channel slot).

What's going on? I've bought (very expensive) memory form Intel's tested memory list, I want "only" 24GB, motherboard should support 32GB.

Waiting for your help!



0 Kudos

What's the maximum amperage on your +12V rail on the power supply? If the machine boots with some, but not all, of the memory, you might be overdrawing that rail.

0 Kudos

Hi Dan_O,

I've got CHIEFTEC CFT-750-14CS (750W) power supply with four +12V lines, 18A each, 720W max.



0 Kudos


This is because of Quad-Rank DIMMs. QR DIMMS are not supported at 1333MHz (only 800 and 1066MHz) and QR DIMMs are not supported with 3 DIMMs Per Channel (only 1 or 2 DPC). This is because of the higher electrical loading of the QR DIMMs. A single QR DIMM on a channel is limited to 1066 MHz. Two QR DIMMs or a mix of QR + SR/DR on a channel is limited to 800 Mhz. If more than two quad-ranked DIMMs are installed on any channel in the system, the system halts with POST Diagnostic LED code 0xEE.

So the behavior you experienced is expected. Yes the S3420GPLX board DOES support 32GB max, when using 4x 8GB DIMMs. If you need 24GB, you may want to go with Dual-Rank 4GB DIMMs. But again memory speed will be limited to 800Mhz in a 3 DPC configuration.


0 Kudos

I've posted reply, but it did not appear for a long time (it is really irritant that it is required to wait for reply for a loooong time), so I repeat:

I've got Chieftec 750W, four +12V lines, 18A each, 720W max load for all four +12V lines.

0 Kudos


I'm very sad while reading this That is my first server, I tried to do everything like it should be, but I did not find anywhere informations about those RANKS. I've just bought what Intel recommends, didn't think that it will be such big problem

Anyway, thank you very very much for your help. Next time I will write my planned configuration on this forum and wait for Your opinion.



0 Kudos

Dear Edward, one more thing:

I see the KVR1333D3D8R9S/2GI in Intel's tested memory list. My shop has KVR1333D3D8R9S/2G (without letter I in the end). Is that the same?

0 Kudos

The "i" means validated on Intel motherboards. The one without "i" should have same specs, but since it's not validated on Intel boards, if you got issue with it you may not get full support from either Intel or Kingston.

0 Kudos

Hi Edward,

I'm also on the way now to configure a home server with a S3420GPLX board. My problems are similar to Selig's one and I hope you can help me:

a) As Selig already mentioned, the graphic speed is unbelievable slow. The server is running openSuSE 12.2 and the 64bit driver I found at Matrox is too old and can't be installed with the current XServer. Is there any support from intel? Max. resolution is 1024*768 and it's very hard to work with.

b) I have different information which Remote Management Module is supported for the S3420GPLX. Is it the AXXRMM3 or the AXXRMM3LITE or both?

0 Kudos

a) As per the TPS the onboard graphics supports up to 24-bit color @ 1280x1024. However Open SuSE is not a supported OS, so I'm afraid no driver is available from Intel.

b) RMM3. See Intel® Remote Management Module compatibility matrix.

0 Kudos

Hi Edward,

a) SuSE sells this server with SuSE Linux Enterprise 11 AMD64 & INTEL64 ( ) so I thought this can't be an issue because openSuSE has a higher innovation cycle then the enterprise release. Does this mean that there is also not in the future any chance to get the 2D capability of the Matrox G200 running?

b) Thanx. OK, I will order the AXXRMM3 module.

0 Kudos

Yes SLES 11 has been validated on S3420GP, and the video driver is embedded. Not sure about openSUSE though.

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