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5006 Discussions

Power the second, empty CPU socket?


I am the owner of a S5520SC motherboard with one CPU on sochet 1. In this case, is it mandatory to conect the empty CPU Sochet 2, to 8 pin power supply? Thank you!"

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17 Replies

Seems the answer is no.

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Thank you Eduard!

I have to be sure! In the "Qiuck Start User`s Guide", Intel says that the system does not boot or show video at power-on if "all processor power connectors are pluged-in.Without these connctions, the server cannot boot"!

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Yes I have tried it. It did boot up with only on CPU and one 12V rail connected.

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You're right! The system works with 1 proccessor, one power cord pluged in. My Grafic card ATI HD 5970 needs to have 2 power cord pluged in: one with 6 pin and one with 8 pin. I connected only the 8 pin!

Thanks a lot! The system is working.


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i have two hd 5970 and the psu is koolance 1700 w with all cables to plug the s5520sc and 4 cards like the ati .

no vga card started , my motherboard should be back to intel by now because the board was having 2 slot of memory getting the light ON after few minutes .

as you see it was watercooled . i have send back vga cards to powercolor and they are ok .

i wonder if the ati can start on this motherboard ?

i wish my new s5520sc will be rev 2 : updated to handle the hd5970 , the recent motherboard are having slots for plugging cables like for the ati . may be rev will have some also ? [ @intel s5520sc manager : in my config : 2 x 8 pins and 2 x 6 pins free on the psu ]

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Hi Icgeny!

By my experiance, if both video card, power cord (PCI-e 6 pin, and 8 pin) are pluged in, the fault cood be the memory card you are using. Pay attention! They have to be with parity bit. S5520SC is a server board addapted to function as a workstation. Try to see the tech. spec. of Kingston "KVR1333D3D4R9S/4Gi".Good Luck! Keep me posted!

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the memry i use is the 1066 mhz because i have two xeon 5520 that are at 533 fsb , the reference of ram is KVR1066D3E7SK2/4GI , i have 24 Go , i replaced the modules but the lights were at same place , i post images of bios erros .

i used matrox pci and a radeon hd 3650 without problems .

the motherboard was not starting the video with the hd5970 but the pci vga was ok , i launched win7 with it but it did not found the hd5k .

i wonder why and there are no tool to say where was/is the error available . i will tell more with the new motherboard and wish to have some fun with 4 GPU having 2 CPU each and 28 Go Ram

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Yeah! Impresiv...Did you tried one HD5970, only?

The memory type is OK. Let`s see the new motherboard!

Good luck!

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i tried with one only , the power delivered is then 300 w instead of 2 x 150 .

yesterday i received a new board , thank you intel

i started to reinstall the watercooling this morning

i will let the chipset with current radiator to see if the motherboard handles the hd5k ; if it s all good i will use the swiftech waterblock for them i ordered , if not i build an AMD bi-cpu ;']

i joke but i am surprised no expert help us about the hd5970 , the moderator is very silent despite he read all posts .

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By the way! In Windows 7, 32 and 64 bits I have problem with sound. Not in Vista or Linux. No mater what driver I use. Do you know anything to help ?


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all slots are a memory module , that s the second motherboard i have and first one was replaced because of this error . so it seems that a number of motherboards in europe are having this bug ....


i ll wait few months for intel-europe to check or sell the stock before asking for exchange .


i wish/wait a new updated release of board .


i will spend summer having sunbathes and start to build a new pc with some amd bi-cpu to see how it is .

the 2 Go is 2 x GPU having 1 ; i checked website and driver is old .


the two hd5k are ok and the motherboard can use them but only one by one : if i unplug the 6&8 power cable from one card then pc start .

the sound is not a problem , ubuntu recognize well the realtek high-definition .


under windows 7 i use drivers from realtek for the soundboard and for the ati hdmi also .


they update a lot of times



look at the Beast ;']

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so i bump the topic because my motherboard burned one cpu slot + the cpu + two ram modules .








i have sent back the components to www.pc-look.com the french webshop whom i bought all that in the middle of july : and two month later i still have nothing back ....

i asked about my pieces two weeks and i was told that my cpu and board were sent to Denmark by mistake and that my ram was no replaceable ......?

i wonder if this is not the worst french webshop available .

by now i wonder if someone at intel can tell me some informations about the product they should have seen

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so here i come again .

another board another piece of garbage , i waited two month to receive it , and this one was not able to start .

the pclook.com send me to a phone number of intel's sav instead of giving me a rma .

now that is more than three day i am waiting to get the rma for sending the board number 3 and get board number 4 .

from this morning the problem comes from my bill that is not a correct bill ...... :

i send a copy of email that was my bill m then they asked for a scan of bill , as i never had from pclook anything else than the email , i did a screen capture that they said they can not see despite it was an attached piece of the mail. i uploaded it to http://c.imagehost.org/0693/pclook_intels5520sc.jpg and send them the link , now on the phone i hear it is not a "valid proof" ......... i wonder where they found it bad .i aasked for it to be written but it is still not done by intel' s sav

at intel they have big trouble with people they employ for technical support , i let the moderator use my recent ticket number to ask a real boss check my case 8000102014 .

as a joke and a matter of fact : there is no need to power any of the cpu socket of these mainboards . at least by now i will not power any intel thingies before i get as angry as i am against amd .

0 Kudos

weeks later all is good .

i received my new board and it is fine , i flashed the bios to the latest .nice , now i will install in it some 5620 xeon .

i also bought a psu tester http://www.coolmaxusa.com/productDetailsPower.asp?item=PS-228&details=features&subcategory=powertester&category=powertester because the previous board never started using my new psu koolance :

Koolance 1000W Liquid-Cooled Power Supply [no nozzles] (PSU-1000ATX-12N) = $499.95



and it shows that this psu is defective : failing the test 5VSB , the tester is noising bips and the screen shows LL



so i used another one the tester found all good .

it is a bit hard to have the rma for it , but koolance is starting to agree i should not use it on a new board as was their first advice : that should be this one ;']

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today i made the loop having "water inside" and then installed the two hd5970 .

good news for you the motherboard seems to like when there is one . but not two : i have the pc starting when one card has not the 6&8 pins cables plugged and windows seems to find it .

as there are 2 rails and each card is plugged on one , and i tested one plugged other not and then other "choice" , i think it is sure that there is no power problems from psu .

i noticed that the picture of boot screen is shown only few seconds , when i press f2 or f6 then appears line

there is also something with boot order and cdrom : if i select cdrom / hd /efi / network order and have no cdrom in drive , the boot skips to network .

there is no problem if hd is first boot in order .

another sad info is that i have the same bug as with previous motherboard with same slot of memory .

i will ask powercolor if i can plug the cables to the video card after starting pc , here i do it too : expert do you think there is no problem if i plug the power of the second card after pc is started ?

i uploaded others screenshots of windows 7 x64

http://h.imagehost.org/0428/reboot_phase3_1.jpg _ i restarted pc with second "choice" config



http://i.imagehost.org/view/0129/info_phase4_2 _ _ the menu to unmount usb showed vga as choice so i put it also

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Hi Jcgeny!

I am happy to see your most important problems have gone!

Your Device Manager report only 1024 MB for HD5970 instead of 2048 MB. To solve the issue you have to download the driver from the producer site of your video card, not from AMD-ATI!

To see both of the video card maybe you need some additional software...

The picture from boot screen you can make to stay longer, from bios.

Your picture shows a fault with DIMM E1 and E2 (slot 3 and 4). Try to populate the slot 3 ( DIMM E1) and than slot 4.

Do not be angry on moderator! He supervise our civilized language, only...

Do not plug or unplug anything inside of PC, without AC power cord OFF of the sockets!!!

If you manage to install Widows 7 tell me please if the sound is OK! Cause mine isn´t!

Try to download "Tehnical specification e39530008_s5520sc_tps_15"!

Good luck!

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