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4901 Discussions

S2600BPB - syscfg does not recognize "FAN PWM Offset"

New Contributor I

Hello all,


I'm trying to set FAN PWM Offset in this board. It used to work perfectly fine in S2600KPR without any issues. Now it says it does not recognize such BIOS variable. I cannot even find it in BMC web console. Although, I can set this in the actual BIOS screen itself.


Here is how I'm setting it which worked on S2600KPR

sudo modprobe ipmi_devintf; sudo /tmp/syscfg /bcs "" "System Acoustic and Performance Configuration" "Set Fan Profile" 1 sudo modprobe ipmi_devintf; sudo /tmp/syscfg /bcs "" "System Acoustic and Performance Configuration" "Fan PWM Offset" 50

After a reboot, S2600KPR would pick up and start ramping it up.


Can you please tell me why I cannot set it in S2600BPB? It throws below error

hostname: BIOS Variable 'Fan PWM Offset' not found hostname: Error: Invalid Value '100' of the BIOS variable 'Fan PWM Offset'

I even tried with syscfg -fan 1 50. It says "Successfully completed" but the FAN PWM is not ramping up at all. I flashed the super recent BIOS as well. I tried it with about 4 nodes. All results in same behaviour.


Help me!



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1 Solution

Hi sskamesh,


We apologize for our late response.


There is a typo in the command you ran. Please use the following command:


syscfg /fan


You can confirm this information by checking the topic 4.4.26 Fan Settings (/fan) at the following link:


Also, we will appreciate if you can please confirm the following:


  • Is the latest version of syscfg running?

If not, you can download it from here


  • Have you tried the Fan PWM Offset change in the BIOS setup? if so, what were the results?
  • Can you please send us the sysinfo log before the Fan PWM change and then the sysinfo log after the reboot with fan PWM changed?


We will be looking forward to your comments.




Jeremiah A.


Intel Customer Support Technician


View solution in original post

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22 Replies

Hello sskamesh,


We are glad to hear that you were able to resolve your problem. Please let us know if you need further assistance or if we can close this thread.


Best Regards,

Sergio S.

Intel Customer Support Technician


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New Contributor I

Please go ahead and close the ticket. Thanks.

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