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Server Products
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5007 Discussions

SR1680MV - Health LED blinking RED / No BOOT


Hello Everybody,

I'am using a SR1680MV to compute CGI since 5 years... Recently when i did start the server , the fans started to turn at very high speed for 15 seconds then the Front panel Health System LED start to blink red. There is no way to start and boot the server. When i did try to find an issue on documentation, they say that is about a "non-critical error".

If someone could help , it would be very nice.

Thks in advance

0 Kudos
5 Replies

Hello Xavier,



Regarding your question, "SR1680MV - Health LED blinking RED / No BOOT". I also see that you open a second case 02743855. Which of this two cases will you like to work on or are they different.


First, to ensure this systems are "End of Life", which means that the information is limit (http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/server-products/server-systems/legacy-server-storage-and-workstation-systems/intel-server-system-sr1000mv-family/intel-server-system-sr1680mv.html http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/server-products/server-systems/legacy-server-storage-and-workstation-systems/intel-server-system-sr1000mv-family/intel-server-system-sr1680mv.html).


But with the information that you have tested another power supply then is not power supply unit. Could be the power distribution board. Also, could check the system with minimum configuration. Meaning with one cpu at a time


Also are you getting any type of message on the screen. Or any beeps you can hear. Also here is the some troubleshooting information (http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/server-products/000018685.html http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/server-products/000018685.html).



If there is anything else we can help please feel free to ask.



Best regards,



Henry A.
0 Kudos

Hello Xavier,



I will like to follow up on your case 02743618, "SR1680MV - Health LED blinking RED / No BOOT". I also see that you open a second case 02743855. Which of these two cases will you like to work on or are they different.


If there is anything else we can help please feel free to ask.



Best regards,



Henry A.
0 Kudos

Hello Xavier,



I will like to follow up on your case 02743618, "SR1680MV - Health LED blinking RED / No BOOT". I also see that you open a second case 02743855. Which of these two cases will you like to work on or are they different.


If there is anything else we can help please feel free to ask.



Best regards,



Henry A.
0 Kudos

Hello Xavier,



I will like to follow up on your case 02743618, "SR1680MV - Health LED blinking RED / No BOOT". I also see that you open a second case 02743855. Which of these two cases will you like to work on or are they different.


If there is anything else we can help please feel free to ask.



Best regards,



Henry A.
0 Kudos

Hello Xavier,



I will like to follow up on your question - Health LED blinking RED / No BOOT". Which of these two cases will you like to work on or are they different.


If there is anything else we can help please feel free to ask.



Best regards,



Henry A.
0 Kudos