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4901 Discussions

The battery hardware is missing or malfunctioning - R2308WTTYS


Quick question on this subject, is there battery hardware in the unit? I cannot find much on this issue. only a few Dell forums but this is an intel server. It has been restarting anywhere from 1-5 times a day and when I can catch it the windows errors are always different (example: KMODE_EXECPTION_NOT_HANDLED, KERNEL_SERCURITY_CHECK_FAILURE, BAD_POOL_HEADER)

when it starts back up it has a bios like screen that says "The battery hardware is missing or malfunctioning, or the battery is unplugged, or the battery could be fully discharged. if you continue to boot the system the battery backed up cache will not function. if the battery has been allowed to charge for 30 minutes and this message continues to appear, then contact technical support for assistance. - Press "D" to disable this warning (if your controller does not have a battery)

just wanting to make sure mine does, since I am having trouble figuring that out.

I have another post here and its a similar problem, I was told to plug the server directly into the wall due to a non natural sine wave. If you see this Jose, this is not the same server but its the exact same model. I have tried this(plugging it directly into the wall) approach and it didn't take but 2minutes of being logged in before it crashed and restarted again.


Thanks for the help guys!

-Preston (Polle)

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23 Replies

Hello Polle,

Thank you for contacting Intel Customer Support.


Upon checking the Technical product Specification Guide of the Intel® Server System R2308WTTYS it seems that does not come with a battery backup

Do you know if this system is connected to a Power Supply Unit (PSU)?

Additionally, is your system giving you any message after it restarts?

We will be looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Sergio S.

Intel Customer Support Technician

For firmware updates and troubleshooting tips, visit :

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Just to be 100% certain when you say it does not come with a battery back up, you are talking about an internal battery to the system (not counting what Jose said about the CMOS) correct? 

It is plugged into a back up power supply. it has been for the better part of 5 years and never had this issue until maybe 3-4 months ago. the more i explain the more i feel this battery isnt the issue and windows updates are. again though i just had to ask about this battery error message to avoid wasting a lot of time digging around on it. i will include a picture of the message it gives.

the battery missing is the only error i get. other than the windows error log reporting when first signed in. all the examples i gave in my initial post were all errors that it gave me - BAD_POOL_HEADER. As for the intel server nothing other than the battery issue. solid green light on the power supply as well.

Thanks again

0 Kudos

Hello Polle,

Just to add, I think this error message refers to the CMOS battery in the board (coin battery). Glad to hear is not the same system though.


Jose A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

For firmware updates and troubleshooting tips, visit:

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Hello Polle,

You are correct, we are not referring to the CMOS battery but an internal battery. 

Since you mentioned that your system is connected to a back up power supply, have you tried to connect the system directly to the wall or to another power supply?

Best regards,

Sergio S.

Intel Customer Support Technician

For firmware updates and troubleshooting tips, visit :

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Thank you for the help gentlemen, I am not going to guarantee this was the issue since I am haunted by irony, but i believe the causes for my issues were the HDs filling up then not auto recycling the data. These servers are used for our security systems and what was happening was, the recording software was not deleting the old data after 2 weeks on some and caused the HD to get to 90%+ capacity. I have been going through and cleaning them up and setting parameters and they have been staying operational since. Again, thank you for your time on this issue. Short answer: I believe the full HD was causing windows to run into problems not being able to save the flow of data coming in from the cameras.
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Thank you for the help gentlemen, I am not going to guarantee this was the issue since I am haunted by irony, but i believe the causes for my issues were the HDs filling up then not auto recycling the data. These servers are used for our security systems and what was happening was, the recording software was not deleting the old data after 2 weeks on some and caused the HD to get to 90%+ capacity. I have been going through and cleaning them up and setting parameters and they have been staying operational since. Again, thank you for your time on this issue. Short answer: I believe the full HD was causing windows to run into problems not being able to save the flow of data coming in from the cameras.
0 Kudos

Hello Polle,

You are more than welcome, please let us know if you need further assistance or if we can close this thread.

Best regards,

Sergio S.

Intel Customer Support Technician

For firmware updates and troubleshooting tips, visit :

0 Kudos

With this issue, no sir. my main question was about the battery was answered. I tried to mark your reply as the solution, but it would not allow. feel free to close this out. again thank you gentlemen for your time and support. Have a good day.



0 Kudos

Hello Polle,

We are glad to hear that we were able to assist you, we are going to proceed and close this thread.

Best regards,

Sergio S.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Polle,

Upon further review on your case with our upper-support, we noticed the Intel® Integrated RAID Module RMS25CB080 showed some warning regarding the Backup Battery Unit (BBU) and this was not related to the Intel® Server System R2308WTTYS and this last unit does not come with a backup battery. We do apologize for the misunderstanding. You can find more detailed information about the Backup Battery Unit Charge Time for Intel® RAID Controllers here:

Having said that, from what we can see in your picture, the Battery Status is not present because it got completely discharged or got defective, or maybe it does not have it at all. We can check if there is a Battery Back-Up Unity install by looking at the sysinfo log. You can find more detailed information here:


Additionally, we could see that you have firmware version 23.28.0-0010 of the Intel® Integrated RAID Module RMS25CB080. Nevertheless, the latest one is the 23.34.0-0019.

We would like to additionally, asked you some additional information:

1. Are you still facing the rebooting issues in this server? 

2. Do you have the operating system install in the array of this Intel RAID Module? 

3. Can you please provide us a picture of the system? (To see if there is a Backup Battery Unit (BBU) Installed) 

4. Finally, we do recommend updating the firmware version to the latest one in order to have it up to date.

Best regards,

Sergio S.

Intel Customer Support Technician

For firmware updates and troubleshooting tips, visit :

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Please bare with me, for I am in unfamiliar territory and our servers scare me since I was not here to see how they were set up. they were done so by previous employees that are long gone. So like a blind man in an orgy I'm having to feel my way around. So the system itself does not have a battery but the hard drives might? 

Yes the system is still restarting, it seems to be because of someone accessing the video files from the RAID drives. so i would hope the firmware upgrade would tremendously help.

No, the OS is installed on a separate 128 SSD.

I can, do you want me to just open the top to it and snap a picture of its internals? cause i have no idea where this battery would be or look like. I've flipped though the PDF on it and Ctrl F only shows like 2-3 places in the 300 pages with "battery" on it.

Is this Firmware update going to reset any settings for the system? like i stated at the start i do not know much of the settings set up for our servers.



0 Kudos

how come the Intel® Driver & Support Assistant does not pick up on needing these updates? when i have it open on our server and scan it it always says there are no updates available yet clearly there is. > 

"No supported driver or software updates are available for your system. "


i downloaded -

Download System Event Log (SEL) Viewer Utility (

Download System Information Retrieval Utility (SysInfo) (

should i post the log of the system info, and the OS event log?

0 Kudos

More questions, I downloaded the update for the firmware, and I am beyond perplexed now. I saved and extracted it directly on the C:/ drive. instructions say >

The firmware update may be run from Within Windows or Linux using the appropriate versions of CmdTool2.
  In Windows, unzip the utility into the same directory as the rom file by typing 
      "cmdtool2 -adpfwflash -f MR514p3.rom -aall".

 first sentence, gotcha, going to use CMDTool2 for windows x64. next one not so much. "unzip the utility" Don't I have to unzip the whole folder to begin with? why say utility? where do I type this strand " cmdtool2 -adpfwflash -f MR514p3.rom -aall" ??? I feel so stupid asking all this but there no where where I can tell to type that command in.. please give more details. 

I ended up extracting the files in the root of the C drive and tried to move the CMDTool2 manually to the root (extracted) folder. it requires windows admin authentication but does nothing after accepting. I'm sure my mistake is not following the instructions so I'll wait for your response.

0 Kudos

Hello Polle,


Thank you for contacting Intel Customer Support.


The battery backup is for the Intel® Integrated RAID Module RMS25CB080 that is giving the error


Please check the following guide: Intel® Server System R2000WT Technical Product Specification - Rev 1.06 on page 103, you can see the mounting plane capable of the system for this BBUs:


On this previous link you will find a picture where the Backup Battery Unit (BBU) is located on your system.


Additionally, please open the top of the server and send us a picture so we can check if the battery is present or not.


The Intel® Driver & Support Assistant is not meant to for Intel(R) Server systems but for Intel(R) Nucs systems. That is why we need the information from the Guide for Intel System Information Retrieval Utility (Sysinfo):


The main reason we would like to check the Sysinfo logs is to verify if the root cause of your issue is related to the Raid controller or another device.


Please follow these steps on how to run the Sysinfo log:


1. Copy the compressed .zip file into your local directory (for example, C:\sysinfo).

2. Unzip the file.

3. Install the driver.

According to OS architecture, go to the Win_x86\Drivers folder or the Win_x64\Drivers folder
and run install.bat to install the IPMI, SMI, and memory map drivers.

4. Depending on the operating system, go to the Win_x86\Binaries folder or the Win_x64\Binaries folder as administrator and run sysinfo.exe. 


Using the utility:

Sysinfo logs system information in two log files in the LogFiles folder under the current directory.

These two log files are: sysinfo_log.txt and OS_Eventlog.txt. 

Sysinfo Utility Uninstallation on Windows*

1. Go to the Win_x86\Drivers folder or the Win_x64\Drivers folder.

2. Run uninstall.bat (for uninstalling Sysinfo). 


Additionally, here is a video that will show you how to run the sysinfo log:


Finally, we would like to share with you the steps on how to perform the firmware update using the UEFI method:


UEFI (EFI 2.0) instructions for updating RAID Firmware:


  1. Download and extract all files to a USB drive.

  2. Boot the target system to EFI shell.

  3. Change directory to the local drive and directory containing the flash update files and the firmware image file.

  4. Type "update.nsh" or "efi\cmdtool2 -adpfwflash -f MR514p3.rom -noverchk -aall"

  5. Wait for the flash to complete. Do NOT reboot the system during the update.


Please check the following url for more detailed information:


Please contact us back in case you need further assistance.


Best regards,

Sergio S.

Intel Customer Support Technician


For firmware updates and troubleshooting tips, visit :


0 Kudos

I have so many questions..

  1. not really a question but the PDF guide for the battery only shows the little section it would be plugged into. not a view of the entire server and then zoomed into the area. just the area.. I'm sure your rolling your eyes at this comment but its just another thing that just stacks on frustration. So hopefully my pictures will include it, since I think I see where its suppose to be.(not installed)
  2. Intel® Driver & Support Assistant - only for NUCs gotcha, was installed on another server before i started so I assumed, and that's where I went wrong. thank you for clarification
  3. Sysinfo logs - I watched the videos and could not for the life of me get the sysinfo.exe -RAID to dump a RAIDNVRAMlog. it literally creates the same things that sysinfo.exe does. 2 files - OS event log and sysinfo log. I got the PCI and SATA logs as well, again just not the RAIDNVRAMlog. if you need it will you explain what might be wrong or another way to get it?
  4. Why did you give me the UFI instructions when I was trying the windows way? i knew the UFI way was going to be very complicated and it might not seem like it to you, but im running into walls at every step.

I cannot get either way to work. I cannot seem to get past "  3. Change directory to the local drive and directory containing the flash update files and the firmware image file." despite digging around and learning how to navigate in the Shell command thanks to

it still did not work, i will include a picture of what i see when moved from shell to Fs0:  and try to run the commands. The root of the usb has just the files of the update. they are not drilled down. so i am perplexed at why it wont take.

Again, thank you for your assistance and help.

0 Kudos
I see where I messed up with the usb drive! Give me tomorrow to try it the correct way and I’ll get back with you.
0 Kudos


Jose here replying in behave of Sergio. Not a problem. We will wait for your update.


Jose A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

For firmware updates and troubleshooting tips, visit:

0 Kudos

I thought I posted my reply yesterday, sorry. I got the firmware updated. however, I did get the error logs posted in my last reply, so let me know if you need the log i could not get or if there is anything you see that could be causing the issue. upon returning this morning the server had restarted again so i am sure the firmware was not the sole issue.

0 Kudos

Hello Polle,

We are sorry to hear that after updating the system BIOS the problem continues, please allow us to check the logs and the pictures that you provided and we will get back to you.

We appreciate your patience on this matter.

Best regards,

Sergio S.

Intel Customer Support Technician

For firmware updates and troubleshooting tips, visit :

0 Kudos

Hello Polle,


Thank you very much for waiting on our updates.


Upon checking the logs we noticed that the reboot problem might be related to the operating system and not with the BBU.


Line 1466: 698 02/03/2021-08:18:11 OS Stop/Shutdown (#0x00) CRITICAL event: OS Stop/Shutdown sensor 0 reports a runtime critical stop (a.k.a. core dump, blue screen). System Management Software - LUN#0 (Channel#0) 

Line 1466: 698 02/03/2021-08:18:11 OS Stop/Shutdown (#0x00) CRITICAL event: OS Stop/Shutdown sensor 0 reports a runtime critical stop (a.k.a. core dump, blue screen). System Management Software - LUN#0 (Channel#0) 

Line 1476: 708 02/03/2021-08:18:11 OS Stop/Shutdown (#0x00) CRITICAL event: OS Stop/Shutdown sensor 0 reports a runtime critical stop (a.k.a. core dump, blue screen). System Management Software - LUN#0 (Channel#0) 

Line 1476: 708 02/03/2021-08:18:11 OS Stop/Shutdown (#0x00) CRITICAL event: OS Stop/Shutdown sensor 0 reports a runtime critical stop (a.k.a. core dump, blue screen). System Management Software - LUN#0 (Channel#0) 

Line 1487: 719 02/03/2021-08:58:30 OS Stop/Shutdown (#0x00) CRITICAL event: OS Stop/Shutdown sensor 0 reports a runtime critical stop (a.k.a. core dump, blue screen). System Management Software - LUN#0 (Channel#0) 

Line 1487: 719 02/03/2021-08:58:30 OS Stop/Shutdown (#0x00) CRITICAL event: OS Stop/Shutdown sensor 0 reports a runtime critical stop (a.k.a. core dump, blue screen). System Management Software - LUN#0 (Channel#0) 

Line 1497: 729 02/03/2021-08:58:30 OS Stop/Shutdown (#0x00) CRITICAL event: OS Stop/Shutdown sensor 0 reports a runtime critical stop (a.k.a. core dump, blue screen). System Management Software - LUN#0 (Channel#0) 

Line 1497: 729 02/03/2021-08:58:30 OS Stop/Shutdown (#0x00) CRITICAL event: OS Stop/Shutdown sensor 0 reports a runtime critical stop (a.k.a. core dump, blue screen). System Management Software - LUN#0 (Channel#0) 


Related to the battery problem, please help us with providing the Alilogs (RAID Logs) in order to determine if your system is searching automatically for the battery.


1. Either boot to UEFI, or open a command line as Administrator (Windows*) or root (Linux*).


2. Download the StorCLI Standalone utility from this link


3. Run storcli64 /call show AliLog logfile=raidlog.txt


We will be looking forward to your updates.



Best regards,

Sergio S.

Intel Customer Support Technician

For firmware updates and troubleshooting tips, visit :


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