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App icon and splash screen issues



We have encountered an issue when uploading a windows "appxupload" package to Microsoft's store. The issue we are experiencing is that the app launch icon defined in Intel XDK (from build settings) is not being displayed on the store and ultimately on the device (the default Cordova icon is being displayed instead). Similarly the default Cordova splash screen is being displayed while the application is loading instead of our custom splash screen.

We urgently require you assistance in this regard.

Should you require any further details, kindly let me know.

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25 Replies

What platform are you building for?

What is the OS of the device you are installing it on?

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Windows or Windows Phone?

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Having the same issue building for iOS. This happened a few weeks ago too, the build server just refuses to add the splashscreens and icons. Appears as the default cordova icon even though in XDK i have explicitly defined icons. Heres the related issue:

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We are building for Cordova hybrid Windows 8 platform and installing it on a Windows 8.1 phone and Windows 8.1 desktop. The mobile app is being built from a MAC operating system.

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@Daniel W -- regarding the iOS icons, please see the intelxdk.config.additions.xml file of the "hello cordova" sample app for what should be full coverage of iOS icons.

@Daniel F -- icon and splash screen handling for Windows Phone Cordova builds are still being worked out. Are you experiencing this problem with the Windows 8 builds or with the Windows Phone builds? They are different. The Windows Phone builds are still early access, they are not yet production release.

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Hi Paul,

We are not building for Windows 8 and for Windows Phone separately, as we are compiling a single build (via the Windows Phone Cordova platform) which can be installed on both Windows 8 and Windows phone. 

With reference to the icons and splash screen handling for Windows Phone Cordova, is there a temporary workaround? Are there any planned IntelXDK updates to handle this in the near future?


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Daniel, our current build system does not support a Windows Universal build. It is separately building Windows8 and WP81 builds. We have not yet updated our system to build the universal "windows" Cordova package. Regarding the icons issue, that is being worked on and I expect to be properly supported when the production release of the Win Phone build tile. When Win Phone becomes production a Win Phone 8 build tile will appear on the Build tab.

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Please refer to this post for instructions on building for Windows Phone 8.1 for now:

It is a workaround until Win Phone becomes production. 

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Hi Paul, Just to clarify, my colleague Daniel Farrugia was implying that we are currently trying to build the Windows app using the Windows 8 build tile. 

I am trying to identify a workaround because we are trying to launch our mobile app as soon as possible.  My current diagnosis of the issue is that when the app is being build in the cloud, the service is currently not catering for custom icons and splash screens (for the Windows build) but is always using the default icons.  The same behavior is noticed when using the following url were we uploaded the icons and splash screen but when we moved to the next step the asset screen was showing that the default icons and splash screen are being used.  Is it possible that until a fix is deployed, somehow the custom icons or splash screen are updated from your end?

Your support is much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Roderick Buhagiar

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Hi Roderick, a fix for this issue (for the Windows Cordova builds) has been implemented and is expected to go live this week or next. Paul

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Hi Paul, Thanks for the info.

Kind regards, Roderick

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Hi Paul,

I have installed this week's latest update, and while the issue seems to be partially solved there are still a number of icons which are still not being updated namley, Square70x70Logo.scale-100.png, Square310x310Logo.scale-100.png and Wide310x150Logo.scale-100.png.   The mentioned files are found in the extracted CordovaApp.Windows_1.0.0.5_anycpu.appxupload file in the images folder.  Please advice.

Kind regards, Roderick

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Hi Paul,

Please note that in the previous post I was referring to building mobile app using the Windows 8 tile.

Kind regards, Roderick

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Roderick, since the recent update to 2637 there is now a proper Windows Phone 8 build tab. Be sure you remove the xdk.config.wp81.xml file from your www directory. Note the Windows build settings tab is used as the configuration tab for both a Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.1 build (two publisher ID fields), but there are two independent builds. We do not yet have support for the Windows 10 Universal package.

It sounds like you're saying that the images ARE present in the package, but there is a warning saying otherwise. I'm unclear on what the issue is. Can you please explain again what the problem is and precisely what you are building: Windows 8 or Windows Phone 8.

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Hi Paul,

After updating Intel XDK with the latest updates, we build a Windows app using the Windows 8 tile.  To confirm whether the images were correctly set up I extracted to .appx file found in the build app.  The extracted file has a folder named images and inside mentioned folder there are 7 icons.  I noticed that a number of icons were still showing the default Intel logo instead the custom icon which we selected.  A screenshot has been attached.  Please note that we had configured all icons in the Projects tab.  

Please advice.

Kind regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Roderick, instead of using the UI to specify your logos, you can use the intelxdk.config.additions.xml file. See the following for a list of what should satisfy the minimum required logos and splash screens (I haven't had time to fully test this, but I believe it is correct):

<!-- Windows Phone 8.1 minimum icons and splash screens -->
<platform name="wp8">
    <icon src="pkg/windows/Wide310x150Logo.scale-240.png" width="310" height="150" />
    <icon src="pkg/windows/Square150x150Logo.scale-240.png" width="360" height="360" />
    <icon src="pkg/windows/Square71x71Logo.scale-240.png" width="170" height="170" />
    <icon src="pkg/windows/Square44x44Logo.scale-240.png" width="106" height="106" />
    <icon src="pkg/windows/StoreLogo.scale-240.png" width="120" height="120" />
    <splash src="pkg/windows/SplashScreenPhone.scale-240.png" width="1152" height="1920"/>

<!-- Windows 8 CLI 4.1.2 minimum icons and splash screens -->
<platform name="windows8">
    <icon src="pkg/windows/Wide310x150Logo.scale-100.png" width="310" height="150" />
    <icon src="pkg/windows/StoreLogo.scale-100.png" width="50" height="50" />
    <icon src="pkg/windows/Square150x150Logo.scale-100.png" width="150" height="150" />
    <icon src="pkg/windows/Square30x30Logo.scale-100.png" width="30" height="30" />
    <splash src="pkg/windows/SplashScreen.scale-100.png" width="620" height="300"/>

<!-- Windows 8 CLI 5.1.1 additional minimum icons and splash screens -->
<platform name="windows8">
    <icon src="pkg/windows/Square310x310Logo.scale-100.png" width="310" height="310" />
    <icon src="pkg/windows/Square70x70Logo.scale-100.png" width="70" height="70" />

Inspecting the UI I see that the 310x310 slot is missing, but I'm not sure why the 70x70 is not set in your app (assuming you filled it in the UI). Also, despite the fact that the UI says JPG/PNG, you can only use PNG files. This is an undocumented "feature" of Cordova that was discovered after the release.

Note that the paths shown above are relative to your "www" directory (they are located inside your "www" directory). You do not have to organize or name them as I have done in the sample code above. If you look inside the file you'll see what the XDK is generating based on the UI slots you have filled in for your app.

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Hi Paul,

In our case issue is resolved.  It was related to the use of JPEG images for a number of icons.  Thank you.

Kind regards,


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@Patrick, are you using the latest version of the XDK and the "Launch Icons and Splash Screens" section of the Projects tab? Be sure you using only PNG images, JPG images will not work.

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Hi Paul F.

We are trying to update our Windows phone mobile application and the following error is being returned while uploading the appx bundle on Microsoft's site: 

"A previous submission for this app was released with a Windows Phone 8.1 appxbundle. Subsequent submissions must continue to contain a Windows Phone 8.1 appxbundle"

From IntelXDK build tab, we are using the "Windows Phone 8.1" option.

Thank you.



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I have been monitoring this thread for quite a long time as the issue of missing application icons is entirely preventing me from moving over to the XDK for my apps. I see some threads related to this where the issue is solved and some where it isn't. I would like to tag to this thread as it represents my situation entirely accurately but I do not see what the final solution is. I have other tools to develop my apps with, including VS 2015 with Cordova tools but,  I would like to use the XDK (far less bloat!). Incidentally, when I build my apps in other tools with the same icon sets and the same version of Cordova, I don't have this problem at all.

I am testing this out using Windows 8 build and installing the app using powershell and then resizing the tile to see which icons show up. In any case, the original problem by Daniel F. is still my problem. To summarize, I took my icons and splashscreens from a VS Cordova version of my app that runs fine and uses the images correctly, moved them over to the XDK project (direct copy of png files), assigned them either on the build UI or via the XML file, built the project, app works fine and perplexingly, some of the icons show my images and some show the XDK default logo. Splashcreens are ok though for me. This is for a Windows Store app since I've not built for Android or IOS until I get past this problem.

So for instance, the store logo 150x150 scale 100 is always Intel's logo but other tiles/icons are correct (to use this one as an example). When I look at the build log, this one tile is always listed as cp: no such file or directory but on the project build UI, the image is there and it is also on the config file. I could post a build log but it is an identical situation to what's described in this thread.

As far as I can tell I am not making any obvious mistakes and I am following the build instructions for Windows 8 strictly. The images are all good and they build from node or from Visual Studio just fine using the exact same configuration.

Are there any additional hints on this? It's a pity but I may need to abandon the XDK  if I can't fix this, while totally acknowledging that it is most likely me doing something wrong but I just can't figure this out (some images get included and some don't) - it seems really obscure. Before posting this, I've tried everything I can think of, for six months ;) I even built the Hello Cordova app with no changes, just added the icons and splashscreens - exact same result.

I am completely puzzled by this...

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